This volume is an English translation of "Cohomologie Galoisienne". The original edition (Springer LN5, 1964) was based on the notes, written with the help of Michel Raynaud, of a course I gave at the College de France in 1962-1963. In the present edition there are numerous additions and one suppression: Verdier's text on the duality of profinite groups. The most important addition is the photographic reproduction of R. Steinberg's "Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups", Publ. Math. I.H.E.S., 1965. I am very grateful to him, and to I.H.E.S., for having authorized this reproduction.
Chapter 1 Cohomology of profinite groups
1. Profinite groups
1.1 Definition
1.2 Subgroups
1.3 Indices
1.4 Pro-p-groups and Sylow p-subgroups
1.5 Pro-p-groups
2 Cohomology
2.1 Discrete G-modules
2.2 Cochains, cocycles, cohomology
2.3 Low dimensions
2.4 Punctoriality
2.5 Induced modules
2.6 Complements
3 Cohomological dimension
3.1 p-cohomological dimension
3.2 Strict cohomological dimension
3.3 Cohomological dimenmon of subgroups and extensions
3.4 Characterization of the profinite groups G such that cdp(G) < 1
3.5 Dualizing modules
4 Cohomology of pro-p-groups
4.1 Simple modules
4.2 Interpretation of Hl: generators
4.3 Interpretation of H2: relations
4.4 A theorem of Shafarevich
4.5 Poincare groups
ChapterⅡ Galois cohomology, the commutative case
chapter Ⅲ nonabelian gaiois cohomology
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