中國統計年鑒2014 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024



中華人民共和國國傢統計局 編


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中國統計年鑒2014 epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

中國統計年鑒2014 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載



  本年鑒正文內容分為27個篇章,即: 1.綜閤;2.人口;3.國民經濟核算;4.就業和工資;5.價格;6.人民生活;7.財政;8.資源和環境;9.能源;10.固定資産投資;11.對外經濟貿易;12.農業;13.工業;14.建築業;15.房地産;16.批發和零售業;17.住宿、餐飲業和旅遊;18.運輸和郵電;19.金融業;20.科學技術;21.教育;22.衛生和社會服務;23.文化和體育;24.公共管理、社會保障和社會組織;25.城市、農村和區域發展;26.香港特彆行政區主要社會經濟指標;27.澳門特彆行政區主要社會經濟指標;同時附錄兩個篇章:颱灣省主要社會經濟指標;國際主要社會經濟指標。


一、綜 閤
General Survey
Brief Introduction
1-1 全國行政區劃 (2013年底) 3
Divisions of Administrative Areas in China (End of 2013)
1-2 國民經濟和社會發展總量與速度指標 4
Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development and Growth Rates
1-3 國民經濟和社會發展結構指標 12
Composition Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
1-4 國民經濟和社會發展比例和效益指標 16
Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
主要統計指標解釋 18
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
二、人 口
Brief Introduction
2-1 人口數及構成 25
Population and Its Composition
2-2 人口齣生率、死亡率和自然增長率 26
Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population
2-3 流動人口數 26
Floating Population
2-4 人口年齡結構和撫養比 27
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population
2-5 分地區年末人口數 28
Population at Year-end by Region
2-6 分地區年末城鎮人口比重 29
Proportion of Urban Population at Year-end by Region
2-7 分地區人口的城鄉構成和齣生率、死亡率、自然增長率 (2013年) 30
Total Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Birth Rate, Death Rate, Natural Growth Rate by Region (2013)
2-8 按年齡和性彆分人口數 (2013年) 31
Population by Age and Sex (2013)
2-9 分地區戶數、人口數、性彆比和戶規模 (2013年) 32
Household, Population, Sex Ratio and Household Size by Region (2013)
2-10 分地區分性彆、戶口登記狀況的人口(2013年) 34
Population by Sex, Household Registration Status and Region (2013)
2-11 分地區人口年齡構成和撫養比 (2013年) 36
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region (2013)
2-12 分地區按性彆和婚姻狀況分的人口(2013年) 37
Population by Sex, Marital Status and Region (2013)
2-13 分地區按性彆和受教育程度分的人口 (2013年) 39
Population by Sex, Educational Attainment and Region (2013)
2-14 分地區按性彆分的15歲及以上文盲人口 (2013年) 41
Illiterate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region (2013)
2-15 分地區按傢庭戶規模分的戶數 (2013年) 42
Family Households by Size and Region (2013)
2-16 育齡婦女分年齡、孩次的生育狀況(2012年11月1日至2013年10月31日) 43
Age-specific Fertility Rate of Childbearing Women by Age of Mother and Birth Order (2012.11.1-2013.10.31)
主要統計指標解釋 44
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
National Accounts
Brief Introduction
3-1 國內生産總值 50
Gross Domestic Product
3-2 國內生産總值構成 51
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
3-3 不變價國內生産總值 52
Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices
3-4 國內生産總值指數(上年=100) 53
Indices of Gross Domestic Product(preceding year=100)
3-5 國內生産總值指數(1978年=100) 54
Indices of Gross Domestic Product(year of 1978=100)
3-6 第三産業增加值 55
Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
3-7 第三産業增加值構成 56
Composition of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
3-8 第三産業不變價增加值 57
Value-added of the Tertiary Industry at Constant Prices
3-9 第三産業增加值指數(上年=100) 58
Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(preceding year=100)
3-10 第三産業增加值指數(1978年=100) 59
Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(year of 1978=100)
3-11 分行業增加值 60
Value-added by Sector
3-12 三次産業貢獻率 61
Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of the GDP
3-13 三次産業對國內生産總值增長的拉動 61
Contribution of the Three Strata of Industry to GDP Growth
3-14 地區生産總值和指數 62
Gross Regional Product and Indices
3-15 人均地區生産總值和指數 63
Per Capita Gross Regional Product and Indices
3-16 按三次産業分地區生産總值 (2013年) 64
Gross Regional Product by Three Strata of Industry (2013)
3-17 地區生産總值收入法構成項目 (2012年) 67
Income Approach Components of Gross Regional Product (2012)
3-18 支齣法國內生産總值 68
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
3-19 支齣法國內生産總值及構成 69
Components of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
3-20 支齣法地區生産總值 (2013年) 70
Gross Regional Product by Expenditure Approach (2013)
3-21 分地區資本形成總額及構成 (2013年) 71
Gross Capital Formation and Its Composition by Region (2013)
3-22 分地區最終消費支齣及構成 (2013年) 72
Final Consumption Expenditure and Its Composition by Region (2013)
3-23 居民消費水平 73
Household Consumption Expenditure
3-24 三大需求對國內生産總值增長的貢獻率和拉動 73
Contribution Share and Contribution of the Three Components of GDP to the Growth of GDP
3-25 分地區居民消費水平 (2013年) 74
Household Consumption Expenditure by Region (2013)
3-26 資金流量錶 (實物交易,2012年) 75
Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2012)
3-27 資金流量錶 (金融交易,2012年) 77
Flow of Funds Accounts (Financial Transaction, 2012)
3-28 國際收支平衡錶 (2013年) 79
Balance of Payments (2013)
主要統計指標解釋 80
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Employment and Wages
Brief Introduction
4-1 就業基本情況 89
4-2 按城鄉分就業人員數 (年底數) 90
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas
4-3 按三次産業分就業人員數 (年底數) 91
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata of Industry
4-4 按登記注冊類型和行業分城鎮單位就業人員數 (2013年底) 92
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2013)
4-5 按行業分城鎮單位就業人員數(年底數) 93
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Units at Year-end by Sector
4-6 分地區按行業分私營企業和個體就業人數(2013年底) 96
Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector
and Region (2013)
4-7 分地區按行業分城鎮私營企業和個體就業人數(2013年底) 97
Number of Engaged Persons in Urban Private Enterprises and Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Sector
and Region (2013)
4-8 分地區私營企業就業人數(2013年底) 98
Number of Engaged Persons in Private Enterprises at Year-end by Region (2013)
4-9 分地區個體就業人數(2013年底) 99
Number of Self-employed Individuals at Year-end by Region (2013)
4-10 城鎮單位就業人員工資總額和指數 100
Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
4-11 城鎮單位就業人員平均工資和指數 101
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
4-12 按登記注冊類型分城鎮單位就業人員平均工資 103
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration
4-13 按行業分城鎮單位就業人員工資總額 104
Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector
4-14 按登記注冊類型和行業分城鎮單位就業人員平均工資 (2013年) 107
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail (2013)
4-15 按行業分城鎮單位就業人員平均工資 108
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector
4-16 分地區按行業分城鎮私營單位就業人員平均工資(2013年) 111
Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units by Sector and Region (2013)
4-17 分地區城鎮登記失業人員及失業率 114
Registered Unemployed Persons and Unemployment Rate in Urban Area by Region
主要統計指標解釋 115
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
五、價 格
Brief Introduction
5-1 各種價格指數 123
Price Indices
5-2 各種價格定基指數 123
Fixed-base Price Indices
5-3 居民消費價格分類指數 (2013年) 124
Consumer Price Indices by Category (2013)
5-4 商品零售價格分類指數 (2013年) 126
Retail Price Indices by Category (2013)
5-5 分地區居民消費價格指數和商品零售價格指數 127
Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices by Region
5-6 分地區居民消費價格分類指數 128
Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region
5-7 分地區商品零售價格分類指數 136
Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities by Region
5-8 分地區農業生産資料價格分類指數 139
Price Indices for Means of Agricultural Production by Category and Region
5-9 農産品生産者價格指數 141
Producer Price Indices for Farm Products
5-10 分地區農産品生産者價格指數 142
Producer Price Indices for Farm Products by Region
5-11 按工業行業分工業生産者齣廠價格指數 143
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Sector
5-12 分地區工業生産者齣廠價格指數 144
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Region
5-13 工業生産者齣廠價格分類指數 145
Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products by Category
5-14 工業生産者購進價格指數 145
Purchasing Price Indices for Industrial Producers
5-15 固定資産投資價格指數 146
Price Index for Investment in Fixed Assets
5-16 分地區固定資産投資價格指數 147
Price Indices for Investment in Fixed Assets by Region
5-17 建築安裝工程價格指數 148
Price Indices of Construction and Installment
5-18 進齣口商品價格指數 148
Price Indices of Imports and Exports 中國統計年鑒2014 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書

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