瀋昊品酒:2015版:漢英對照 9787552009712 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
另外一個重要的變化是目錄的強化。許多朋友都和我反映,要從書中找到自己想看的酒非常睏難,於是我將2015版的目錄做得更加詳細,每個産區下都會有子産區的分類。現在,讀者要找到自己想瞭解的酒變得容易許多。打個比方,如果你想找Chateau Palmer,在目錄裏先找到波爾多,然後在波爾多下麵的子産區中找到Margaux地區就行瞭。同時,2015版中新增索引,對於不習慣使用目錄的讀者朋友,也可以通過搜索索引的酒莊名找到自己要尋找的酒。
瀋 昊(Hao SHEN),90 後的青年酒評傢。他改變瞭中國葡萄酒酒評的現狀,在中國建立瞭結構完整,評價閤理的酒評體係和標準。從此,世界葡萄酒評界有瞭中國人的“聲音”。
2012年起,瀋昊受邀成為中國早、大葡萄酒網購平颱“紅酒客”的葡萄酒專欄作傢,並且在酒斛網以及許多相關刊物 , 如 Shanghai Daily 發錶關於葡萄酒的文章。
瀋昊21歲成為中國年輕的英國認證高級品酒師(WSET三級)。大學期間,在雲門酒業實習,參與組織瞭多場名莊品鑒會,又到天塞酒莊擔任澳洲釀酒師助理。好學的他,一路求知,24歲成為中國年輕的WSET Diploma(四級),同時獲得全球學府澳大利亞阿德萊德大學葡萄酒專業碩士學位。
在澳洲兩年學習期間,他遍訪瞭澳洲葡萄酒産區。《瀋昊品酒》一書獲得瞭蘭頓澳洲葡萄酒分級係統(Langton’s Classification of Australian Wine)排名的酒莊莊主和釀酒師的肯定,也獲得多個法國葡萄酒産區協會和名莊,西班牙部分酒莊的認可。
‘Drink Now’ System
Base: 50
Appearance: 3
Nose: 15
Palate: 15
Suitable for drink(balance, plexity, concentration, degree of pleasure): 10
Length: 5
Soul in wine: 1
Organic/Biodynamic: 1
Total: 100
Explanation: This is a global based system. This scoring system is highly based on the current performance and value of wines when I tasted, rather than their aging potential. In concession, the plexity and concentration are general important points in judging the quality of wines, whereas it is not said all very plex and intense wines are equal to greatest ones. On the other side, please do not neglect the one point of ‘soul in wine’, in some cases, this might be can stop some extraordinary stuffs away from the best masterpieces. The organic or biodynamic farm is the currently most popular tendency all over the global wine industry, thus, Ive decided to take this into account. By the way, this one score is only for those true organic/biodynamic producers, regardless of the certifications.
One Diamond: Excellent優質酒87~88一鑽
Description: Unquestionably, it looks less exciting than any others in my system. However, it is necessary to notice that those nice table wines are good for daily drinking or food/wine matching: simple, drinkable and easygoing with foods. P.S. This is not excludes for some celebrated or even cult wines, which were possibly not at their perfection when I tasted.
Two Diamond: Distinguished傑齣的酒 89二鑽
Description: This two diamond level I set up here is for those really controversial ones—of course, I cant say my palate can represent for the publics, and in some cases, I maybe have made some mistakes. Nevertheless, in most situations, I still insist they are somewhat away from those really outstanding wines.
Three Diamond: Outstanding酒90~92三鑽
Description: As the word surface meaning, definitely the remarkable wines. Although those stuffs do not showed the grandness, but I think its already very enough for fine wine lovers.
Four Diamond: Exceptional超的膜拜酒93~94四鑽
Description: Same to the five diamond, those dreamy stuffs might sometimes includes my respect e from inside to the craftsmen or the ‘terroir’ of the vineyard sites. Only thing I have to mention here is that—as my perception, they are already the greatest wines, while just a little bit away from the ‘top mountain’!
Five Diamond: Impressive終身難忘的酒95~100五鑽
Description: In general, its always those very rare, respectful and yet unforgettable bottles. It is also absolutely best of the best for me, so if possible, I hope to drink those forever loves till the end of the world...
Wine with Me
Im always thinking such a question, again and again, that is ‘what is the relationship between me and wine’ Rajat Parr, a celebrated Sommelier master has said ‘I cant stop thinking about wines when I wake up every morning.’ Actually, I really understand the status that he has mentioned, which is the same way I do during quite a long period—I dont care about anything but wines. Honestly, Im a very crazy wine lover while not knowing how to express my love and passion. Ipractically take the wines as my lovers, all that Im living for wine, and definitely cant live without wines. While Im nothing to do with the existence of those greatest vineyards and wines! The existence of problem has highly confused me, so that I have to have a second thought on my relationship with wines. Unfortunately, I still cant find the way out till now, I hope I can find the answer in the future with my ageing. However, currently, there is the only thing Im pretty sure—the wine has already bee an integral part of my life, flowing in the blood and branded in the deepest of my soul ...
我一直在思考一個問題,那就是:“葡萄酒對於我而言究竟意味著什麼?”Rajat Parr,這位大師級的侍酒師曾經說過“每天一早醒來後的每一分鍾,我都無法停止思考葡萄酒”。我覺得他口中所描述的這種狀態和自己每天所經曆的情況極為相似,因此便將他的這句名言做瞭摘錄,當作激勵自己的座右銘。確實,在很長的一段時間內,除瞭人類基本的吃喝拉撒外,我仿佛對葡萄酒之外其他的一切事物都沒有興趣,也就是在這種瘋狂的狀態下,我在不知不覺中寫下瞭這麼多的酒評,又在各種機緣巧閤下誕生瞭我的這本作品。我實在太熱愛葡萄酒瞭,愛到無法用言語來錶達。我對於葡萄酒的感情更傾嚮於“愛情”,在世俗的眼中我可能就是一個“酒癡”。我曾經試圖將葡萄酒比作我的戀人,然而我發現瞭這樣一個令我啞然失笑的問題:戀人應該是為彼此而存在的,我毫無疑問是為瞭葡萄酒而生的,沒有葡萄酒的話我可能一天都無法在這個世界上活下去;但對葡萄酒而言,有沒有我這個人似乎完全沒有關係,就像地球少瞭任何一個人都不會停止運轉。即便沒有我來到這個世上,那些如同繁星般的葡萄園和葡萄酒依然會曆久彌新。所以我必須重新考慮我和葡萄酒之間的關係瞭。實際上我至今還是無法完全想明白葡萄酒對於我的意義,可能隨著年齡的增長,我會有更加深刻的感悟和體會。但是我現在可以明確的一件事,那就是葡萄酒早已成為我生命中不可或缺的一部分瞭,流淌於血液中,無法割捨,烙印於我的靈魂深處……
The soul in wine
I am always being by others ‘what type of wine can be regarded as great wine’ To understand easily, I’d like to answer this question with foods, In fact, between wine and food tasting there are many similar features, which can be simply classified into three steps.
Of course, the first step is ‘appearance’. Messy, ugly foods would greatly reduces your appetite, while it does not account for the dominate position during the tasting. Some badlooking foods might taste extremely delicious. As the same, generally speaking, a muddy wine is possibly an extraordinary stuff, need to taste it and then to make the judgment.
Then move to the next step, ‘taste’. It here contains both aroma and palate, which are the results of smell and taste respectively. A significant wine usually possesses amazing plex and variable bouquet, silk like smooth, yet plex and balanced texture along with endless, super long finish. But the most critical is the approve of the taster himself/herself. As we all know, the palate as well as the preference varies from people to people, so you should trust yourself and bravely say ‘no’ to those wines that you really do not like.
Lastly, the most important part for me, is ‘artistic conception’, which is a type of personal feeling, understanding that closely connect with his/her past experience and also still highly based on the second step ‘taste’. If you are drinking a very terrible wine, how can you feel the artistic conception It is pletely impossible, isnt it On the other side, for a truly great wine, the meaning of ‘artistic conception’ is much more important than ‘taste’, it is a characteristic that a memorably impressive wine must have. In the other words, that is why unique wines can truly move you, touch your soul and even make your cry. Just as the reason as the Adela Adkins does, this celebrated British singer with very ordinary face is able to catch so many peoples heart is because of her easilyrecognized, unique voice, which can deeply touch your
瀋昊品酒:2015版:漢英對照 9787552009712 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
瀋昊品酒:2015版:漢英對照 9787552009712 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載