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村上春樹(1949- ),日本小說傢。曾在早稻田大學文學部戲劇科就讀。1979年,他的第一部小說《聽風之歌》問世後,即被搬上瞭銀幕。隨後,他的優秀作品《1973年的彈子球》、《尋羊冒險記》、《挪威的森林》等相繼發錶。他的創作不受傳統拘束,構思新奇,行文瀟灑自在,而又不流於庸俗淺薄。尤其是在刻畫人的孤獨無奈方麵更有特色,他沒有把這種情緒寫成負的東西,而是通過內心的心智性操作使之升華為一種優雅的格調,一種樂在其中的境界,以此來為讀者,尤其是生活在城市裏的人們提供瞭一種生活模式或生命的體驗。
Haruki Murakami, the internationally bestselling author of Norwegian Wood and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle , plunges us into an urbane Japan of jazz bars, coffee shops, Jack Kerouac, and the Beatles to tell this story of a tangled triangle of uniquely unrequited loves.
A college student, identified only as “K,” falls in love with his classmate, Sumire. But devotion to an untidy writerly life precludes her from any personal commitments–until she meets Miu, an older and much more sophisticated businesswoman. When Sumire disappears from an island off the coast of Greece, “K” is solicited to join the search party and finds himself drawn back into her world and beset by ominous, haunting visions. A love story combined with a detective story, Sputnik Sweetheart ultimately lingers in the mind as a profound meditation on human longing.
Haruki Murakami, the internationally bestselling author of Norwegian Wood and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle , plunges us into an urbane Japan of jazz bars, coffee shops, Jack Kerouac, and the Beatles to tell this story of a tangled triangle of uniquely unrequited loves.
A college student, identified only as ?K,? falls in love with his classmate, Sumire. But devotion to an untidy writerly life precludes her from any personal commitments?until she meets Miu, an older and much more sophisticated businesswoman. When Sumire disappears from an island off the coast of Greece, ?K? is solicited to join the search party and finds himself drawn back into her world and beset by ominous, haunting visions. A love story combined with a detective story, Sputnik Sweetheart ultimately lingers in the mind as a profound meditation on human longing.
##村上先生的文字駕馭能力讓我嘆服不已。這本書與我的共鳴若五雷轟頂。 最凜冽的引人入勝的開場文:二十歲那年春天,堇有生依賴第一次墜入戀情。那時一場猶如排山倒海之勢掠過無邊草原的龍捲風一般的迅猛戀情。它片甲不留地摧毀路上一切障礙,又將其接二連三...
評分 評分##I spread my fingers apart and stare at the palms of both hands, looking for bloodstains. There aren’t any. No scent of blood, no stiffness. The blood must have already, in its own silent way, seeped inside.
評分 評分 評分 評分##我們盡管是再閤適不過的旅伴,但歸根結底仍不過是描繪各自軌跡的兩個孤獨的金屬塊兒。遠看如流星一般美麗,而實際上我們不外乎是被幽禁在裏麵的、哪裏也去不瞭的囚徒。當兩顆衛星的軌道偶爾交叉時,我們便這樣相會瞭。也可能兩顆心相碰,但不過一瞬之間。下一瞬間就重新陷入絕...
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