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Tara Westover is an American author living in the UK. Born in Idaho to a father opposed to public education, she never attended school. She spent her days working in her father's junkyard or stewing herbs for her mother, a self-taught herbalist and midwife. She was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom, and after that first taste, she pursued learning for a decade. She graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University in 2008 and was subsequently awarded a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. She earned an MPhil from Trinity College, Cambridge in 2009, and in 2010 was a visiting fellow at Harvard University. She returned to Cambridge, where she was awarded a PhD in history in 2014.
Educated is an account of the struggle for self-invention. It is a tale of fierce family loyalty, and of the grief that comes from severing one’s closest ties. With the acute insight that distinguishes all great writers, Westover has crafted a universal coming-of-age story that gets to the heart of what an education is and what it offers: the perspective to see one’s life through new eyes, and the will to change it.
##我也经历过被家庭控制-痛苦-educated-建立新自我-疏远家庭的过程,但我无法产生共情,因为作者是一个没唱过歌但一唱就能当音乐剧主唱,没上过学靠自学就一路去剑桥的天才。到大学艺术史课布置了reading,作者竟然只看了图片,还找借口说她不知道也要看字,excuse me? 而且如果真的尊重知识好奇求知,不知道要看也会忍不住想看吧?这样的作者,写出了剑桥教授三十多年教学经验见过的最好的论文,很久没工作被导师警告可能毕不了业重新工作立刻一举写出导师称赞的博士论文顺利毕业,顶着这样的天才光环,那我还能说什么呢。作者以前有多不幸和之后有多幸运并不吸引人,重要的是那些过程中的感受、挣扎、思考和蜕变,但比例上前者太多了,后者太少了,沦为不打动人的猎奇流水账。垃圾场部分有一堆生词,无聊又读起来费劲
评分 评分 评分##*视频搬运说明 Tara Westover,《Educated-你当像鸟飞往你的山》作者: 塔拉•韦斯特弗 Tara Westover,美国历史学家、作家。1986年生于爱达荷州的山区。十七岁前从未上过学,通过自学考取杨百翰大学,2008年获文学学士学位。随后获得盖茨剑桥奖学金,2009年获剑桥大学哲学硕...
评分 评分 评分##严重过誉的书。开头描写群山还算有点文学性,后面絮絮叨叨,其实就是讲父母脑残智障、不让上学严重虐待怎么办。1/4弃,后半段在得到听了,体验自我/叙事自我2种写法,消解对世界的决定论和宿命论看法。中译名<你当像鸟飞往你的山>好美。
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