经济学中的数学 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
卡尔·P.西蒙(Carl P. Simon),密歇根大学数学、经济学、制度经济学、公共政策研究领域教授,密歇根记忆凤凰能源研究所社会科学部副主任,制度经济学研究中心创始主任(1999—2009年)。西蒙毕业于西北大学,获博士学位,曾在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校和北卡罗来纳州大学任教过。他获得过许多教学荣誉,包括密歇根大学*佳教授奖和教学卓越奖。
劳伦斯·布鲁姆(Lawrence Blume),康奈尔大学经济学教授、圣菲(Santa Fe)研究所客座教授。毕业于哥伦比亚大学,获得经济学哲学博士学位,曾在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院、密歇根大学和以色列特拉维夫大学任教过。布鲁门主攻博弈论和一般均衡理论,在自然资源管理和信息网络设计等领域也颇有建树。
##译者要是不懂哪句英文的话就直接把原文放上来也好,别搁那乱译误人子弟行吗 学习了这本书,忽然明白了为什么中国的数学教育为什么失败?一是不重视概念和理论;二是大量的难度过大的习题,使得学生走上了题海战术的误区。本书正好相反,概念和理论界定得详细清晰,题目量少难度远低于国内教材,但是看完以后让人真正理解了why而不是简单地记忆和机械的做...
评分##Quite comprehensive almost everything you need in Math and also talks a lot about Econ. However, I do not think the author is very good at explanation. So you do not feel the concept or process is as clear as what you got from the Chiang's book. Since I hav...
评分##Quite comprehensive almost everything you need in Math and also talks a lot about Econ. However, I do not think the author is very good at explanation. So you do not feel the concept or process is as clear as what you got from the Chiang's book. Since I hav...
评分##Quite comprehensive almost everything you need in Math and also talks a lot about Econ. However, I do not think the author is very good at explanation. So you do not feel the concept or process is as clear as what you got from the Chiang's book. Since I hav...
评分##Quite comprehensive almost everything you need in Math and also talks a lot about Econ. However, I do not think the author is very good at explanation. So you do not feel the concept or process is as clear as what you got from the Chiang's book. Since I hav...
评分 评分##Quite comprehensive almost everything you need in Math and also talks a lot about Econ. However, I do not think the author is very good at explanation. So you do not feel the concept or process is as clear as what you got from the Chiang's book. Since I hav...
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