【XH】 BASIC CIRCUIT THEORY-基本电路理论-(Third Editi pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
书名:BASIC CIRCUIT THEORY-基本电路理论-(Third Edition)-英文
《基本电路理论(第3版 英文版)》是为适应电子与电气信息类专业人才培养方案、教学内容体系和教学手段的改革以及高等教育迅速发展的形势而编写的。全书共分19个章节和1个附录。本教材继承了版和第二版的体系和风格,总结了近30年来的电路原理英文版教学探索和经验,在参考了近年来英美国家的同类教材和我国教材体系的基础上,以尽量精炼、地道的专业英语编写出来的。《基本电路理论(第3版 英文版)》可作为电子与电气信息类专业,特别是电气工程及其自动化专业、船舶电子电气工程专业的英文版双语教材和参考书籍。
Chapter 1 Basic Circuit Laws and Simple Resistive Circuits
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Ohm's Law
1.3 Kirchhoff's Law
1.4 Resistance and Source Combination
1.5 Network Reductioby A-Y Transformation
1.6 Source Transformation
1.7 Voltage and Current Division
Chapter 2 General Analysis of Resistive Circuit
2.1 Nodal Analysis
2.2 Mesh Analysis
2.3 Nodal and Mesh Analysis by Inspection
2.4 Linearity and Superposition
2.5 Thevenin' s and Norton' s Equivalent Circuit
2.6 Maximum Power Transfer ithe DC Case
2.7 Input Resistance and Equivalence Resistance
Chapter 3 Op-AMP Resistor Circuit
3.1 The OP-AMP
3.2 Inverting Amplifier
3.3 Noninverting Amplifier
3.4 Summing Amplifier
3.5 Difference Amplifier
3.6 Cascaded OP-AMP Circuit
Chapter 4 Capacitors and Inductors
4.1 The Capacitor
4.2 Series and Parallel Capacitor
4.3 The Inductor
4.4 Series and Parallel Inductors
4.5 Simple OP-AMP Circuits with Capacitors
Chapter 5 First-Order Circuit
5.1 Initial Conditioand Switching Rule
5.2 The Source-Free RC Circuit
5.3 The Source-Free RL Circuit
5.4 The Unit-Step Forcing Function
5.5 Step Response of ARC Circuit and Three-Element Method
5.6 Zero-Input Response and Zero-State Response
Chapter 6 Second-Order Circuits
6.1 The Source-Free Parallel Circuit
6.2 The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit
6.3 The Complete Response of The RLC Circuit
Chapter 7 Sinnsoids and Phasors
7.1 Characteristics of Sinusoids
7.2 Effective Values of Current and Voltage
7.3 The Phasor
7.4 Phasor Relationships For R, L and C
7.5 Impedance
7.6 Admittance
Chapter 8 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis
8.1 Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis
8.2 Superpositioand Thevenin' s Theorem
8.3 Phasor Diagrams
8.4 Instantaneous Power
8.5 Average Power
8.6 Apparent Power and Power Factor
8.7 Complex Power
8.8 Maximum Power Transfer ithe AC Case
Chapter 9 Resonant Circuit
9.1 Parallel Resonance
9.2 Series Resonance
9.3 Other Resonant Forms
Chapter 10 Magically Coupled Circuit
10.1 Mutual Inductance
10.2 The Linear Transformer
10.3 The Ideal Transformer
Chapter 11 Three-Phase Circuits
11.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages
11.2 Three-Phase Y-Y Connection
11.3 Balanced Y-A Connection
11.4 The Power Calculatioand Measurement iThree-Phase System
11.5 Brief Introductioto Unbalanced Three-Phase Circuit
Chapter 12 Two-Port Networks
12.1 Admittance Parameters
12.2 Some Equivalent Networks to Two-Port
12.3 Impedance Parameters
12.4 Hybrid Parameters
12.5 TransmissioParameters
12.6 Interconnectioof Two-Port
* 12.7 Gyrator
* 12.8 NIC (Negative-Impedance Converter)
Chapter 13 Technique of Harmonic Analysis for Nonsinusoidal Periodic Current Circuit
13.1 Fourier Series
13.2 Effective Values and Average Power
13.3 The Technique of Harmonic Analysis
Chapter 14 Laplace Transform Techniques
14.1 Definitioof the Laplace Transform
14.2 The Unit-Impulse Function
14.3 Laplace Transforms of Some Simple Time Functions
14.4 Several Basic Theorems for the Laplace Transform
14.5 The Partial-fraction-expansioMethod
14.6 Find the Complete Response
14.7 The Transfer Functio(or Network Function) H(s)
14.8 The Complex-Frequency Plane
Chapter 15 Network Graph Theory
15.1 Notations and Definitions
15.2 Incidence Matrix and KCL
15.3 Loop Matrix and KVL
15.4 Interrelationship BetweeMatrices of a Graph
15.5 Tellegen' s Theorem
Chapter 16 Matrix Equatiofor Network
16.1 Direct Analysis Methods
16.2 Nodal Analysis
16.3 State Variables and Normal-form Equations
16.4 Writing a Set of Normal-form Equations
Chapter 17 Simple Nonlinear Circuits
17.1 Nonlinear Elements
17.2 Simple Nonlinear Resistor Circuits
17.3 Small Signal Analysis
17.4 Combinatioof i-v Characteristics
17.5 Newton-RaphsoAlgorithm
17.6 State-space Analysis: The Phase Plane
17.7 Characteristics of the Phase Portrait
Chapter 18 Switched-Capacitor Circuits
18.1 The MOS Switch
18.2 Analog Operations
Chapter 19 Distributed Circuits
19.1 Uniform TransmissioLines
19.2 Steady State AC Operatioof a Uniform TransmissioLine
19.3 Uniform TransmissioLine Without Losses
19.4 TransmissioLines With Losses——Two Special Cases
19.5 Distributed Circuits of Finite Length
19.6 The Lossless TransmissioLine of Finite Length
Appendix Vocabulary
【XH】 BASIC CIRCUIT THEORY-基本电路理论-(Third Editi pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载