圍城 [Fortress Besieged] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
“The besieged city is the most delightful and carefully wrought novel in modern chinese literature;it is perhaps also its greatest nove.”
Fortress Besieged,or Wei-ch’eng,first seriahzed in Literary Renaissance(Wen-i fu-hsing)and published in book form in l947,has been acclaimed as“one of modern China’Stwo best novels,” or her"greatest novel;" it has been the subiect of two
Authors Preface i
Translators Preface iii
Introduction v
Fortress Besieged 1
Notes 351
Chien Chung-shu and His fortress Besieged Yang Chiang
記錢锺書與《圍城》 楊絳 375
Shen-ming pressed down his pince-nez, cleared his throat, and said, "Mr.
Fang, what was it you were asking me that time?"
"When?" asked Hung-chien, bewildered.
"Before Miss Su came. "——Hung-chien could not recall——" It seems you were
asking me what philosophical questions I was studying, werent you?" To this usual question, Chu Shen-ming had a pat answer. Since Miss Su had not yet arrived, he had waited until now to show off.
"Oh, yes, yes."
"Strictly speaking, your statement has a slight fallacy. When a philosopher
encounters a question, his first step is to study the question. Is it a question or not? If its not, then its a pseudo-question which neednt and cant be solved. If it is a question, his second step is to study the solution. Is the traditional solution correct or should it be revised? You probably meant to ask not what question am I studying, but what question am I studying the solution of."
Fang Hung-chien was astounded, Tung Hsieh-chǖan was bored, and Miss Su was confused. "Marvelous!" exclaimed Hsin-mei. "A truly thorough analysis! Thats wonderful, wonderful! Hung-chien, youve studied philosophy, but you should be quite willing to take a back seat today. After such an excellent discussion, we should all have a glass."
At Hsin-meis insistence Hung-chien reluctantly took a couple of swallows,
saying, "Hsin-mei, I just muddled my way through a year in the philosophy department by reading a few assigned reference books. Before Mr. Chu I can only humbly ask for instruction."
Chu Shen-ming said, "Im unworthy! From what you say, Mr. Fang, it
seems you were taking the individual as a unit in reading philosophical works. That is only studying philosophers. At best its studying the history of philosophy, not philosophy itself. At most such a person could be a philosophy professor, but never a philosopher. I like using my own mind, not other peoples, to think. I read works of science and literature, but I never read works of philosophy unless I have to. A lot of so-called philosophers these days dont really study philosophy at all; they just study personalities of works in philosophy. Strictly speaking, they shouldnt be called philosophers, but rather philophilosophers. "
"Philophilosophers?" said Hung-chien. "Now thats an interesting term.
Did you coin that yourself?"
"Its a word someone saw in a book and told Bertie about, and Bertie told
"Whos Bertie?"
評分"Strictly speaking, your statement has a slight fallacy. When a philosopher
評分"[SM]和描述的一樣,好評! 上周周六,閑來無事,上午上瞭一個上午網,想起好久沒買書瞭,似乎我買書有點上癮,一段時間不逛書店就周身不爽,難道男人逛書店就象女人逛商場似的上癮?於是下樓吃瞭碗麵,這段時間非常冷,還下這雨,到書店主要目的是買一大堆書,上次專程去買卻被告知缺貨,這次應該可以買到瞭吧。可是到一樓的查詢處問,小姐卻說昨天剛到的一批又賣完瞭!暈!為什麼不多進點貨,於是上京東挑選書。好瞭,廢話不說。好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,一個人重要的是找到自己的腔調,不論說話還是寫字。腔調一旦確立,就好比打架有瞭塊趁手的闆磚,怎麼使怎麼順手,怎麼拍怎麼有勁,順帶著身體姿態也揮灑自如,打架簡直成瞭舞蹈,兼有瞭美感和韻味。要論到寫字,腔調甚至先於主題,它是一個人特有的形式,或者工具;不這麼說,不這麼寫,就會彆扭;工欲善其事,必先利其器,腔調有時候就是“器”,有時候又是“事”,對一篇文章或者一本書來說,器就是事,事就是器。這本書,的確是用他特有的腔調錶達瞭對“腔調”本身的贊美。|發貨真是齣乎意料的快,昨天下午訂的貨,第二天一早就收到瞭,贊一個,書質量很好,正版。獨立包裝,每一本有購物清單,讓人放心。幫人傢買的書,周五買的書,周天就收到瞭,快遞很好也很快,包裝很完整,跟同學一起買的兩本,我們都很喜歡,謝謝!瞭解京東:2013年3月30日晚間,京東商城正式將原域名360buy更換為jd,並同步推齣名為“joy”的吉祥物形象,其首頁也進行瞭一定程度改版。此外,用戶在輸入jingdong域名後,網頁也自動跳轉至jd。對於更換域名,京東方麵錶示,相對於原域名360buy,新切換的域名jd更符閤中國用戶語言習慣,簡潔明瞭,使全球消費者都可以方便快捷地訪問京東。同時,作為“京東”二字的拼音首字母拼寫,jd也更易於和京東品牌産生聯想,有利於京東品牌形象的傳播和提升。京東在進步,京東越做越大。||||好瞭,現在給大傢介紹兩本本好書:《謝謝你離開我》是張小嫻在《想念》後時隔兩年推齣的新散文集。從拿到文稿到把它送到讀者麵前,幾個月的時間,欣喜與不捨交雜。這是張小嫻最美的散文。美在每個充滿靈性的文字,美在細細道來的傾訴話語。美在作者書寫時真實飽滿的情緒,更美在打動人心的厚重情感。從裝禎到設計前所未有的突破,每個精緻跳動的文字,不再隻是黑白配,而是有瞭鮮艷的色彩,首次全彩印刷,法國著名唯美派插畫大師,親繪插圖。|兩年的等待加最美的文字,就是你麵前這本最值得期待的新作。《洗腦術:怎樣有邏輯地說服他人》全球最高端隱秘的心理學課程,徹底改變你思維邏輯的頭腦風暴。白宮智囊團、美國FBI、全球十大上市公司總裁都在秘密學習!當今世界最高明的思想控製與精神綁架,政治、宗教、信仰給我們的終極啓示。全球最高端隱秘的心理學課程,一次徹底改變你思維邏輯的頭腦風暴。從國傢、宗教信仰的層麵透析“思維的真相”。白宮智囊團、美國FBI、全球十大上市公司總裁都在秘密學習!《洗腦術:怎樣有邏輯地說服他人》涉及心理學、社會學、神經生物學、醫學、犯罪學、傳播學適用於:讀心、攻心、高端談判、公關危機、企業管理、情感對話……洗腦是所有公司不願意承認,卻是真實存在的公司潛規則。它不僅普遍存在,而且無孔不入。閱讀本書,你將獲悉:怎樣快速說服彆人,讓人無條件相信你?如何給人完美的第一印象,培養無法抗拒的個人魅力?如何走進他人的大腦,控製他們的思想?怎樣引導他人的情緒,並將你的意誌灌輸給他們?如何構建一種信仰,為彆人造夢?[SZ]"
圍城 [Fortress Besieged] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載