Mike Mulligan and More: Four Classic Stories by Virginia Lee Burton [精装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025


Mike Mulligan and More: Four Classic Stories by Virginia Lee Burton [精装] [4岁及以上]

Virginia Lee Burton 著


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出版社: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children

Mike Mulligan and More: Four Classic Stories by Virginia Lee Burton [精装] [4岁及以上] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025


Mike Mulligan and More: Four Classic Stories by Virginia Lee Burton [精装] [4岁及以上] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025

Mike Mulligan and More: Four Classic Stories by Virginia Lee Burton [精装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载



Best known for the ever popular Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and the Caldecott Medal winner The Little House, Virginia Lee Burton wrote and illustrated stories that have been entertaining children, parents, and grandparents for more than sixty years. Many of her books—with themes that honor a simple way of life and celebrate heroes who endure through determination and by adapting to change—have become classic American tales. With an introduction by Barbara Elleman, author of Virginia Lee Burton: A Life in Art,this handsome collection commemorates four of Burton’s most popular stories, each featured complete and unabridged. Their appeal today, as strong as when the books were first published, is a tribute to one of America’s most innovative illustrators, designers, and writers of stories for children. A collection of four books by Caldecott Medal winner Virginia Lee Burton which feature characters who become heroes through determination and the ability to adapt to change.


Virginia Lee Burton (1909-1968) was the talented author and illustrator of some of the most enduring books ever written for children. The winner of the 1942 Caldecott Medal for THE LITTLE HOUSE, Burton's books include heroes and happy endings, lively illustrations, and a dash of nostalgia. She lived with her two sons, Aristides and Michael, and her husband George Demetrios, the sculptor, in a section of Gloucester, Massachusetts, called Folly Cove. Here she taught a class in design and from it emerged the Folly Cove designers, a group of internationally known professional artisans. She is the author of many classic children's picture books, including MIKE MULLIGAN AND HIS STEAM SHOVEL and KATY AND THE BIG SNOW.



From Barnes & Noble The Barnes & Noble Review Lovers of classic picture books, is this the treasury for you! Four of Virginia Lee Burton's timeless tales are now combined into one wonderful anthology, with all the charm and simplicity of years gone by. The author's most famous story, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, leads the way and stars Mike and Mary Anne, who dig themselves into a pit and wind up warming town hall meetings. The Little House -- Burton's tale about a country house that gets an unwanted taste of the big city -- follows, with Katy and the Big Snow and Maybelle the Cable Car rounding it all out. Noted children's lit scholar and author Barbara Elleman also provides an insightful introduction to the treasury, describing the history behind Burton's books along with the impact they've made on so many young readers. Just right for Burton fans looking to teach a new generation of readers about stick-to-itiveness and accepting changes, Mike Mulligan and More is a steam-powered good time. Matt Warner Publishers Weekly A handsome, weighty volume preserves the pace and feel of the above title plus three more of the author's best-loved works-Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel (1939); Katy and the Big Snow (1943); and Maybelle the Cable Car (1952)-Mike Mulligan and More: A Virginia Lee Burton Treasury. Barbara Elleman's introduction precedes the quartet of tales. Fewer Reviews Children's Literature In this collection of four short stories by Virginia Lee Burton, the main characters are all inanimate objects such as a house and a cable car. Virginia Lee Burton wrote these stories from 1939 to 1952. This collection brings together her classics, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, The Little House, Katy and the Big Snow, and Maybelle the Cable Car, in a current edition that children can enjoy today. These objects go through a "life" journey that shows how objects can be forgotten or tossed aside by some people, while others continue to consider them valuable. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel is a wonderful story that shows how Mike finds another use for his steam shovel once it becomes outdated. In Maybelle the Cable Car, the people of San Francisco are able to save Maybelle from "extinction." She is allowed to continue to work even though technology provides other options for transportation. Virginia Lee Burton brings these inanimate objects to life by giving them feelings of usefulness. These stories are interesting but also beautifully illustrated. Burton surrounds the text with illustrations—a technique that helps bring the objects to life. Children will see how things can continue to be used even when they seem old and out-dated. 2002, Houghton Mifflin Company, Ages 5 to 8. — Shannon Jacobs


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人的大脑中有一个专门负责学语言的区域,即布罗卡区(Broca`s area)。布罗卡区在2-4岁时开始快速发育,到10—12岁时发育成熟。此后随着年龄增长,布罗卡区的灵敏性却呈下降趋势。等到十几岁再去攻外语,大脑已无法把外语直接贮存在布罗卡区,只能在记忆区新建一个记忆结构。这个新的记忆结构没有布罗卡区灵敏,使用时还需先与布罗卡区建立联系。这也是成年人学外语的速度比儿童慢的原因,很难形成语感。 这一发现提醒人们,要想事半功倍地学好外语,就该充分利用语言学习敏感期。 教育理念 中国的儿童教育理念多种多样,在众多的教育理念中,有一种实用教育理念越来越受到中国家长认可,Using English in Meaningful Ways,是指在有意义的日常生活语境和活动、游戏、任务的完成过程中使用英语,而非将英语当作一门学科来学习,而是将英语当作一种沟通的工具,使用英语来完成一些真正意义上的沟通。这种方法也是目前最好的英语教学方式之一,孩子能在不知不觉当中将英语知识消化为自己的能力,培养母语思维和表达能力。 启蒙步骤 第一步:激发学习兴趣 提供学习资源的唯一准则为:选择孩子可以接受并且喜欢的,一旦孩子失去兴趣(儿童的兴趣非常容易转移,因此这是很自然的,不必因此困惑,中断学习),就切换其他孩子感兴趣的资源即可。英语启蒙是家长有系统,有计划地陪伴教导孩子实现英语启蒙,英语正式学习最后达到英语上轨的过程。该过程中,家长会对孩子的英语习得,学习和语言环境,学习氛围养成起到一个积极的引导作用。此法一般为那些有自己独特教育理念和看法,教育水平,英语水平较高的家长所采用。孩子兴趣的养成和良好的家庭语言氛围都是英语启蒙的关键。 第二步:亲子互动教学 英语启蒙学习nose, hand, face, mouth等身体部位的单词的时候,我就和他玩指鼻子指眼的游戏,调动了孩子的积极性。孩子愿意在这种轻松愉快的环境下学习。别忘了学习单词的时候不要忘了结合实境。最好还有完整的句子嵌套,帮助记忆。 第三步:提供语言环境 学习英语语言环境很重要,不管是学习哪方面的内容,包括历史、语文、数学学习氛围很重要。学习英语是同样的道理。因此,家长需不断地给孩子创造学习英语的氛围。当然制造英语学习氛围的方法很多。一种方法就是买一些英语磁带、英语学习碟子让孩子学习;第二种方法就是教孩子唱少儿英语歌曲;第三种就是时不时可以带孩子去各大英语培训学校免费试听课程,如果觉得孩子跑得累可以找那些在线免费旁听的课程。 第四步:学习方式 学习英语不能靠死记硬背,需要有章法、有规律的去学习。像是一种学习英语的方式叫自然拼读法,它是源于英语为母语的国家而近年在国内开始流行起来的语言学习法。它无需借助另一套符号来学习,直接学习26个字母(字形)与发音之间的规律,英孚学生最终能做到看字读音,听声拼词。 2英语教学 编辑 概述 心理学家认为:兴趣具有动力作用,也就是说兴趣可以转化为激发人们进行某种活动的推动力。儿童由于注意力等心理因素发展不够成熟,他们的学习在很大程度上带有明显的情绪化倾向,当儿童对学习有浓厚兴趣和好奇心时,便会产生情感上的需求。对孩子来说,英语学习是新的认知点,父母应该考虑孩子情感上的需求,采用生动、活泼、有趣味的形式来吸引他们。 第一阶段正确学 在玩中学,初步感知知识,养成良好习惯 这一阶段是孩子正确学习的开始,通过学习各种学科知识,孩子们脑海里开始形成基本的知识概念,养成学科英语思维,演讲演示、团队合作、项目管理等能力也在初步获得。 第二阶段独立学 学了会用,巩固知识,运用能力解决问题 是孩子们独立学习阶段的开始,通过掌握系统的学科知识和学科思维,并应用到日常生活交际中,孩子们各项能力得到稳步提升。 第三阶段自主学 用中再学,迁移知识,自主提升运用能力 是孩子自主学习的开始,孩子们综合运用学习到学科知识和学科思维,在与社会的沟通交流中,主动发展自己的能力,获取新的知识。 这种分阶段教学方式,可以令孩子的能力实现螺旋上升,既保证孩子的学习兴趣,又能够通过知识的学习,在不知不觉中提高孩子各方面的能力,为孩子插上国际化的翅膀。 自主学习可能是儿童英语学习的关键,许多失败的儿童英语培训,其实是无法解决这个问题,家长只是在大把烧钱,还陪了时间进去,孩子看起来对学习不反感,其实是他还没到反抗期(14岁左右)。能解决自主学习的可以在这里给点建议。







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