第一条 什么是教育
第二条 什么是学校
第三条 教材
第四条 方法的性质
第五条 学校与社会进步
I belieye that education is the fundameutal method of social progress and reform.
I believe that all reforms which rest simply upon the enactment of law, or the threatening of certain penalties, or upon changes in mecbanical or outwarcl arrangements, are transitory and futile.
I believe that education is a regulation of the process of coming to share in the social consciousness; and that tho adjustment of individual activity on the basis of this social consciousness is the only sure method of social reconstruction.
I believe that this conception has due regard for both the individualistic and socialistic ideals.It is duly indi.vidual because, it recoguizes the formation of a certain character as the only genuine basis of right living.
The isolation of the teacher is a thing of the past. The processes of education have come to be recognized as fundamental and vital in any attempt to improve human conditious and elevate society.
The mis8ionary aud 8ocial reformer have long been looking to education for counsel and aid in their most clifficult undertaking8. Tbey have viewed with interest and pleasure the broadening yof pedagogy 80 as to make it include not only experimental physiology and child study, but the problems of motor training, physical culture, hygiene, and the treatment of defectives and delinquents of every class.
The school master, always conservative, has not found it, easy to enter this large field; for he has often failed to realize how rich and fruitful the result of such researches are, but remarkable progress has beenu made, and a changed attitude oii the part of educators is the result. And how could it be otherwise when the Oldest and most renowned in8titutions of learning in the land are giving a con8picuou8 place to the newer and better pedagogy in their curriculum ?
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