Salem's Lot 塞倫的命運 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025


Salem's Lot 塞倫的命運 [平裝]

Stephen King(斯蒂芬·金) 著


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"Before vampires became sympathetic characters with their own alternate worlds, complete with vampire coffee shops and vampire politics, they used to be bad guys, scary not sexy, and they preferred wreaking havoc in horror novels rather than exuding tortured sensitivity in YA coming-of-age fiction. Fortunately, we don't need to go all the way back to Dracula and Boris Karloff to remember those halcyon days: we have Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot, from 1975. Oddly, it's not the vampires that make 'Salem's Lot great popular fiction. Mr. Barlow, our lead vampire, is no Dracula. He doesn't even appear until the story is nearly half over, and he is perhaps the most one-dimensional figure in the book (but that single dimension is enough: unadulterated evil). The real main character isn't a person at all, human or vampire: it's the seemingly idyllic New England town of Jerusalem's Lot. King once said that in 'Salem's Lot, he set out to create ""a fictional town with enough prosaic reality about it to offset the comic-book menace of a bunch of vampires."" He did just that by drawing on our universal fear of outsiders, and nowhere is that fear more recognizable than in our traditional image of the New England small town, where insularity itself becomes a defense against incursion by strangers. The stereotypical Yankee, befuddling outsiders with a series of cryptic yups and nopes, may be a comic character from folklore, but he is also a soldier defending his Maginot Line against potential blitzkrieg. And behind the crotchety Yankee's seeming impregnability, there is the constant fear that one day a stranger will come to town who won't take nope for an answer. That juxtaposition of prosaic reality against outlandish terror has always been central to King's technique for scaring his readers. In 'Salem's Lot, he does it by looking beneath the surface of idyllic New England. We see the pastoral beauty, the close-knit community, and the unpretentious lifestyle, yet from the beginning, we also see the harbinger of something else, something other. The novel begins with a stranger, not Barlow but a writer, Ben Mears, returning to the Lot, where he'd lived briefly as a boy. Mears has come home again not to reclaim his innocence but to expunge his demons—the memory of the body of a man dead for decades, still hanging in the closet of the Marsten House. Mears believes he hallucinated this horrible scene, but he wants to explore why it happened, why this house prompted him to imagine evil. What Mears finds when he returns to the Lot is that the Marsten House is now occupied by another stranger, our Mr. Barlow. As the known gives way to the unknown, King shows how the small-town insistence on maintaining the illusion of tranquility makes easy pickings for a vampire intent on fomenting a little evil. If 'Salem's Lot were just another old-fashioned vampire novel, it would portray a straightforward struggle between good (people) and bad (vampires). It would not portray the arrival of vampires in the Lot as a kind of supernatural manifestation of the town's distorted sense of itself. King feels both affection for and anger toward his small town. A part of him wants to see 'Salem's Lot get its comeuppance, and this part gives the novel a degree of frisson that most vampire stories lack. And yet, in the end, the vampires don't win, at least not exactly. Yes, Ben Mears pounds a stake in Barlow's heart, but that isn't enough. The evil continues to thrive. The town needs its own stake. Writers of every kind—from Nathaniel Hawthorne to Grace Metalious to John Updike to Carolyn Chute—have wrestled with their mixed feelings about the small towns of New England. But it took Stephen King to burn one down."


Stephen King's second novel, the classic vampire bestseller 'SALEM'S LOT, tells the story of evil in small-town America. For the first time in a major trade edition, this terrifying novel is accompanied by previously unpublished material from King's archive, two short stories, and eerie photographs that bring King's fictional darkness and evil to vivid life.
When Stephen King's classic thriller 'SALEM'S LOT hit the stands in 1975, it thrilled and terrified millions of readers with tales of demonic evil in small-town America. Now, thirty years later and still scaring readers witless, 'SALEM'S LOT reemerges in a brilliant new edition, complete with photographs, fifty pages of deleted and alternate scenes, and two short stories related to the events of the novel.
While the original edition of 'SALEM'S LOT will forever be a premier horror classic, 'SALEM'S LOT: ILLUSTRATED EDITION, with the inclusion of material from King's archive, is destined to become a classic in its own right and a must-have for all Stephen King fans. In this edition, the hair-raising story of Jerusalem's Lot, a small town in Maine whose inhabitants succumb to the evil allure of a new resident, is told as the author envisioned it, complete with fifty pages of alternate and deleted scenes. With a new introduction by the author, two short stories related to the events and residents of Jerusalem's Lot, the lavishly creepy photographs of Jerry Uelsmann, and a stunning new page design, this edition brings the story to life in words and pictures as never before.
No library will be complete without this ideal collector's item for any King aficionado, the definitive illustrated edition of the great 'SALEM'S LOT.


Stephen King is the author of more than fifty books, all of them worldwide bestsellers. His novel 11/22/63 was named a top ten book of 2011 by The New York Times Book Review and won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Mystery/Thriller as well as the Best Hardcover Book Award from the International Thriller Writers Association. He is the recipient of the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. He lives in Bangor, Maine, with his wife, novelist Tabitha King.

  斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King,1947年9月21日-),是一位作品多産,屢獲奬項的美國暢銷書作傢,編寫過劇本、專欄評論,曾擔任電影導演、製片人以及演員。斯蒂芬·金作品銷售超過3億5000萬冊,以恐怖小說著稱,活脫脫概括瞭此一類彆的整個發展沿革。他的作品還包括科幻小說、奇幻小說、短篇小說、非小說、影視劇本及舞颱劇劇本。大多數的作品都曾被改編到其它媒體,像是電影、電視係列劇和漫畫書上。他在2003年獲得美國文學傑齣貢獻奬章。


"Spine-tingling fiction at its best." --Grand Rapids Press

"A master storyteller." --The Los Angeles Times

"An unabashed chiller." --Austin American Statesman

“[The] most wonderfully gruesome man on the planet.” —USA Today
A super exorcism...tremendous.” —Kirkus Reviews
“A novel of chilling, unspeakable evil.” —Chattanooga Times
“[King is] . . . the guy who probably knows more about scary goings-on in confined, isolated places than anybody since Edgar Allan Poe.” —Entertainment Weekly
“Stephen King has built a literary genre of putting ordinary people in the most terrifying situations. . . . he’s the author who can always make the improbable so scary you'll feel compelled to check the locks on the front door.” —The Boston Globe
“Peerless imagination.” —The Observer (London)
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小說的主人公奧利弗·特威斯特,是一名生在濟貧院的孤兒,忍飢挨餓,備受欺淩,由於不堪棺材店老闆娘、教區執事邦布爾夫等人的虐待而獨自逃往倫敦,可剛一到達就受騙誤入賊窟。竊賊團夥的首領—費金費盡韆方百計,企圖把奧利弗訓練為扒手以供他驅使。奧利弗跟隨竊賊夥伴“機靈鬼”和貝茨上街時,被誤認為他偷瞭一位叫布朗洛的紳士(恰巧是他父親生前的好友)的手絹而被警察逮捕。後因書攤老闆證明瞭他是無辜的,說明小偷另有其人,他纔被釋放。由於他當時病重昏迷,且容貌酷似友人生前留下的一副少婦畫像,布朗洛收留他在傢中治病,得到布朗洛及其女管傢比德溫太太無微不至的關懷,第一次感受到人間的溫暖。竊賊團夥害怕奧利弗會泄露團夥的秘密,在費金指示下,塞剋斯和南希費盡心機,趁奧利弗外齣替布朗洛歸還書攤老闆的圖書的時候用計使他重新陷入瞭賊窟。但當費金試圖懲罰毒打奧利弗的時候,南希挺身而齣保護瞭奧利弗。費金用威脅、利誘、灌輸等手段企圖迫使奧利弗成為一名竊賊,成為費金的搖錢樹。一天黑夜,奧利弗在塞剋斯的脅迫下參加對一座大宅院的行竊。正當奧利弗準備趁爬進窗戶的機會嚮主人報告時,被管傢發現後開槍打傷。竊賊倉惶逃跑時,把奧利弗丟棄在路旁水溝之中。奧利弗在雨雪之中帶傷爬行,無意中又迴道那傢宅院,昏到在門口。好心的主人梅麗夫人及其養女羅斯小姐收留並庇護瞭他。無巧不成書,這位羅斯小姐正是奧利弗的姨媽,但雙方都不知道。在梅麗夫人傢,奧利弗真正享受到瞭人生的溫馨和美好。但費金團夥卻不能放過奧利弗。有一天一個名叫濛剋斯的人來找費金,這人是奧利弗的同父異母兄長,由於他的不孝,他父親在遺囑中將全部遺産給瞭奧利弗,除非奧利弗和濛剋斯是一樣的不孝兒女,遺産纔可由濛剋斯繼承。為此濛剋斯齣高價買通費金,要他使奧利弗變成不可救藥的罪犯,以便霸占奧利弗名下的全部遺産,並發泄自己對已去世的父親的怨恨。正當濛剋斯得意洋洋的談到他如何和邦布爾夫夫婦狼狽為奸,毀滅瞭能證明奧利弗身份的唯一證據的時候,被南希聽見。南希見義勇為,同情奧利弗的遭遇,冒生命危險,偷偷找到羅斯小姐,嚮她報告瞭這一切。 正當羅斯小姐考慮如何行動時,奧利弗告訴她,他找到瞭布朗洛先生。羅斯小姐就和布朗洛商議瞭處理方法。羅斯小姐在布朗洛陪同下再次和南希會麵時,布朗洛獲知濛剋斯即他的已故好友埃得溫·利弗得的不肖兒子,決定親自找濛剋斯交涉,但他們的談話被費金派齣的密探聽見。塞剋斯就凶殘的殺害瞭南希。南希之死使費金團夥遭到瞭滅頂之災。費金被捕,後上瞭絞刑架,塞剋斯在逃竄中失足被自己的繩子勒死。與此同時,濛剋斯被布朗洛挾持到傢中,逼他供齣瞭一切,事情真相大白,奧利弗被布朗洛收為養子,從此結束瞭他的苦難的童年。為瞭給濛剋斯自新的機會,把本應全歸奧利弗繼承的遺産分一半給他。但濛剋斯劣性不改,把傢産揮霍殆盡,繼續作惡,終被鋃鐺入獄,死在獄中。邦布爾夫惡有惡報,被革去一切職務,一貧如洗,在他們曾經作威作福的濟貧院度過餘生。 在這本書中,奧利弗、南希、羅斯小姐都是善良的代錶,他們都齣生於苦難之中,在黑暗和充滿罪惡的世界中成長,但在他們的心中始終保持著一片純潔的天地,一顆善良的心,種種磨難並不能使他們墮落或徹底墮落,反而更顯示齣他們齣汙泥而不染的光彩奪目的晶瑩品質。最後,邪不勝正,正義的力量戰勝瞭邪惡,雖然南希最後遇難,但正是她的死所召喚齣來的驚天動地的社會正義力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之靈,注定瞭邪惡勢力的代錶——費金團夥的滅頂之災。因此在小說中,南希的精神得到瞭升華,奧利弗則得到瞭典型意義上的善報。而惡人的代錶——費金、濛剋斯、邦布爾、塞剋斯無不一一落得個悲慘的下場


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