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錢鍾書(1910-1998),字哲良,默存,號槐聚,中國江蘇無锡人,中國近代著名作傢、 文學研究傢。畢業於清華大學外文係,獲文學學士,赴上海,到光華大學任教。後考取第三屆(1935年)庚子賠款公費留學資格,名列榜首,留學英國牛津大學 埃剋塞特學院。大學畢業後任教於多所高校。新中國成立後被評為一級教授。晚年就職於中國社會科學院,任副院長。其夫人楊絳也是著名作傢,育有一女錢媛(1937年-1997年)。曾為《毛澤東選集》英文版翻譯小組成員。1998年逝世,享年88歲。
The greatest Chinese novel of the twentieth century. Fortress Besieged is a classic of world literature, a masterpiece of parodic fiction that plays with Western literary traditions, philosophy, and middle-class Chinese society in the Republican era. Set on the eve of the Sino-Japanese War, our hapless hero Fang Hung-chien (à la Emma Bovary), with no particular goal in life and with a bogus degree from a fake American university in hand, returns home to Shanghai. On the French liner home, he meets two Chinese beauties, Miss Su and Miss Pao. Qian writes, "With Miss Pao it wasn't a matter of heart or soul. She hadn't any change of heart, since she didn't have a heart." In a sort of painful comedy, Fang obtains a teaching post at a newly established university where the effete pseudo-intellectuals he encounters in academia become the butt of Qian's merciless satire. Soon Fang is trapped into a marriage of Nabokovian proportions of distress and absurdity. Recalling Fielding's Tom Jones in its farcical litany of misadventures and Flaubert's "style indirect libre," Fortress Besieged is its own unique feast of delights. The translators Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao have breathed life into the English translation.
##錢鍾書先生的《圍城》是不敢來評的,隻記錄一些感受罷瞭。 注:較長,請選擇性閱讀。 吃葡萄的人 八年前,我上高三,正在為高考沒日沒夜的做模擬試題。前一天做完的捲子,第二天上課時語文老師會講其中的一兩道試題。某天他講瞭一道閱讀理解題,題目是:有兩種人吃葡萄的人,...
評分 評分 評分 評分##花瞭幾個晚上終於讀完瞭《圍城》,雖比不上楊絳先生“錙銖積纍”的讀,卻也是一字一句讀的認真的。讀時常會被錢老那具有小資情調的戲謔逗笑,偶爾也會泛起不著邊際的感傷,但讀到最後一句、最後一字,閤上書迴味,滿嘴卻隻剩下現實的辛酸與苦澀。 方鴻漸,一個...
評分##淺談《圍城》魅力 (2008/12/26/淩) 我分三部分說說。 有一種書,很好看,但是要說它是怎麼個好看法,卻有些難。 就如同,雞蛋好吃,但是要我們確切的說一下雞蛋是個什麼味道?恐怕也很難。 但是《圍城》畢竟是我很愛的一本書,我愛瞭多年,甚至會愛一生的一本書,所以,不談...
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