《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10版,英文版) [Educational Psychology:Theory and Practice (10e)] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
美國著名教育心理學傢、約翰·霍普金斯大學羅伯特·斯萊文教授撰寫的《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10 版)是一部堪稱典範的心理學教材,在內容體係的構架、事例的科學性、實用性以及可讀性等方麵廣受贊譽。
《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10 版)不僅介紹瞭教育心理學領域內的主要理論、基本概念、基本規律與方法,而且通過大量的真實案例將理論與實踐明確地聯係起來,教會讀者如何將教育心理學的理論知識遷移到現實的課堂教學中,成長為一名“有意識的教師”。作者秉承瞭理論知識與實用策略並舉、多元教學理念與方法並存的特色,每一章都以一幕場景開始,闡釋該章強調的實踐問題,之後的“理論應用於實踐”和“有意識的教師”專欄則提供瞭進一步的具體策略,以供教師用來改善學生的學習。
《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10 版)對全書進行瞭修訂,增補瞭新實例,精煉瞭語言,刪除瞭過時的或無關緊要的內容,補充瞭教育心理學近十年來的新進展及656 篇新的參考文獻。《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10 版)既可作為高等院校教育心理學課程的教材或參考書,供心理學、教育學專業的教師、學生及研究者使用,也適閤各類教育工作者參考閱讀。
羅伯特·斯萊文(Robert E. Slavin)是美國約翰·霍普金斯大學教育研究與改革中心主任、英國約剋大學有效教育研究中心主任以及“讓所有人都成功”基金會主席。他於1975 年在約翰·霍普金斯大學獲社會關係學博士學位,迄今撰寫瞭200 餘篇關於閤作學習、能力分組、學校和班級組織、廢除種族歧視、納入主流、研究評論以及實證改革等方麵的論文和書中章節。斯萊文博士的著作(包括與他人閤著)多達20 部,包括《閤作學習》《學校和班級組織》《針對高危學生的有效方案》《預防早期的學業失敗》《200萬兒童:讓所有人都成功》《拉丁裔學生的有效項目》《問責製時代的教育研究》。1985 年,斯萊文博士因應用項目研究而榮獲瞭美國教育研究會(AERA)頒發的雷濛德·卡特爾早期職業奬;1988 年,他在美國教育研究會主辦的學術期刊上獲得瞭帕爾默·約翰遜*論文奬;1994 年獲得查爾斯·達納奬,1998 年獲得美國國傢教育委員會頒發的詹姆斯·布賴恩特·科南特奬,2000 年獲得州首席教育官員聯閤會頒發的傑齣貢獻奬;2008年他在美國教育研究會主辦的雜誌上再次獲得帕爾默·約翰遜*論文奬,2009 年獲得AERA 研究綜述奬。
Brief Contents
CHAPTER 1 Educational Psychology: A Foundation for Teaching 1
CHAPTER 2 Cognitive, Language, and Literacy Development 28
CHAPTER 3 Social, Moral, and Emotional Development 52
CHAPTER 4 Student Diversity 78
CHAPTER 5 Behavioral Theories of Learning 114
CHAPTER 6 Information Processing and Cognitive Theories of Learning 142
CHAPTER 7 The Effective Lesson 182
CHAPTER 8 Student-Centered and Constructivist Approaches to Instruction 216
CHAPTER 9 Grouping, Differentiation, and Technology 248
CHAPTER 10 Motivating Students to Learn 284
CHAPTER 11 Effective Learning Environments 314
CHAPTER 12 Learners with Exceptionalities 352
CHAPTER 13 Assessing Student Learning 396
CHAPTER 14 Standardized Tests and Accountability 446
Appendix Using This Text to Prepare for the Praxis? Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam 482
References 497
What Makes a Good Teacher? What makes a good teacher? Is it warmth, humor, and the ability to care about people? Is it planning, hard work, and self-discipline? What about leadership, enthusiasm, a contagious love of learning, and speaking ability? Most people would agree that all of these qualities are needed to make a good teacher, and they would certainly be correct (see Wayne & Youngs, 2003). But these qualities are not enough.
■ Knowing the Subject Matters (But So Does Teaching Skill)
There is an old joke that goes like this:
Question: What do you need to know to be able to teach a horse? Answer: More than the horse!
This joke makes the obvious point that the first thing a teacher must have is some knowledge or skills that the learner does not have; you must know the subject matter you plan to teach. But if you think about teaching horses (or children), you will soon realize that although subject matter knowledge is necessary, it is not enough. A rancher may have a good idea of how a horse is supposed to act and what a horse is supposed to be able to do, but if he doesn’t have the skills to make an untrained, scared, and unfriendly animal into a good saddle horse, he’s going to end up with nothing but broken ribs and teeth marks for his trouble. Children are a lot smarter and a little more forgiving than horses, but teaching them has this in common with teaching horses: Knowledge of how to transmit information and skills is at least as important as knowledge of the information and skills themselves. We have all had teachers (most often college professors, unfortunately) who were brilliant and thoroughly knowledgeable in their fields but who could not teach. Ellen Mathis may know as much as Leah Washington about what good writing should be, but she has a lot to learn about how to get thirdgraders to write well.
For effective teaching, subject matter knowledge is not a question of being a walking encyclopedia. Vast knowledge is readily available. However, effective teachers not only know their subjects but also can communicate their knowledge to students. The celebrated high school math teacher Jaime Escalante taught the concept of positive and negative numbers to students in a Los Angeles barrio by explaining that when you dig a hole, you might call the pile of dirt +1, the hole –1. What do you get when you put the dirt back in the hole? Zero. Escalante’s ability to relate the abstract concept of positive and negative numbers to everyday experience is one example of how the ability to communicate knowledge goes far beyond simply knowing the facts.
■ Mastering Teaching Skills
The link between what a teacher wants students to learn and students’ actual learning is called instruction, or pedagogy. Effective instruction is not a simple matter of one person with more knowledge transmitting that knowledge to another. If telling were teaching, this book would be unnecessary. Rather, effective instruction demands the use of many strategies.
For example, suppose Paula Ray wants to teach a lesson on statistics to a diverse class of fourth-graders. To do so, Paula must accomplish many related tasks. She must make sure that the class is orderly and that students know what behavior is expected of them. She must find out whether students have the prerequisite skills; for example, students need to be able to add and divide to find averages. If any do not, Paula must find a way to teach students those skills. She must engage students in activities that lead them toward an understanding of statistics, such as having students roll dice, play cards, or collect data from experiments; and she must use teaching strategies that help students remember what they have been taught. The lessons should also take into account the intellectual and social characteristics of students in the fourth grade and the intellectual, social, and cultural characteristics of these particular students. Paula must make sure that students are interested in the lesson and motivated to learn statistics. To see whether students are learning what is being taught, she may ask questions or use quizzes or have students demonstrate their understanding by setting up and interpreting experiments, and she must respond appropriately if these assessments show that students are having problems. After the series of lessons on statistics ends, Paula should review this topic from time to time to ensure that it is remembered.
These tasks—motivating students, managing the classroom, assessing prior knowledge, communicating ideas effectively, taking into account the characteristics of the learners, assessing learning outcomes, and reviewing information—must be attended to at all levels of education, in or out of schools. They apply as much to the training of astronauts as to the teaching of reading. How these tasks are accomplished, however, differs widely according to the ages of the students, the objectives of instruction, and other factors.
What makes a good teacher is the ability to carry out all the tasks involved in effective instruction (Burden & Byrd, 2003; Kennedy, 2006). Warmth, enthusiasm, and caring are essential (Cornelius-White, 2007; Eisner, 2006), as is subject matter knowledge and understanding of how children learn (Wiggins & McTighe, 2006). But it is the successful accomplishment of all the tasks of teaching that makes for instructional effectiveness (Shulman, 2000).
■ Can Good Teaching Be Taught?
Some people think that good teachers are born that way. Outstanding teachers sometimes seem to have a magic, a charisma that mere mortals could never hope to achieve. Yet research has begun to identify the specific behaviors and skills that make a “magic” teacher (Borman & Kimball, 2005). An outstanding teacher does nothing that any other teacher cannot also do—it is just a question of knowing the principles of effective teaching and how to apply them. Take one small example: In 《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10版,英文版) [Educational Psychology:Theory and Practice (10e)] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
《教育心理學:理論與實踐》(第10版,英文版) [Educational Psychology:Theory and Practice (10e)] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載