Business 1 Making Deposits
Business 2 Handling Withdrawals
Business 3 Loss Reporting
Business 4 Operation of ATM
Business 5 Credit Cards
Business 6 Exchanging Foreign Currencies
Business 7 Remittance
Business 8 Opening a Letter of Credit
Business 9 Making Loans
Business 10 Investment and Finance
Commercial bank deposits, including demand deposits, are subject to immediate withdrawal during regular banking hours at the request of the depositor with the exception of certain time deposits, discussed in this section. Demand deposits may be withdrawn in the form of currency or coin, or they may be transferred to another account at any, commercial bank. Demand deposits at commercial banks can be transferred by bank check and are sometimes called checking accounts. No money interest is paid on demand deposits. Checkable NOW accounts, or share drafts at credit unions, which are available to consumers but not business depositors. Technically they are savings accounts that are accessilble by a negotiable order of withdrawal. Savings deposits at commercial banks and thrifts can usually be withdrawn as currency or coin,or as a cashiers check of the band(a check drawn against the issuing bank);they may be transferred into the depositors demand deposit account at the same bank,although technically the bank may refuse to withdraw or transfer a savings account for 30 days. Time deposit accounts with specified maturities are exceptions to the convention that commercial bank deposits should be convertible to cash on demand.Prior to the date of maturity,the bank may refuse to exchange such a time deposit claim or may impose a penalty fee.The time deposit pays interest,giving it one of the characteristics of other private bonds. What are the types of commercial bank deposits?
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