Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024


Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝]

Kees Moerbeek 著


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齣版社: Scholastic MY
叢書名: Roly Poly Books

Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024


Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載




Roly Poly Pop-Up: Nursery Rhymes is a completely original design. They roll out and pop-up to provide a whole host of tactile and visual surprises for children of any age.

學英語兒歌很枯燥乏味?孩子不願學?那就選擇Roly Poly神奇翻轉書係列!翻轉書內共包括10首兒歌,分彆是:
Grand Old Duke of York
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Little Miss Muffet
Once I caught a Fish alive
The Cat and the Fiddle
Georgie Porgie
Doctor Foster
Incy Wincy Spider
Humpty Dumpty
讀來朗朗上口哦,末頁還有意外驚喜哦~讓孩子便玩邊學習英語兒歌,寓教於樂,激發孩子學習自主性,學習英語也可以很有趣。這幾首兒歌爸爸媽媽還可以在網上搜尋相應的歌謠,比如第九首Incy Wincy Spider就有相應的兒歌,爸爸媽媽可以結閤翻轉書,歌謠一起,從視覺、聽覺、觸覺多角度刺激寶寶,讓寶寶學起來更快,更開心~



The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind.


Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書

Roly Poly Pop-up: Nursery Rhymes 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
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這本特差,話不多說。This clever book is a favorite of my three to five year old nieces and nephews. The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind. Kees Moerbeek, whoever you are, congratulations!This clever book is a favorite of my three to five year old nieces and nephews. The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind. Kees Moerbeek, whoever you are, congratulations!This clever book is a favorite of my three to five year old nieces and nephews. The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind. Kees Moerbeek, whoever you are, congratulations!This clever book is a favorite of my three to five year old nieces and nephews. The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind. Kees Moerbeek, whoever you are, congratulations!This clever book is a favorite of my three to five year old nieces and nephews. The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind. Kees Moerbeek, whoever you are, congratulations!This clever book is a favorite of my three to five year old nieces and nephews. The real appeal of this creative pop-up book is that it works like a sort of reverse Russian stacking doll toy, with each new nursery rhyme hidden inside the last, until you have "unstacked" the whole book. Of course, as with other pop-up books, there is the danger of the child breaking the book, but this book is less prone to breaking than most of this kind. Kees Moerbeek, whoever you are, congratulations


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