Sam the Minuteman (I Can Read, Level 3)民兵萨姆 [平装] [4-8岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Nathaniel Benchley (November 13, 1915 – December 14, 1981) was an American author.
Born in Newton, Massachusetts to a literary family, he was the son of Gertrude Darling and Robert Benchley (1889-1945), the noted American writer, humorist, critic, actor, and one of the founders of the Algonquin Round Table in New York City.
Nathaniel Benchley was the highly-respected author of many children's/juvenile books that provided learning for the youthful readers with stories of various animals or through the book's historical settings. Benchley dealt with diverse locales and topics such as "Bright Candles", which recounts the experiences of a 16-year-old Danish boy during the German occupation of his country in World War II; and "Small Wolf", a story about a Native American boy who meets white men on the island of Manhattan and learns that their ideas about land are different from those of his own peoples'.
Film director/producer, Norman Jewison made Benchley's 1961 novel The Off-Islanders into a motion picture titled The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming for which he received the nomination for an Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay. He was a close friend of actor Humphrey Bogart and wrote his biography in 1975.
Benchley's novel Welcome to Xanadu was made into the 1975 motion picture Sweet Hostage.
His elder son, Peter Benchley (1940-2006), was a writer best known for writing the novel Jaws and the screenplay of the 1975 Steven Spielberg film made from it. His younger son, Nat Benchley, is a writer and actor who has portrayed his grandfather, Robert Benchley, in a one-man, semi-biographical stage show, "Benchley Despite Himself". The show was a compilation of Robert Benchley's best monologues, short films, radio rantings and pithy pieces as recalled, edited, and acted by his grandson Nat, and combined with family reminiscences and friends' perspectives."
Nathaniel Benchley died in 1981 in Boston, Massachusetts and was interred in the family plot at Prospect Hill Cemetery in Nantucket.
评分Get your gun Sam's father said. The British soldiers are coming this way Sam's father was a Minuteman. Sam was ready in a minute. Father and son rushed to the village green. Other Minutemen were already there. Through the long night they waited and waited. Then, at dawn, the soldiers came In this exciting I Can Read Book, Nathaniel Benchly recreates what it must have been like for a young boy to fight in the Battle of Lexington. Arnold Lobel's vivid pictures give a poignant reality to the famous battle that marked the beginning of the American Revolution.
评分高尔基先生说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”书还能带给你许多重要的好处。 多读书,可以让你觉得有许多的写作灵感。可以让你在写作文的方法上用的更好。在写作的时候,我们往往可以运用一些书中的好词好句和生活哲理。让别人觉得你更富有文采,美感。 多读书,可以让你全身都有礼节。俗话说:“第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人的第一印象中,就可以让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书答礼,颇有风度。 多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外知识。培根先生说过:“知识就是力量。”不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你感到浑身充满了一股力量。这种力量可以激励着你不断地前进,不断地成长。从书中,你往往可以发现自己身上的不足之处,使你不断地改正错误,摆正自己前进的方向。所以,书也是我们的良师益友。 多读书,可以让你变聪明,变得有智慧去战胜对手。书让你变得更聪明,你就可以勇敢地面对困难。让你用自己的方法来解决这个问题。这样,你又向你自己的人生道路上迈出了一步。 多读书,也能使你的心情便得快乐。读书也是一种休闲,一种娱乐的方式。读书可以调节身体的血管流动,使你身心健康。所以在书的海洋里遨游也是一种无限快乐的事情。用读书来为自己放松心情也是一种十分明智的。 读书能陶冶人的情操,给人知识和智慧。所以,我们应该多读书,读书能够荡涤浮躁的尘埃污秽,过滤出一股沁人心脾的灵新之气,甚至还可以营造出一种超凡脱俗的娴静氛围。读陶渊明的《饮酒》诗,体会“结庐在人境,而无车马喧”那种置身闹市却人静如深潭的境界,感悟作者高深、清高背后所具有的定力和毅力;读世界经典名著《巴黎圣母院》,让我们看到如此丑陋的卡西莫多却能够拥有善良美丽的心灵、淳朴真诚的品质、平静从容的气质和不卑不亢的风度,他的内心在时间的见证下折射出耀人的光彩,使我们在寻觅美的真谛的同时去追求心灵的高尚与纯洁。读王蒙的《宽容的哲学》、林语堂的《生活的艺术》以及古人流传于世的名言警句,这些都能使我们拥有诚实舍弃虚伪,拥有充实舍弃空虚,拥有踏实舍弃浮躁,平静而坦然地度过每一个晨曦每一个黄昏。 古人云:“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。”可见,古人对读书的情有独钟。其实,对于任何人而言,读书最大的好处在于:它让求知的人从中获知,让无知的人变得有知。读史蒂芬?霍金的《时间简史》和《果壳中的宇宙》,畅游在粒子、生命和星体的处境中,感受智慧的光泽,犹如攀登高山一样,瞬间眼前呈现出仿佛九叠画屏般的开阔视野。于是,便像李白在诗中所写到的“庐山秀出南斗旁,屏风九叠云锦张,影落明湖青黛光”。 对于坎坷曲折的人生道路而言,读书便是最佳的润滑剂。面对苦难,我们苦闷、彷徨、悲伤、绝望,甚至我们低下了曾经高贵骄傲的头。然而我们可否想到过书籍可以给予我们希望和勇气,将慰藉缓缓注入我们干枯的心田,使黑暗的天空再现光芒?读罗曼?罗兰创作、傅雷先生翻译的《名人传》,让我们从伟人的生涯中汲取生存的力量和战斗的勇气,更让我们明白:唯有真实的苦难,才能驱除罗曼谛克式幻想的苦难;唯有克服苦难的悲剧,才能帮助我们担当起命运的磨难。读海伦?凯勒一个个真实而感人肺腑的故事,感受遭受不济命运的人所具备的自强不息和从容豁达,从而让我们在并非一帆风顺的人生道路上越走越勇,做命运真正的主宰者。在书籍的带领下,我们不断磨炼自己的意志,而我们的心灵也将渐渐充实成熟。
评分经典的I CAN READ .必收
Sam the Minuteman (I Can Read, Level 3)民兵萨姆 [平装] [4-8岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载