现代数字与模拟通信系统(第4版)(英文版) [Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,International Fourth Edition] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
第1章 简介
第2章 信号与信号空间
第3章 信号的分析和传输
第4章 幅度调制与解调
第5章 角度调制与解调
第6章 采样和模数转换
第7章 数字传输原理
第8章 概率论基础
第9章 随机过程和谱分析
第10章 数字通信系统的性能分析
第11章 扩频通信
第12章 线性信道失真下的数字通信
第13章 信息论介绍
第14章 纠错编码
第15章 纠错编码
附录A 一些信号集的正交性
附录B 柯西-施瓦茨不等式
附录C 矢量集的格拉姆-施密特正交化
附录D 矩阵的基本性质和运算
附录E 其他
As noted earlier, channel noise is a major factor limiting communication performance because it is random and cannot be removed by prediction. On other other hand, randomness isalso closely associated with the desired signals in communications. Indeed, randomness is theessence of communication. Randomness means unpredictabiliry, or uncertainty, of a source message. If a source had no unpredictability, like a friend who always wants to repeat the samestory on "how I was abducted by an alien," then the information would be known before handand would contain no information. Similarly, if a person winks, it conveys some informationin a given context. But if a person winks continuously with the regularity of a clock, the winks convey no information. In short, a predictable signal is not random and is fully redundant.Thus, a message contains information only if it is unpredictable. Higher predictability meanshigher redundancy and, consequently, less information. Conversely, more unpredictable or lesslikely random signals contain more information.
Source coding reduces redundancy based on the predictability of the message source. The objective of source coding is to use codes that are as short as possible to represent the sourcesignal. Shorter codes are more efficient because they require less time to transmit at a givendata rate. Hence, source coding should remove signal redundancy while encoding and transmitting the unpredictable, random part of the signal. The more predictable messages contain more redundancy and require shorter codes, while messages that are less likely contain more information and should be encoded with longer codes. By assigning more likely messages withshorter source codes and less likely messages with longer source codes, one obtains more efficient source coding. Consider the Morse code, for example.ln this code, various combinations of dashes and dots (code words) are assigned to each letter. To minimize transmission time,shorter code words are assigned to more frequently occurring(more probable) letters (suchas e,t, and a) and longer code words are assigned to rarely occurring (less probable) letters(such as x, q, and z). Thus, on average, messages in English would tend to follow a knownletter distribution, thereby leading to shorter code sequences that can be quickly transmitted.This explains why Morse code is a good source code.
It will be shown in Chapter 13 that for digital signals, the overall transmission time is minimized if a message(or symbol) of probability P is assigned a code word with a lengthproportional to log (1/P). Hence, from an engineering point of view, the information of amessage with probability P is proportional to log (1/P). This is known as entropy (source)coding.
现代数字与模拟通信系统(第4版)(英文版) [Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,International Fourth Edition] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
现代数字与模拟通信系统(第4版)(英文版) [Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,International Fourth Edition] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载