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Shing-Tung Yau is the William Caspar Graustein Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University. He has been awarded a Fields Medal, a MacArthur Fellowship, a National Medal of Science, the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, the Crafoord Prize, the Veblen Prize, and other honors.
Steve Nadis is a science writer and contributing editor to Astronomy and Discover magazines.
A Fields medalist recounts his lifelong transnational effort to uncover the geometric shape—the Calabi-Yau manifold—that may store the hidden dimensions of our universe.
Harvard geometer and Fields medalist Shing-Tung Yau has provided a mathematical foundation for string theory, offered new insights into black holes, and mathematically demonstrated the stability of our universe. In this autobiography, Yau reflects on his improbable journey to becoming one of the world’s most distinguished mathematicians. Beginning with an impoverished childhood in China and Hong Kong, Yau takes readers through his doctoral studies at Berkeley during the height of the Vietnam War protests, his Fields Medal–winning proof of the Calabi conjecture, his return to China, and his pioneering work in geometric analysis. This new branch of geometry, which Yau built up with his friends and colleagues, has paved the way for solutions to several important and previously intransigent problems. With complicated ideas explained for a broad audience, this book offers readers not only insights into the life of an eminent mathematician, but also an accessible way to understand advanced and highly abstract concepts in mathematics and theoretical physics.
##内行看门道,外行看热闹。这本书对从学生时代起就视数学为洪水猛兽的我而言,最感兴趣的是作者书中爆出的各种“瓜”。 一、关于作者 父亲丘镇英,广东省梅州市[蕉岭县]文福镇白湖村人,厦门大学教授;母亲梁若琳,梅州历史上最后一位秀才梁伯聪之女,书香闺秀。夫妇二人共育2子...
评分 评分 评分 评分##在香港的贫穷出身和幸运又不幸运的成长经历十分令人赞叹。。从刚落地美国全身心投入数学研究到逐渐平衡工作生活却依旧热爱科研再到尽力推动数学教育的转变 真的是很完美、很有成就的数学生涯!以及能感觉到丘老因为坚持原则(?)一辈子得罪了不少人 能把这么多结仇的故事写进书里也是蛮八卦的 lol
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