Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
J. K. 羅琳(J. K. Rowling, 1965- ),英國女作傢,自小喜歡寫作,當過短時間的教師和秘書。二十四歲那年,她在前往倫敦的火車旅途中萌生瞭創作“哈利·波特”係列小說的念頭。七年後,《哈利·波特與魔法石》問世,之後她陸續創作瞭《哈利·波特與密室》《哈利·波特與阿茲卡班囚徒》《哈利·波特與火焰杯》《哈利-波特與鳳凰社》《哈利·波特與“混血王子”》和《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》,完成瞭該係列的創作,在全球颳起一股股“哈利·波特”颶風,在世界範圍內掀起規模宏大的“哈利·波特”閱讀狂潮。另外,在此期間,她還因為慈善事業而先後完成瞭《神奇動物在哪裏》和《神奇的魁地奇球》這兩部與“哈利·波特”係列相關的圖書,最新完成的作品是《詩翁彼豆故事集》。
Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last ...even getting there is an adventure in itself! The three firm friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, are soon immersed in the daily round of Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Quidditch. But then horrible and mysterious things begin to happen. Harry keeps hearing strange voices, sinister and dark messages appear on the wall, and then Ron's sister Ginny disappears...
##如果說第一部的主題是勇氣, 那第二部就是忠誠。 所有人對霍格沃茨的忠誠。 其實《哈利波特》中真正的主角,是霍格沃茨,那所可愛的學校。 因為要知道那種忠誠,絕非跟在老虎後麵的狐狸的驕傲,而是那種交付整個生命的信任。仿若跟在將軍身後的萬馬韆軍,寶劍高舉,澄澈的眼...
評分After reading this book, I am moved by the story and feel the happiness. It seems that the kind of friendship and companion in the book have been far away from us in reality. It has been 9 nine years since I first read HP and I feel my heart aged when I rea...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載