【3本39】那些启迪牛津的成功故事( 英汉对照 彩色插图版)精选拥有美德 充热情 激励他 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
书名:那些启迪牛津的成功故事 : 英汉对照
作者:李清如 编著
Part 1 独特个性Maintain Your Unique IndividualityDiligently
Having Hearts in Eyes眼里有心
Think More About What You Have多想想你拥有的
Care Your Dream呵护你的梦想
More than ORe Way to the Square通往广场的路不止一条
Do I Need to Like Myself?非得喜欢自己吗?
Weakness or Strength是弱项还是强项
Part 2 思想深度What Do You Think
A Boy and His Tree男孩和树
The Wisdom of ORe Word改变一生的邂逅
Puppies for Sale待售的小狗
Never Judge a Book by Its Cover不要以貌取人
The Story of Autumn秋天的故事
Sand Writing写在沙上的话
Part 3 创造潜力Creative Person Is the God's Favorite
Winners Never Quit胜者永不言弃,
Playing a Violin with Three Strings断弦的小提琴
The Baby Eagle小鹰的故事
Run Through the Rain雨中奔跑
Joy in the Journey旅途乐趣
Part 4 自由独立Dance Like No 0ne's Watching
Dance Like No One's Watching像无人观望一样纵情地起舞
Growing Roots成长的树根,
Everybody Can Do Something
Fourteen Steps十四级台阶
Part 5 思辨精神Wisdom Comes from Philosophlzing
The Cookie Thief偷曲奇饼的人
Are You a Carrot,an Egg,or a Coffee Bean?胡萝卜、鸡蛋和咖啡豆
The Nails and the Fence钉子和篱笆
The Trees Outside My Window窗外的风景
Persistence IS Different from Stubbomness固执不是执着
Part 6 批判思维Improve Your Comprehensive Thinking AbilityButterflies美丽的花蝴蝶
Ignorance Is Bliss,Folly to Be Wise人生贵在糊涂
The Uncertainty Principles福祸相依
Use Your Wisdom to Know When It's Time to LetGo运用智慧,适时舍得
Life Struggle生命的拼搏
Eating the Cookie生活的真谛
Part 7 勇于负责Life Is Like Creating Your Own Project
Keep On Singing继续歌唱
The Day I Flunked out of Law School我被法学院开除的日子
My Miraculous Family生命的奇迹
A Lady Named Lill有个女孩叫莉尔
John and Bobby机遇在于生活的细节,
Part 8 拥有美德Virtue ls ReaI Noble
AGood Heartto Lean On善心可依
Lifetime Catch-生的收获
The Giving Tree爱心树
The Wooden Bowl一只木碗
Cookies,Forgotten and Forg iven妈妈的小甜饼
Listening Is Powerful Medicine
A Glass of Milk一杯牛奶
Part 9 充满热情You Must Like What You Do
To Rediscover the Enthusiasm唤醒沉睡的热情
A PairofSocks一双袜子
From Waitress to Superstar从侍者到明星
You've Got to Find What You Love找到你所热爱的东西
Part 10 心智成熟Mature Enough to Accept the Pressure
Put the Glass Down放下玻璃杯
The Zen of Cat一只猫的哲学
The Girl on the Train火车上的女孩
A Plate of Peas一盘豌豆
Growing Up in Five Minutes五分钟成长
Part 11坚毅执替No Problem IS Permanent
One Success Is Enough in One's Life人生有一次成功就够了
Did the Earth Move for You?地球在为你而动
A Ball to Roll Around滚球
A Lesson of Life生活的一课
Changing Focus转移你的视线
Part 12 追求卓越Excellence lS the Core Value of Oxford
Never Too Late to Become What You Want to Be梦想终有成真时
Helen Keller海伦?凯勒
Perfectly Normal完全正常,
We Did It我们成功了
If the Dream Is Big Enough心中有梦想
Part 13 激励他人The Power of Love and Encouragement
We Never Told Him He Couldn't Do It从不说他做不到
A Room with a View窗外有蓝天
The Most BeautifuI Flower*美丽的花
The Difference a Hello from a Stranger CanMake一个陌生人的问候所带给我的
The Diifference a Teacher
Can Make老师改变了男孩的人生
A Simple Gesture只是举手之劳
Part 14 温文有礼Being an Educated Gentleman
Don't Forget to Say Thank You勿忘说声谢谢
Help from the Rival给对手的“救命草”
A Brother like That哥哥的心愿
Don't Quit,Keep Playing别停下,继续弹
A Trick Anonymous难忘的恶作剧
Part 15 *袖气质Leader Spirit Is a Intangible Capital
The Story of Big Rocks大石块的故事
Jordan Reti rement乔丹退役演说
A Friend's Prayer朋友的祈祷
To the Top迈向
"Did you knit that sweater?"I asked her.
"No,"she answered."It was done by a woman here in Paris."
"What an interesting stitch!"I continued.
My friend had an explanation,"The woman's name is Mrs.Vidian—she told me she learned the stitch in Armenia,her native country."
Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater.Then an even more daring idea came to me.Why not open my own house of fashion?Why not design,make and sell clothes from the house of Schiaparelli!I would do it,and I would begin with a sweater.
I drew a bold black and white butterfly pattern and took it to Mrs.Vidian.She knitted it into a sweater.The result,I thought,was wonderful.Then came the test.I wore the sweater to a luncheon which people in the fashion business would attend.To my great pleasure,the sweater was noticed.In fact,the representative of a large New York store wanted 40 sweaters to be ready in two weeks.I accepted the order and walked out on a cloud of happiness.
My cloud disappeared suddenly,however,when I stood in front of Mrs.Vidian."But it took me almost a week to knit that one sweater,"she said."Forty sweaters in two weeks?It is not possible!"
I was crushed to be so close to success and then to be blocked!Sadly I walked away.All at once I stopped short.There must be another way.This stitch did take special skill.But surely there must be other Armenian women in Paris who knew how to do it.
I went back to Mrs.Vidian and explained my plan.She really didn't think it would work,but she agreed to help.
We were like detectives,Mrs.Vidian and I.We put ourselves on the trail of any Armenians who lived in Paris.One friend led us to another.At last we tracked down 20 women,each of whom could knit the special stitch.
----- ----- ----- -----【3本39】那些启迪牛津的成功故事( 英汉对照 彩色插图版)精选拥有美德 充热情 激励他 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载