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Wang Gungwu, formerly vice chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, is emeritus professor at Australian National University and university professor at the National University of Singapore. He was awarded the Fukuoka Asia Culture Prize in 1996. He is the author of some 20 books, including The Chinese Overseas, published by Harvard University Press.
As someone who has studied history for much of my life, I have found the past fascinating. But it has always been some grand and even intimidating universe that I wanted to unpick and explain to myself.
Wang Gungwu is one of Asia’s most important public intellectuals. He is best-known for his explorations of Chinese history in the long view, and for his writings on the Chinese diaspora. With Home is Not Here, the historian of grand themes turns to a single life history: his own.
In this volume, Wang talks about his multicultural upbringing and life under British rule. He was born in Surabaya, Java, but his parents’ orientation was always to China. Wang grew up in the plural, multi-ethnic town of Ipoh, Malaya (now Malaysia). He learned English in colonial schools and was taught the Confucian classics at home. After the end of WWII and Japanese occupation, he left for the National Central University in Nanjing to study alongside some of the finest of his generation of Chinese undergraduates. The victory of Mao Zedong’s Communist Party interrupted his education, and he ends this volume with his return to Malaya.
Wise and moving, this is a fascinating reflection on family, identity, and belonging, and on the ability of the individual to find a place amid the historical currents that have shaped Asia and the world.
##雖說是自傳,但還是有不少頗具亮點的對於Chinese diaspora/British&Japanese colonization, nationalism的思考。Wait/go/return ,遣詞造句裏對離散的時間性和空間性的隱喻非常有趣。
評分##看完這個1947年的南京,人纔濟濟但又充斥著戰爭前的人心惶惶,想到木心自傳裏1948年的上海和江浙,再想到chinese lessons裏麵那個1980年代閉塞又貧窮的南京,可嘆白雲蒼狗。 邊陲的華人如何看待自己的華人身份?我剛到坡時,也對此有深深的疑惑。一方麵,坡所呈現的中華文化,並不是中國教科書上所教導的“正統”中國文化,而是有強烈的福建、廣東特色的地方民俗,例如供奉大伯公、媽祖,買新房要滾鳳梨以求“旺來”,七月認真地過鬼節,春節時隻說“...
評分 評分81 引人入勝的小書;通過閱讀華僑以及49年前華人的故事,我逐漸清晰瞭文化上和政治上的中國的不同,的不可能相同,兩者在身份認同上的張力。以及許多華僑故事裏都有的relocation。跑個題,以前教員的背景經曆,學生精英階層的水平見識常常是無法望其項背的程度,也理解瞭許多人的文化失落。但更讓我羨慕的是他們身上一種明確或者正在醞釀的自我認識,一種ontology或者價值觀,讓他們不一定非要追隨和膜拜西方的現代性。這是現在難而又難的。
評分##由於作者齣身馬來亞,迴憶錄聚焦東南亞華人。迴憶錄不足之處在於小標題內敘述事情時間沒有交代清楚又很跳脫,經常看的很迷惑,隻能大概估計很多事情發生的時間。王緊密相連的宗族是書中的亮點。王的傢庭和remembering shanghai裏的孫氏同屬於江蘇省士紳階級,傳統儒傢教育背景,但是由於資產積纍少而顯得更為實用主義,也比孫氏更會抱團生存。也可能孫氏在cosmopolitan 生活,個人更加原子化。另外敘述祖上分兩隻,一隻在南,一隻在北,分離的時間長達三百年,也是很好的社會實驗。可能因為王是學者,寫作還是不如Helen Zia精彩。
評分##...nothing was permanent, that change was around the corner and that people could easily be cut off from its roots.這是王賡武先生的「山河故人」。估計完整中譯本又沒機會在中國齣版瞭。
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