Robot, Go Bot! (Step Into Reading: A Step 1 Book) 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Boldly going where Step into Reading has never gone before: comic readers are told almost entirely in action-packed dialogue! Simple, graphic paneled layouts introduce emergent readers to the joy of comics. This Step 1 comic reader tells the story of a girl and a robot whose friendship is tested when one of them gets a bit bossy. Step 1 stories have big type and easy words, rhyme and rhythm, picture clues, and easy-to-decode dialogue.
DANA MEACHEN RAU is the author of over 50 books for young readers. She has never met a robot, but sometimes wonders if she'll discover one when opening a big box. You can visit her at
A little girl assembles her own robot and speaks to him in short, rhyming phrases, beginning with “Bubble blow, Bot?” as she blows bubbles for him to chase, and “Throw, Bot” as they play catch. Gradually, she becomes more imperious, ordering him to hoe the garden, mow the grass, and tow her in a wagon. After Bot storms off, she leads him back and makes amends by pushing him on the backyard swing. Jennifer and Matt Holm lead off this colorful book from the Step into Reading Comic Readers series with an encouraging letter to parents, saying, “Psst . . . you’re looking at the Super Secret Weapon of Reading. It’s called comics.” While the digital illustrations may not look like traditional comic art, the story is told visually as well as in the speech balloons that carry the words. Beginning readers will appreciate the brevity of the text and the predictability of the rhyming phrases. An appealing choice for young readers and robot fans. Preschool-Grade 1. --Carolyn Phelan
Robot, Go Bot! (Step Into Reading: A Step 1 Book) 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
使你心胸顿时豁然开朗,感到世界是那么美好,人间是那么可爱。 读书的感觉真好。
终于买到了分阶级阅读的书了,我的计划中的。基本上在京东买书,可很少能看到这种书,或许一开始我也搞不清楚到底是什么吧。于是在京东买了一些教英语的课本之类的,教条性的内容让宝爸觉得我在拔苗助长;买了一些亲子英语之类的书,都成了摆设。买了一些所谓的分级读物,结果发现内容很多图片很少,大概要很大的宝宝才能读吧。也买了一些所谓的儿童经典英文读物,我发现基本全是文字,这一类的书我这个也不会看步懂,但是英语对于我来说到底是外语啊,没兴趣啊,我希望我的宝宝将来不要有我这个状态,所以我决定给宝宝英语启蒙啊。但是当然不能把学习的兴趣搞 没了啊。
使你心胸顿时豁然开朗,感到世界是那么美好,人间是那么可爱。 读书的感觉真好。
Robot, Go Bot! (Step Into Reading: A Step 1 Book) 英文原版 [平装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载