What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful 英文原版 [平裝] [ pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
America’s most sought-after executive coach shows how to climb the last few rungs of the ladder.
The corporate world is filled with executives, men and women who have worked hard for years to reach the upper levels of management. They’re intelligent, skilled, and even charismatic. But only a handful of them will ever reach the pinnacle -- and as executive coach Marshall Goldsmith shows in this book, subtle nuances make all the difference. These are small "transactional flaws" performed by one person against another (as simple as not saying thank you enough), which lead to negative perceptions that can hold any executive back. Using Goldsmith’s straightforward, jargon-free advice, it’s amazingly easy behavior to change.
Marshall Goldsmith has been widely recognized as the world's #1 leadership thinker and executive coach. He is one of a select few advisors who have been asked to work with more than 150 major CEOs and their management teams. His 32 books have been translated into 28 languages and have been listed bestsellers in 11 countries. The American Management Association has listed Dr. Goldsmith as one of the great thinkers and leaders who have impacted the field of management over the past 50 years, and BusinessWeek has recognized him as one of the most influential practitioners in the history of leadership development. Marshall provides hundreds of his articles, audios, and videos online at .
Mark Reiter has collaborated on thirteen previous books. He is also a literary agent in Bronxville, New York.
"Marshall Goldsmith is one of the most credible thought leaders in the new era of business."-The Economist
"For over a decade I have worked with Marshall in corporations and seen him teach. In my opinion, he is the best at what he does, bar none. He has that rare combination that makes a great teacher-thought leadership, classroom management, and presence."-Vijay Govindarajan, professor and director, Center for Global Leadership, Tuck School, Dartmouth University
"America's preeminent executive coach."-Fast Company
What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful 英文原版 [平裝] [ 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
非親非故!” 石懷沙早已由古浪眼中看齣,他與哈門陀必然有些瓜葛。 他沉吟瞭一下,說道:“那麼大師父與榖老師有何仇恨?” 哈門陀仍然哈哈地說道:“無怨無仇!” 石懷沙雖然內心憤恨已極,但是他卻不敢招惹這麼厲害的人物,強笑道:“江湖之中,事端極多,既然事不關己,自無過問必要,恕我先行告退!” 說罷嚮哈門陀拱瞭拱手,便要離去。 哈門陀凜然道:“施主留步!” 石懷沙無奈,硬著頭皮轉過身子,含笑道:“大師父還有什麼事?” 哈門陀望瞭古浪一眼,說道:“古浪乃是江湖晚輩,你與榖小良均是成名人物,為何與他動起手來?” 石懷沙眉頭一皺,忖道:“看樣子他是成心找事,隻怕今天不能善罷瞭!” 他強忍著心中的憤怒,說道:“一些私人糾紛,與大師父不相乾。” 哈門陀麵色一沉,說道:“施主怎麼知道與我無關?” 這句話把石懷沙問得啞口無言,他雖然心諱哈門陀武功神奇,但
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非親非故!” 石懷沙早已由古浪眼中看齣,他與哈門陀必然有些瓜葛。 他沉吟瞭一下,說道:“那麼大師父與榖老師有何仇恨?” 哈門陀仍然哈哈地說道:“無怨無仇!” 石懷沙雖然內心憤恨已極,但是他卻不敢招惹這麼厲害的人物,強笑道:“江湖之中,事端極多,既然事不關己,自無過問必要,恕我先行告退!” 說罷嚮哈門陀拱瞭拱手,便要離去。 哈門陀凜然道:“施主留步!” 石懷沙無奈,硬著頭皮轉過身子,含笑道:“大師父還有什麼事?” 哈門陀望瞭古浪一眼,說道:“古浪乃是江湖晚輩,你與榖小良均是成名人物,為何與他動起手來?” 石懷沙眉頭一皺,忖道:“看樣子他是成心找事,隻怕今天不能善罷瞭!” 他強忍著心中的憤怒,說道:“一些私人糾紛,與大師父不相乾。” 哈門陀麵色一沉,說道:“施主怎麼知道與我無關?” 這句話把石懷沙問得啞口無言,他雖然心諱哈門陀武功神奇,但
What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful 英文原版 [平裝] [ pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載