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Born in precisely the kind of small-town American setting so familiar from his films, David Lynch spent his childhood being shunted from one state to another as his research scientist father kept getting relocated. He attended various art schools, married, and fathered future director Jennifer Chambers Lynch shortly after he turned 21. That experience, plus attending art school in a particularly violent and run-down area of Philadelphia, inspired ERASERHEAD(1977), a film that he began in the early 1970s (after a couple of shorts) and which he would work on obsessively for five years. The final film was initially judged to be almost unreleasable, but thanks to the efforts of distributor Ben Barenholtz, it secured a cult following and enabled Lynch went on to make such cult films as THE ELEPHANT MAN, DUNE, BLUE VELVET, WILD AT HEART, MULHOLLAND DRIVE, LOST HIGHWAY, and the television series TWIN PEAKS. Lynch is also a renowned painter and author.
In this memoir, David Lynch - co-creator of Twin Peaks and writer and director of groundbreaking films like Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive - opens up about a lifetime of extraordinary creativity, the friendships he has made along the way and the struggles he has faced - sometimes successful, sometimes not - to bring his projects to fruition.
Part-memoir, part-biography, Room to Dream interweaves Lynch's own reflections on his life with the story of those times, as told by Kristine McKenna, drawing from extensive and explosive interviews with ninety of Lynch's friends, family members, actors, agents, musicians and collaborators. Lynch responds to each recollection and reveals the inner story of the life behind the art.
##Odd book in the structure... Lynch’s boyish charm all over his life
评分 评分 评分##大卫林奇真的有魔力,不论是电影还是文字,都会让人想一直看下去一直读下去。以前以为林奇对黑暗的执着只是出于个人兴趣,但读完这本发现以前对林奇的认识完全是错误的。说到底,大卫林奇就算走遍世界,看尽人间,内心却一直没变,永远是那个热爱艺术热爱卡其裤热爱自然与生命的乡村男孩。林奇开始无间断的冥想好像也只是自然而然的结果。书中不只一个人提到大卫林奇如何尊重身边的每一个人,哪怕只是一个小小的司机,我一点都不会怀疑,因为他的文字告诉我,他就是这样的人。读完也懂得大卫林奇的电影不是黑暗,而是未知,是充满无限未知的谜。从何处来到何处去如何去都是谜。同时也非常喜欢这种对话体的自传模式,回应,反驳,互文都让故事更加生动。 我的公众号的名字叫“内陆帝国”。 这是大卫·林奇目前最后一部电影,他是我最喜欢的导演。 听说他当时觉得内陆帝国(Inland Empire)这个地名挺有趣,就直接拿来做电影名,我也觉得这个名字特别有趣,就用来做公众号名。 他的电影风格就像他的头发一样飞! 2019年他收获奥斯卡...
评分 评分 评分##受益匪浅,除了林奇本身之外,书里对不同时期社会环境的电影发展也叙述的很详细,每章节都有第三方陈述(事实说明和朋友采访)和林奇自述两个部分,构造很有意思 | 心里的柔软处是童年的样子,却用才华展现着青春期的忧郁焦虑和对自由的渴望
Room to Dream pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载