I Spy: Spooky Night 視覺大發現係列:深夜古堡 [精裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
"Kindergarten-Grade 4. Another brilliant collaboration by this incredibly innovative duo. This time, the puzzles take place in and around a haunted house (an altered Victorian dollhouse). Readers are invited to search for mice, spiders, candles, bats, jack-o-lanterns, and bones among other creepy things found in the hallway, library, fireplace, and laboratory of the house, as well as in the graveyard and a garden of ghoulies outside. (How the miniature cobwebs were simulated remains a mystery.) Using a spooky sky for a backdrop, various props, and some very creative lighting, Wick achieves a definite dramatic effect. Marzollo's clever rhyming puzzles add great flair, and, as in the earlier titles, readers are encouraged to solve more riddles at the end and to make up selections of their own. This book is fun for a wide range of ages, as the picture riddles vary in difficulty and sophistication. A must, in multiple copies, for any Halloween collection."
--School Library Journal
她略為喘息一下,強忍著過於激動的語調繼續道:“二師伯呀,二師伯,你們當時就該如何悲傷地垂詢師祖坐化經過,纔是為人子弟應有之道,不想你及那大師伯聞言後對師祖坐化之事毫不關心,卻想到瞭這口石雨劍及那本《越女劍譜》,厲聲逼問我那師父這二物的下落,我恩師因念二位師伯不是外人,故把我那師祖之言拋之九霄雲外,將實言統統告訴瞭你們……” 話還未完,那喬平竟厲聲喝道:“夠瞭!夠瞭!以下不要再說瞭……” 雲中雁微微冷笑道:“還沒說完呢!弟子之言句句是我那恩師親口講敘,絕無半點虛假,講完後不妨請一塵子老前輩評評是非麯直…
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評分挑戰閱讀的神奇書——《I SPY視覺大發現》
評分俠尼世外高人,我喬平早存瞻仰之心,隻惜無緣與會,今夜冒昧造訪,實有二事相商,不知俠尼可容得我這苗疆野人說話麼?” 一塵子冷冷說道:“既如此倒屬貧尼失禮瞭,就請喬大俠旅室一談如何?” 那鬼見愁哈哈笑道:“不必瞭,不必瞭。老夫深夜驚駕已屬不當,豈可再事叨擾,不如就在此一談如何?” 一塵子微微點首,強忍憤怒道:“請喬大俠賜告,貧尼洗耳恭聽。” 那喬平未言先看瞭看一旁的雲中雁,用手一指,嚮一塵子道:“這位姑娘想是俠尼高足瞭?強將手下無弱兵,好一身輕功。” 一塵子勉強笑道:“貧尼可無此福分,
I Spy: Spooky Night 視覺大發現係列:深夜古堡 [精裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載