The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Part 3)指环王3:王者归来 英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
The third volume of The Lord of the Rings, now featuring Tolkien's original unused dust-jacket design. Includes special packaging and the definitive edition of the text, with fold-out maps. The Companions of the Ring have become involved in separate adventures as the quest continues. Aragorn, revealed as the hidden heir of the ancient Kings of the West, joined with the Riders of Rohan against the forces of Isengard, and took part in the desperate victory of the Hornburg. Merry and Pippin, captured by orcs, escaped into Fangorn Forest and there encountered the Ents. Gandalf returned, miraculously, and defeated the evil wizard, Saruman. Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo progressed towards Mordor to destroy the Ring, accompanied by Smeagol - Gollum, still obsessed by his 'preciouss'. After a battle with the giant spider, Shelob, Sam left his master for dead; but Frodo is still alive - in the hands of the orcs. And all the time the armies of the Dark Lord are massing. Now, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its first publication, the text has been fully restored with almost 400 corrections - with the full co-operation of Christopher Tolkien - making it the definitive version, and as close as possible to the version that J.R.R. Tolkien intended. Also included are the original red and black maps as fold-out sheets, and - for the first time - a fully revised and enlarged index.
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) is the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic and extraordinary works of fiction as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. His books have been translated into more than fifty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.
约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)(1892-1973),英国文豪,天才的语言学家,牛津大学默顿学院英国语言与文学教授,1919—1920年牛津英语词典(OED)的编委。他以瑰丽的想像和精深的语言,建立了一个英语世界的全新神话体系。托尔金的雄心壮志不在于写作一个传奇故事,或一部史诗。在他所创作的一系列中洲史诗中,影响最为深远的是《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: There and Back Again) 和《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)。这两部巨作被誉为当代奇幻作品的鼻祖,至今已畅销2.5亿余册,被翻译成60余种语言。美国每年销售的大约一亿本平装书中,就有四分之一可以追溯到托尔金的作品。《魔戒》被票选为“两千年以来最重要的书”。由托尔金小说改编的电影《指环王》、《霍比特人》掀起21世纪奇幻文艺的全面复兴,世界拜倒在他脚下。
"Extraordinarily imaginative, and wholly exciting."
--The Times
"The story itself is superb."
"A most remarkable feat."
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Part 3)指环王3:王者归来 英文原版 [精装] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
其实本来并没有想买这个五十周年纪念精装版的,因为我的目标是买那个One Volume Deluxe版,但是后来想到那本那么厚,而且又贵,万一翻坏了该多心疼。于是决定同时也入手这个版本。事实证明这个版本还是相当的赞,锁线胶装,而且印刷质量也是相当的好,大爱L.E.G.O啊(最新的Clays真心不咋地,The Legend of Siguard & Gudrun那么厚一本精装版居然就给我来个胶装,连锁线都木有)另外这个版本还附了两张折页的地图,总之和这个价格相比,简直太赞了。只不过因为我买的太晚了,到手的这本书已经是第五版了,而且京东上第一本已经没货,第二本压根就没进,这是要逼我去国外买咩?另外,不知道这本书的封底设计师怎么想的,居然弄成白色的,送来的时候简直一幅中国水墨画,我用橡皮涂了半天才能见人,好端端一个绘图橡皮被吃掉五分之一,而且放在书柜里的话还是能看到封底的白色。还有就是,这个五十周年版出的The Lord of the Rings三本、The Hobbit、The Silmarillion还有Unfinished
然而,这群义勇之士却遭到索伦手下怪兽群的攻击,这些恐怖邪恶的猎杀军队残忍地追杀佛罗多和他的朋友 。佛罗多等一群人还必须对抗戒指中的邪恶力量,这股力量会让人产生难以抵挡的欲望,考验着每一个接触戒指者的意志力。
50周年版 要慢慢集 还差2本 挺薄的
书没封 旧旧的 书没封 旧旧的 书没封 旧旧的
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Part 3)指环王3:王者归来 英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载