The Very Hungry Caterpillar飢腸轆轆的毛毛蟲 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and-pop!-out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look for some food. On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry. He started to look for some food. On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry. He started to look for some food. On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry. He started to look for some food. On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry. On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry. On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. That night he had a stomachache! The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, and after that he felt much better. Now he wasn't hungry any more-and he wasn't a little caterpillar any more. He was a big, fat caterpillar. He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushedhis way out and ... he was a beautiful butterfly!
評分New Jersey. She graduated from Wheaton College, where she studied French literature and fine arts. After working briefly with an advertising agency in New York, she
評分 評分York, she moved to Boston and worked at a publishing company for ten yearsSusan Meddaugh was born and raised in Montclair, New Jersey. She graduated from Wheaton
評分 評分and worked at a publishing company for ten yearsSusan Meddaugh was born and raised in Montclair, New Jersey. She graduated from Wheaton College, where she studied
評分and fine arts. After working briefly with an advertising agency in New York, she moved to Boston and worked at a publishing company for ten yearsSusan Meddaugh was
評分讀書事大。中國古人視讀書為頭等要事和最高職業理想,即所謂“萬般皆下品,惟有讀書高。” 讀書如此重要,以至古人為讀書“鑿壁偷光”者有之,“懸梁刺股”者有之,“雪映窗紗”者有之,“螢入疏囊”者有之;讀書如此重要,以至“讀書人”構成瞭一個擁有特定文化趣味的社會階層;讀書如此重要,以至這個被稱之為“文人士大夫”的讀書人階層以其特有的社會政治理想和文化審美趣味影響瞭中國古代曆史的發展曆程。 古人讀書,重目的也重趣味。“滿朝硃紫貴,盡是讀書人。”讀書以博取功名,經世緻用;讀書以“修身、齊傢、治國、平天下”。這是古代文人所追求的理想與抱負。“閑讀詩書斜臥榻,苦夜茶伴興味長。”讀書以修養身心,陶冶性情,這也是古代文人的一種純然雅趣。每當積極的社會理想難以實現,人生抱負無法施展時,文人們對純粹的審美趣味和精神殿堂的迷戀就會愈加強烈。因而古人讀書,包含著“窮則獨善其身,達則兼濟天下”的處世態度,也包含著一種遊走於“進退”、“取捨”之間的哲學趣味。 近人讀書,雖有古人傳統的延續,卻也生發齣不同的旨趣來。王國維《人間詞話》中所謂讀書治學“三境界”,也可視為對讀書的苦樂與趣味的概括。梁啓超在強調讀書的方法時,也不忘記指齣“一個人總要養成讀書的趣味”。林語堂與梁實鞦更是近現代學人中最重視讀書人趣味的。林語堂說:“讀書使人得到一種優雅和風味。”讀書的藝術不為“改進心智”,隻為樂趣與情趣,猶如對食物風味的嗜好,完全是屬於個人的。梁實鞦則發揮瞭黃庭堅所謂“人不讀書,則塵俗生其間,照鏡則麵目可憎,對人則語言無味”一說,認為不讀書的人的確多為“麵目可憎,語言無味”者。而人在讀書之後,便麵目可親,語言有味瞭。不讀書便可能“麵目可憎、語言無味”,讀書則可以使人氣質不俗,趣味優雅。這種讀書觀既是近現代精英文人對古代文人士大夫審美趣味的自然接續,也可見齣西方現代文化旨趣對中國文人的潛在影響。隻是這種以平庸與尊貴,俗氣與高雅來區分人的文人趣味與觀念,因其內在的傲慢與偏見而脫離瞭大眾、脫離瞭現實生活,自身倒顯得“麵目可憎”瞭。 今人讀書,固然存在著精英趣味與大眾趣味的分野,但對於讀書人而言,更應思考的是如何實現兩種趣味的內在融閤。讀書既可以豐富人的情感、充實人的精神、激發人的性靈,也可以幫助人理解現實生活的復雜矛盾,讀懂生活的真諦。讀書與生活應是血肉相連的。如魯迅所言,“倘隻看書,便變成書櫥,即使自己覺得有趣,而那趣味其實是已在逐漸硬化,逐漸死去瞭。”說到底,讀書是人認識自己、認識生活、掌握世界的重要方式。讀書是一種審美狀態,也是一種生活實踐。它能將曆史與個體勾連起來,將審美感與現實感統一起來。通過讀書認識生活,認識自己,進而把讀書這種話語實踐轉化為社會實踐,改造生活,改造自己,纔能顯示齣讀書的真正意義。因而當代讀書人的趣味應當是一種生活的趣味、曆史的趣味,是讓讀書惠及更多人的現實的趣味。
評分The Very Hungry Caterpillar飢腸轆轆的毛毛蟲 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載