Reason, Facts, and statistics...
Dickens’ scathing portrait of Victorian industrial society and its misapplied utilitarian philosophy, Hard Times features schoolmaster Thomas Gradgrind, one of his most richly dimensional, memorable characters. Filled with the details and wonders of small-town life, it is also a daring novel of ideas—and ultimately, a celebration of love, hope, and limitless possibilities of the imagination.
《艰难时世》(1854 )是狄更斯直接描写劳资矛盾的重要作品。从30 年代到40 年代末,英国的劳资矛盾上升为社会主要矛盾。遍及英国的“宪章运动”,人民的苦难和要求触动了富有正义感的狄更斯。他在小说里,对资产阶级的剥削行为和为之辩护的理论进行抨击。黑烟弥漫,机器轰响的焦煤镇是工业中心城市的一个化身。国会议员葛擂梗和纺织厂厂主宠得贝是镇上的两个巨头。他们控制着镇上居民的命运。葛擂梗是资产阶级功利主义哲学的信奉者,是“专讲实际的人”。他随身携带尺子、天平和乘法表,把万事万物,甚至人性、情感都归为“一个数字问题,简单的算术问题”。如同董贝先生一样,他把自己的人生原则贯彻到家庭生活中去,用纯实际利益的“事实”哲学来教育他的一双儿女露易莎和汤姆。他们没有童年的欢乐,被关在牢房似的教室里接受无数的数字和概念,想象、情感,一切高尚的精神活动被摧毁。露易莎在青春妙龄也没有多少生命的热情,服从父意嫁给了比她大30 岁的庞得贝,对弟弟的友爱因为弟弟的堕落而失望,避开了花花公子的诱骗却也陪葬了她唯一的一次爱情。汤姆则以“事实”哲学为自己的自私和堕落行为辩护,偷盗后又嫁祸给无辜的工人斯梯芬。小说通过葛擂梗教育的失败,讽刺了功利主义哲学。庞得贝则是更加冷酷无情的资本家的代表。他把资本主义“自由竞争”的口号作为剥削工人的口实。他宣扬自己卑贱的出身,把工人看作“没有爱情和喜悦,没有记忆和偏好,没有灵魂”的劳动力,把工人起码的生活要求斥为奢望,是“ 希望坐6 匹马的车子,用金汤匙喝甲鱼汤,吃鹿肉”。资本家对工人的不人道待遇必然引起工人的反抗。狄更斯为工人的遭遇而愤慨,描写了工人勤劳、正直、富有同情心等美德。但作为改良主义者,他同情、赞美吃苦耐劳、具有宽容谅解精神的工人斯梯芬,以漫画式笔法描写工运领袖,对宪章运动“暴力派”持否定态度。对狄更斯来说,负债人监狱始终是个萦绕不去的梦魔。
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 near Portsmouth where his father was a clerk in the navy pay office. The family moved to London in 1823, but their fortunes were severely impaired. Dickens was sent to work in a blacking-warehouse when his father was imprisoned for debt. Both experiences deeply affected the future novelist. In 1833 he began contributing stories to newspapers and magazines, and in 1836 started the serial publication of Pickwick Papers. Thereafter, Dickens published his major novels over the course of the next twenty years, from Nicholas Nickleby to Little Dorrit. He also edited the journals Household Words and All the Year Round. Dickens died in June 1870.
查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812~1870),1812年生于英国的朴次茅斯。父亲过着没有节制的生活,负债累累。年幼的狄更斯被迫被送进一家皮鞋油店当学徒,饱尝了艰辛。狄更斯16岁时,父亲因债务被关进监狱。从此,他们的生活更为悲惨。工业革命一方面带来了19世纪前期英国大都市的繁荣,另一方面又带来了庶民社会的极端贫困和对童工的残酷剥削。尖锐的社会矛盾和不公正的社会制度使狄更斯决心改变自己的生活。15岁时,狄更斯在一家律师事务所当抄写员并学习速记,此后,又在报社任新闻记者。在《记事晨报》任记者时,狄更斯开始发表一些具有讽刺和幽默内容的短剧,主要反映伦敦的生活,逐渐有了名气。他了解城市底层人民的生活和风土人情,这些都体现在他热情洋溢的笔端。此后,他在不同的杂志社任编辑、主编和发行人,其间发表了几十部长篇和短篇小说,主要作品有《雾都孤儿》、《圣诞颂歌》、《大卫·科波菲尔》和《远大前程》等。
"A scathing portrait of Victorian industrial society and its misapplied utilitarian philosophy, "Hard Times" is a daring novel of ideas--and ultimately a celebration of love, hope, and limitless possibilities of the imagination."
-- Revised reissue.
The One Thing Needful
Murdering the Innocents
A Loophole
Mr. Bounderby
The Keynote
Sleary's Horsemanship
Mrs, Sparsit
Never Wonder
Sissy's Progress
Stephen Blackpool
No Way Out
“Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children. Stick to Facts, Sir!”
The scene was a plain, bare, monotonous vault of a schoolroom, and the speaker’s square forefinger emphasized his observations by underscoring every sentence with a line on the schoolmaster’s sleeve. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base, while his eyes found commodious cellerage in two dark caves, overshadowed by the wall. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s mouth, which was wide, thin, and hard set. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s voice, which was inflexible, dry, and dictatorial. The emphasis was helped by the speaker’s hair, which bristled on the skirts of his bald head, a plantation of firs to keep the wind from its shining surface, all covered with knobs, like the crust of a plum pie, as if the head had scarcely warehouse-room for the hard facts stored inside. The speaker’s obstinate carriage, square coat, square legs, square shoulders,—nay, his very neckcloth, trained to take him by the throat with an unaccommodating grasp, like a stubborn fact, as it was,—all helped the emphasis.
“In this life, we want nothing but Facts, Sir; nothing but Facts!”
Thespeaker, and the schoolmaster, and the third grown person present, all backed a little, and swept with their eyes the inclined plane of little vessels then and there arranged in order, ready to have imperial gallons of facts poured into them until they were full to the brim.
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