经济学的思维方式(经济学导论影印第12版) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
有舍才有得,保罗·海恩编著的《经济学的思维方式(影印**2版)》通过淡化对严格建模的强调,得以带来*多的思考、应用和真知灼见。但请别误会我们的意思,本书对于经济学的探讨既非轻易,也不像在酒中羼水一样降格以求。**2版以扎实可靠的讨论阐述了经济学原理,并将其应用于我们身边的日常世界,这些应用既富于探索性,又富有启发性。甚至有些职业经济学家也告诉我们,他们通过阅读本书对经济学有了*加深刻的理解,而他们都已经拿到了博士学位。 本书旨在提高学生的技能,使他们能像经济学家一样思考。一旦他们迷上了经济学,在*高深的经济学课程中会有充分的机会来锻炼自己的建模能力。但愿学生们都能在这个奇妙的学科中不懈追求,如若不能,至少也能保有基本的经济学知识。
保罗·海恩编著的《经济学的思维方式(影印**2版)》是风靡**的 一部另类的经典经济学教科书。与主流经济学教材不同,《经济学的思维方 式(影印**2版)》回避了繁复的公式、函数、运算,通过深入浅出和饶有 趣味的图画,将日常生活中纷繁复杂、看似毫无关联的一些社会现象,和一 套富有一致性的思维框架结合起来,展现出一种“经济学的想象力”。正如 道格拉斯?诺斯所说,经济学的力量就在于它是一种思维方式,本书的目的 正是引导读者学会经济学推理方式,从而能够像经济学家一样思考问题。
《经济学的思维方式》已经被翻译成多种语言,享誉全世界,堪称经济 学教育领域的一部标尺性著作。自2008年**1版翻译引进以来,在大专院校 和非专业读者中都引起了相当的反响,荣获了多项**图书奖。作者在11版 的基础上,对全书的结构和内容作了大量修订,带给读者全新的认识。影印 **2版除了序言和前言采用中文,正文与英文原书**一致,让读者充分体 验阅读原文的乐趣与收获。
Preface 前 言
1 The Economic Way of Thinking 经济学的思维方式
Recognizing Order 认识秩序
The Importance of Social Cooperation 社会协作的重要性
How Does It Happen· 这一切是怎么发生的?
An Apparatus of the Mind-the skill of the economist 智力工具--经济学家的技能
Cooperation through mutual adjustment 通过相互调整进行合作
Rules of the game 游戏规则
Property rights as rules of the game 产权作为游戏规则
The biases of economic theory: a weakness or a strength·
Biases or conclusions 偏倚还是结论?
No theory means poor theory 没有理论就是糟糕的理论
Once over lightly 简短回顾
Questions for discussion 问题与讨论
2 Efficiency, Exchange, and Comparative Advantage 效率、交换与比较优势
Goods and Bads 好品和坏品
The Myth of Material Wealth 物质财富的误区
Trade Creates Wealth 贸易创造财富
Is It Worth It· Efficiency and Values 值不值?效率与价值
Recognizing Trade-Offs: Comparing Opportunity Costs of Production
The Gains from Specialization and Exchange 从专业化和交换中获益
Why Specialize· 为什么要专业化?
From Individual Trade to International Trade, and Back Again
Transaction Costs 交易成本
Incentives to Reduce Transaction Costs: Middlemen 降低交易成本的激励:中间人
Middlemen Create Information 中间人创造信息
Markets as Discovery Processes 市场作为发现过程
An Appendix: Economic Growth: Specialization, Exchange, and The Rule of Law
延伸阅读: 经济增长:专业化、交换和法治
Once Over Lightly 简短回顾
Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论
3 Substitutes Everywhere: The Concept of Demand 无处不在的替代:需求的概念
On the Notion of "Needs" 关于"需要"
Marginal Values 边际价值
Everyday Choices Are Marginal Choices 日常选择就是边际选择
The Demand Curve 需求曲线
The Law of Demand 需求法则
Demand and Quantity Demanded 需求和需求量
Demand Itself Can Change 需求自身也会变
Everything Depends on Everything Else 任何事物都依赖于其他事物
Misperceptions Caused by Inflation 通货膨胀导致的错觉
Time Is on Our Side 时间站在我们这一边
Price Elasticity of Demand 需求的价格弹性
Thinking About Elasticity 对弹性的思考
Elasticity and Total Receipts 弹性与总收入
The Myth of Vertical Demand 垂直需求的误区
All Scarce Goods Must Be Rationed Somehow 所有稀缺品都必须以某种方式分配
Is Money All That Matters· Money Costs, Other Costs, and Economic Calculation
Once Over Lightly 简短回顾
Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论
4 Cost and Choice: The Concept of Supply 成本和选择:供给的概念
Refresher on Opportunity Costs 对机会成本的复习
Costs Are Tied to Actions, Not Things 成本和行为而不是事物相关
What Do I Do Now· The Irrelevance of "Sunk Costs"
Producers' Costs as Opportunity Costs 生产者的成本作为机会成本
Marginal Opportunity Costs 边际机会成本
Costs and Supply 成本和供给
The Supply Curve 供给曲线
Supply Itself Can Change 供给自身也会变
Marginal and Average Costs 边际成本和平均成本
The Cost of a Volunteer Military Force 志愿兵役制度的成本
Price Elasticity of Supply 供给的价格弹性
Cost as Justification 用成本论证正当性
Once Over Lightly 简短回顾
Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论
5 Supply and Demand: A Process of Coordination 供给与需求:协调的过程
The Market Is a Process of Plan Coordination 市场是计划协调的过程
The Basic Process 基本过程
Competition, Cooperation, and Market Clearing 竞争、合作与市场出清
Changing Market Conditions 变动的市场条件
Learning from Free-Market Prices 理解自由市场价格
Central Planning and the Knowledge Problem 中央计划和知识问题
An Appendix: Coordination Problems: Transaction Costs
Once Over Lightly 简短回顾
Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论
6 Unintended Consequences: More Applications of Supply and Demand
Catastrophe and Confusion 自然灾害时供求的迷思
Catastrophe and Coordination 自然灾害时供求的协调
The Urge to Fix Prices 限价的冲动
Competition When Prices Are Fixed 价格固定时的竞争
Appropriate and Inappropriate Signals 恰当与不恰当的信号
Looking for an Apartment in the City· Read the Obituary!
Strong Booze, Stronger Drugs: Criminal Incentives 烈酒、烈性**:犯罪的激励
Skim Milk, Whole Milk, and Gangster Milkmen 脱脂牛奶、全脂牛奶和"牛奶匪帮"
Supports and Surpluses 价格下限与生产过剩
Supply, Demand, and the Minimum Wage 供给、需求和*低工资
Slavery Goes Global, Again 奴隶贸易再次**化
Do Costs Determine Prices· 成本决定价格吗?
The Dropouts Release Their First CD "退出者"发行了他们的**张唱片
"There's Gold in Them Thar Hills!" So What· "山里有金子!"那又怎么样?
Even Butchers Don't Have the Guts 甚至连屠户都没这个胆子
Why Does It Cost So Much to Change Bedpans· 为什么医院里换个便盆都这么贵?
An Appendix: Framing Economic Questions Correctly 延伸阅读:正确地表述经济问题
Once Over Lightly 简短回顾
Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论
7 Profit and Loss 利润与亏损
Wage, Rent, and Interest: Incomes Established in Advance by Contract
Profit: Income That Can Be Positive or Negative 利润:可正可负的收入
Calculating Profit: What Should Be Included in Costs· 计算利润:哪些应该计入成本?
Comparing Economic Profit and Accounting Profit 比较经济利润和会计利润
Uncertainty: A Necessary Condition for Profit 不确定性:利润的必要条件
The Entrepreneur 企业家
The Entrepreneur as Residual Claimant 作为剩余索取者的企业家
Not-for-Profit Institutions 非营利机构
Entrepreneurship and the Market Process 企业家才能与市场过程
Mere Luck· 仅仅是运气吗?
Profit and Loss as Coordinating Signals: The Role of Monetary Calculation
Beware of Experts 小心专家
An Appendix: Profiteering in Futures Markets 延伸阅读: 在期货市场上赚取利润
Once Over Lightly 简短回顾
Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论
8 Price Searching 觅 价
The Popular Theory of Price Setting 定价的流行理论
Introducing Ed Sike 艾德·赛克登场
The Basic Rule for Maximizing Net Revenue 净收益*大化的基本法则
The Concept of Marginal Revenue 边际收益的概念
Why Marginal Revenue Is Less Than Price 为什么边际收益会低于价格?
Setting Marginal Revenue to Equal Marginal Cost 让边际收益等于边际成本
What About Those Empty Seats· 那些空座位呢?
经济学的思维方式(经济学导论影印第12版) 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
经济学的思维方式(经济学导论影印第12版) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载