畫說宋詞(漢英對照)(平裝) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
畫作:陳佩鞦 等
Tang Poetry: Appealing to All
鞦日登吳公颱上寺遠眺 Gazing Afar from a Southern Temple on an Autumn Day
感遇 The Oranges
月下獨酌 Drinking Alone under the Moon
春思 A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring
望嶽 Gazing on Mount Tai
贈衛八處士 For Wei the Eighth
佳人 A Lovely Woman ( Seleted Verse )
Seeing Qiwu Qian Off after His Failure in Civil Service Examinations (Selected Verse)
青溪 The Blue Stream
渭川田傢 Rural Scene by River Wei
西施詠 Song of the Beauty of the West
夏日南亭懷辛大 Thinking of Xin the Eldest by the Poolside on a Summer Day
宿業師山房待丁大不至 Waitinging in Vain for Ding the Eldest
尋西山隱者不遇 A Mountaintop Cottage ( Selected Verse )
宿王昌齡隱居 A Poet’s Hermitage
長安遇馮著 Meeting Feng Zhu in the Capital
夕次盱眙縣 Moored at the Pier of Xuyi
東郊 The Eastem Countryside
送楊氏女 Farewell to Miss Yang
溪居 Living by the Brookside
塞上麯 Song of the Frontier (Ⅰ)
塞下麯 Song of the Frontier (Ⅱ)
子夜吳歌 Southern Ballad of Autumn
長乾行 Ballad of a Trader’s Wife
遊子吟 Song of the Parting Son
登幽州颱歌 On the Tower at Youzhou
古意 Warriors and Songstress
琴歌 Song of the Zither
聽董大彈鬍笳弄兼寄語房給事 Dong Playing a Homesick Song (Selected Verse)
聽安萬善吹觱篥歌 A Tartar Pipe (Selected Verse)
夜歸鹿門歌 Return to Deer Gate at Night
金陵酒肆留彆 Parting at a Tavern in Jinling
Song of White Snow in Farewell to Secretary Wu Going Back to the Capital
丹青引贈曹將軍霸 Pictures of Horses ( Selected Verse )
觀公孫大娘弟子舞劍器行 Dance of a Swordswoman ( Selected Verse)
石魚湖上醉歌 Drinking on Stone Fish Lake
桃源行 Song of Peach Blossom Land
麗人行 Satire on Fair Ladies
送杜少府之任蜀州 Farewell to Prefect Du
題大庾嶺北驛 At the Northern Post of the Peak of Mumes
次北固山下 Passing by the Northern Mountains
破山寺後禪院 A Buddhist Retreat behind an Old Temple in the Mountain
春望 Spring View
月夜 A Moonlit Night
天末懷李白 Thinking of Li Bai from the End of the Earth
輞川閑居贈裴秀纔迪 For My Outspoken Friend Pei Di in My Hermitage
山居鞦暝 Autumn Evening in the Mountains
終南山 Mount Eternal South
過香積寺 The Temple of Incense
送梓州李使君 Seeing Li off to Zizhou
終南彆業 My Hermitage in Southern Mountain
望洞庭湖贈張丞相 On Dongting Lake
歲暮歸南山 Return to the Southern Hill by the End of the Year
過故人莊 Visiting an Old Friend’s Cottage
餞彆王十一南遊 Farewell to South-going Wang the Eleventh
尋南溪常道士 Visiting a Taoist by the Southern Creek
榖口書齋寄楊補闕 Written to Censor Yang in My Study at the Mouth of the Vale
江鄉故人偶集客捨 Meeting with a Friend in a Riverside Hotel
喜見外弟又言彆 Meeting and Parting with My Cousin
賊平後送人北歸 Seeing a North-bound Friend Off
草 Grass
鞦日赴闕題潼關驛樓 At the Western Pass on an Autumn Day
蟬 To the Cicadas
落花 Falling Flowers
送人東遊 Seeing a Friend Off to the East
灞上鞦居 Autumn in the Countryside
尋陸鴻漸不遇 Visiting Lu Yu Without Meeting Him
積雨輞川莊作 Rainy Days in My Riverside Hermitage
客至 For a Friend
登高 On the Height
贈闕下裴捨人 For Secretary Pei of the Imperial Court
遣悲懷(其二) To My Deceased Wife (Ⅱ)
無題 To One Unnamed
利州南渡 Crossing the Southern River
竹裏館 The Bamboo Hut
相思 Love Seeds
雜詩 Our Native Place
送崔九 Farewell to Cui the Ninth
終南望馀雪 Snow atop the Southern Mountains
宿建德江 Mooring on the River at Jiande
春曉 A Spring Morning
靜夜思 Thoughts on a Tranquil Night
怨情 Waiting in Vain
登鸛雀樓 On the Stork Tower
送靈澈 Seeing off a Recluse
聽彈琴 Playing on Lute
聽箏 A Zitherist
新嫁娘詞 A Bride
玉颱體 Good Omens
何滿子 The Swan Song
春怨 A Lover’s Dream
哥舒歌 General Geshu
玉階怨 Waiting in Vain on Marble Steps
江南麯 A Southern Song
迴鄉偶書 Home-Coming
閨怨 Sorrow of a Young Bride in her Boudoir
Coming across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of the Yangzi River
滁州西澗 On the West Stream at Chuzhou
月夜 A Moonlit Night
春怨 Loneliness
後宮詞 The Deserted
集靈颱(其二) Long Life Terrace (Ⅱ)
宮中詞 Within the Palace
鞦夕 An Autumn Night
金榖園 The Golden Valley Garden
嫦娥 To the Moon Goddess
金陵圖 The Lakeside Land
清平調(其一) The Beautiful Lady Yang (Ⅰ)
About the Poets
About the Painters
About the Translator
畫說宋詞(漢英對照)(平裝) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載