I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列:哈哈屋 [精裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Walter Wick is the inventor of many photographic games for Games magazine, is the photographer of the immensely popular I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles and I Spy Christmas. He is also a free-lance photographer for Scholastic's Let's Find out and Super Science. His credits includs over 300 magaine and book covers, including Newsweek, Fortune, and Psychology Today. This is his third book for Soholastic.
Jean Marzollo has written many rhyming childern's books, including I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles, I Spy Christmas, Halloween Cats, In 1492, Pretend You're a Cat, The Rebus Treasury, The Teddy Bear Book, and Close Your Eyes. She is also the author of fiction for beginning readers, as well as nonfiction books. Carol Devine Carson, the book designer for all the I Spy books, is art director for a major publishing house in New York City. She is also the illustrator and designer of The Rebus Treasury. For over fifteen yearsm Marzollo and Carson together produced Scholastic's kindergarten magazine, Let's Find Out.
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I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列:哈哈屋 [精裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載