Rabbit's Pajama Party (MathStart 1)[兔子的睡衣派对,数学启蒙1] [平装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
适读人群 :4岁及以上 A group of animals meet at Rabbit's house for dinner and a sleepover. The friends eat pizza, make ice-cream sundaes, get into pajamas, act a little silly, tell scary stories, and go to sleep.
At Rabbit's pajama party everyone is eating pizza, telling scary stories, and curling up in their sleeping bags. And what these friends do first, next, and last demonstrates the math concepts of sequencing -- the logical order of events.
Stuart J. Murphy is a visual learning specialist. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, he has a strong background in design and art direction. He also has extensive experience in the world of educational publishing. Drawing on all these talents, Stuart J. Murphy brings a unique perspective to the MathStart series. In MathStart books, pictures do more than tell stories; they teach math.
Stuart J. Murphy and his wife, Nancy, live in Boston.
Frank Remkiewicz has illustrated the ever-popular Animal Crackers box, as well as
Just Enough Carrots for the Mathstart series. His other picture books include
Froggy Gets Dressed,
Froggy Learns to Swim, and
Froggy Goes to School, by Jonathan London, and the Horrible Harry Series bu Susan Kline. He teaches book illustration at the Ringling School of Art and Design and lives in Sarasota with his wife and three daughters.
A group of animals meet at Rabbit's house for dinner and a sleepover. The friends eat pizza, make ice-cream sundaes, get into pajamas, act a little silly, tell scary stories, and go to sleep. This is a very simple approach to the concept of time sequencing. Young children can identify food, clothing, animals, and colors; and there is just enough familiar activity (sharing a meal, getting ready for bed) for them to understand. The colors are bright and appealing, the cartoon artwork is simple and uncluttered, and the print is large and clear for beginning readers. The last two pages provide suggestions "For Adults and Kids" who want to explore the math concept presented here.
--Susan Lissim, Dwight School, New York City
Rabbit's Pajama Party (MathStart 1)[兔子的睡衣派对,数学启蒙1] [平装] [4岁及以上] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
当你合上这本书,结束这段精彩的探险旅程时,你会感到非常幸福和满足,因为你已跟大家一起潜入海底探险,亲身体验,并学到了许多与海洋有关的科学知识。 小朋友,当你们翻开这本书的时候,“神奇校车”会带领你们遨游海底世界,它一定会让你喜欢,让你快乐!你可以认识许多伙伴,他们和你一起去探险,旅途上会见到很多新奇的东西,有美丽鲜艳的珊瑚、半透明的水母、做喷水运动的鱿鱼、硕大的鲸鲨……这些多姿多态的各类生物,也许你是第一次看到、听到和触摸到的。希望你长大以后还会记起这本书,因为它会带给你童年的美好回忆。童年时代是培养人生兴趣的黄金时期,“神奇校车”应该是帮助你获取海洋知识,培养你对海洋科学初步感情的好工具;“神奇校车”也许能打开你的智慧之窗,让你依靠自己不断努力而成为一名优秀的海洋学家。
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Rabbit's Pajama Party (MathStart 1)[兔子的睡衣派对,数学启蒙1] [平装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载