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Adam Tooze


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Allen Lane 2018-8-7 Hardcover 9780670024933

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Adam Tooze is the author of Wages of Destruction, winner of the Wolfson and Longman History Today Prize. He is the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History at Columbia University. He formerly taught at Yale University, where he was Director of International Security Studies, and at the University of Cambridge. He has worked in executive development with several major corporations and contributed to the National Intelligence Council. He has written and reviewed for Foreign Affairs, the Financial Times, The Guardian, the Sunday Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, Die Zeit, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Tageszeitung and Spiegel Magazine, New Left Review, and the London Review of Books.

From a prizewinning economic historian, an eye-opening reinterpretation of the 2008 economic crisis (and its ten-year aftermath) as a global event that directly led to the shockwaves being felt around the world today.

In September 2008 President George Bush could still describe the financial crisis as an incident local to Wall Street. In fact it was a dramatic caesura of global significance that spiraled around the world, from the financial markets of the UK and Europe to the factories and dockyards of Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, forcing a rearrangement of global governance. In the United States and Europe, it caused a fundamental reconsideration of capitalist democracy, eventually leading to the war in the Ukraine, the chaos of Greece, Brexit, and Trump.

It was the greatest crisis to have struck Western societies since the end of the Cold War, but was it inevitable? And is it over? Crashed is a dramatic new narrative resting on original themes: the haphazard nature of economic development and the erratic path of debt around the world; the unseen way individual countries and regions are linked together in deeply unequal relationships through financial interdependence, investment, politics, and force; the ways the financial crisis interacted with the spectacular rise of social media, the crisis of middle-class America, the rise of China, and global struggles over fossil fuels.

Finally, Tooze asks, given this history, what now are the prospects for a liberal, stable, and coherent world order?

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##Chapter1 布十政府連續減稅,扭轉瞭剋林頓時代政策,再進去赤字時代,徹底無約束 美國最大的外部債務人 從歐洲變成日本 變成中國 這個過程伴隨著雙方意識形態突破嘗試,鼓勵中國加入wto等,也是美國全球貿易擴展的一環 全球貨幣體係是分層級的,美元最高。以美元計價債務的國傢...  







##看這本書像是在看電影,鏡頭場景切換中,看書的人仿佛看到瞭那年金融危機的重現。通過這本書的描述,能夠清晰看到自2007年以來全球金融體係發生瞭什麼或者將會發生什麼的威脅,大國和大型組織之間怎麼博弈的過程。如果要給一個範圍定義,這本書屬於政治經濟學範疇, 08金融危機引...  


##Read Intro, and chapters 1, 6, 7, 10. Not a big fan of 2008 financial crisis though. Chris



##Coming up with an outline in the next few days

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