Jack: Straight from the Gut 杰克·韦尔奇自传 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
They called him Neutron Jack. They called him the world's toughest boss. And then Fortune called him "The Manager of the Century." In his twenty-year career at the helm of General Electric, Jack Welch defied conventional wisdom and turned an aging behemoth of a corporation into a lean, mean engine of growth and corporate innovation. In this remarkable autobiography-a classic business book and runaway New York Times bestseller now updated with a new afterword by the author-Jack Welch takes us on the rough-and-tumble ride that has been his remarkable life. From his working-class childhood to his early days in G.E. Plastics to his life at the top of the world's most successful company, Welch tells his intensely personal story with his well-known fire and candor. And although it chronicles billion-dollar deals and high-stakes corporate standoffs, Jack is ultimately a story about people-from a man who based his career on demanding only the best from others and from himself.
Jack Welch received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Massachusetts in 1957 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois. He joined GE in 1960 and was elected vice president in 1972 and vice-chairman in 1979. In 1981, he became the eighth chairman and CEO in the company's 121-year history.
杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)从入主通用电气起,在短短20年间,他将一个弥漫着官僚主义气息的公司,打造成一个充满朝气,富有生机的企业巨头.在他的领导下,通用电气的市值由他上任时的130亿美元上升到了4800亿美元,排名也从世界第10提升到第1。他所推行的“6个西格玛”标准、全球化和电子商务,几乎重新定义了现代企业。2001年9月退休。他被誉为"最受尊敬的CEO","全球第一CEO","美国当代最成功最伟大的企业家".如今,通用电气旗下已有12个事业部成为其各自的市场上的领先者,有9个事业部能入选《财富》500强。韦尔奇带领通用电气,从一家制造业巨头转变为以服务业和电子商务为导向的企业巨人,使百年历史的通用电气成为真正的业界领袖级企业。
"Jack's vision and courage, his ability to prevail, his art of motivation and, of course, his success, make him the role model of entrepreneurs and managers worldwide."
--Thomas Middelhoff
"...will be of interest to anyone who really cares about business... "
"...a book that almost everyone still interested in business...can't afford to ignore...a very good yarn... "
--Wall Street Journal
Jack: Straight from the Gut 杰克·韦尔奇自传 英文原版 [平装] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
Jack: Straight from the Gut 杰克·韦尔奇自传 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载