Curious George Color Fun 好奇的喬治係列 [精裝] [3歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
評分Occasionally breaking into the story with a first-person comment, this book’s omniscient narrator tells the story of 11-year-old Simon Bloom, who one day discovers a mysterious, hidden forest in the middle of his New Jersey town. Followed by timid Owen, Simon enters the clearing where a secret, powerful group, the Order of Physics, has just met and disbanded. The adventure begins when a large book pops out of nowhere and decks Simon. Entitled Teachers’ Edition of Physics, the book is filled with scientific formulas that Owen figures out how to use, much like magic spells. His increasing skills—he learns how to control gravity and friction—draw the attention of smart, popular Alysha, who joins Simon and Owen in marveling over the book’s secrets. Together, they must fight against a mysterious woman whose body is tattooed with scientific formulas and who is trying to take over the world. This is great, escapist fare for those smart middle-grade readers who are fascinated by science, magic, and adventure. Grades 4-7. --Diana Tixier Herald
評分200-100活動的時候買入的,決定買這本書,一方麵是喬治猴的書,一方麵這是紙闆書,比較適閤低幼的小寶寶,紙闆不容易被小寶寶撕壞。收到書後我先翻看瞭一下,印刷還不錯,頁數不多,就是每頁教小寶寶認識一個顔色的單詞,順序差不多就是赤橙黃綠青藍紫,書的設計比較有意思,不是我們平常看到的那種書的正常形狀,這本書每頁紙闆的高低都不一樣,到最後,每一頁的顔色正好形成瞭一條彩虹,還蠻特彆的,這點應該比較吸引小朋友。不足的地方就是決定頁數不多但價錢也不便宜,原版書就是貴啊,要是能再便宜一點就更好瞭。因為這本書內容過於簡單,所以大寶寶就不推薦瞭,給小寶寶看一看還差不多。 《好奇猴喬治》講述瞭一隻充滿好奇的猴子,因緣際會離開叢林被帶到瞭人類世界,單純的好奇心給他帶來瞭一連串的新奇冒險。《好奇小猴喬治》是作者漢斯•奧古斯都和瑪格麗特•雷夫婦愛的結晶,故事齣自太太瑪格麗特手筆,先生漢斯負責插畫,以簡單綫條描繪齣戲劇張力十足、妙趣橫生的故事,夫婦聯手開啓瞭這一係列膾炙“童”口的奇想之旅。自1941年美國HoughtonMifflin齣版社推齣第一本《好奇小猴喬治》起,該係列迄今已經被翻譯成17種語言文字,售齣3000萬本有餘,這隻東奔西闖的可愛小猴子早已成為瞭經典繪本形象與商品偶像。另外,本係列還被改編為電影,深受喜愛。200-100活動的時候買入的,決定買這本書,一方麵是喬治猴的書,一方麵這是紙闆書,比較適閤低幼的小寶寶,紙闆不容易被小寶寶撕壞。收到書後我先翻看瞭一下,印刷還不錯,頁數不多,就是每頁教小寶寶認識一個顔色的單詞,順序差不多就是赤橙黃綠青藍紫,書的設計比較有意思,不是我們平常看到的那種書的正常形狀,這本書每頁紙闆的高低都不一樣,到最後,每一頁的顔色正好形成瞭一條彩虹,還蠻特彆的,這點應該比較吸引小朋友。不足的地方就是決定頁數不多但價錢也不便宜,原版書就是貴啊,要是能再便宜一點就更好瞭。因為這本書內容過於簡單,所以大寶寶就不推薦瞭,給小寶寶看一看還差不多。《好奇猴喬治》講述瞭一隻充滿好奇的猴子,因緣際會離開叢林被帶到瞭人類世界,單純的好奇心給他帶來瞭一連串的新奇冒險。《好奇小猴喬治》是作者漢斯•奧古斯都和瑪格麗特•雷夫婦愛的結晶,故事齣自太太瑪格麗特手筆,先生漢斯負責插畫,以簡單綫條描繪齣戲劇張力十足、妙趣橫生的故事,夫婦聯手開啓瞭這一係列膾炙“童”口的奇想之旅。自1941年美國HoughtonMifflin齣版社推齣第一本《好奇小猴喬治》起,該係列迄今已經被翻譯成17種語言文字,售齣3000萬本有餘,這隻東奔西闖的可愛小猴子早已成為瞭經典繪本形象與商品偶像。另外,本係列還被改編為電影,深受喜愛。
評分Like many babies, I have a very active 9-month-old who cannot stay engaged with an activity for more than a few minutes. Baby Einstein has been a lifesaver for me. This huge touch and feel book keeps her in my lap for two whole readings! Each page has something for her to touch and stay engaged with. The pages are different rooms of a house, so eventually she will be able to relate to it even more. It is by far her favorite book and the one I attribute to for her now staying still for a couple of other books too. We have Dr. Suess and Baby Einstein board books, and while I know she'll grow into the Dr. Suess books, the Baby Einstein books work like a charm each time. It is important to have this time with her and for her to become interested in books (or at least familiar with them). by the way, began to get interested in this book at about 10 months. This book follows a little mouse through various rooms in her house as she plays, eats, bathes, and goes to sleep. I recommend this book for older babies because the pages are very busy and the book is extremely large (it will probably be one of the largest you own). Younger babies prefer simple page designs and books they can hold. Violet's House is definitely a keeper - a book your baby, preschooler, and early reader will enjoy. Buy it!I got this book for my daughter a little after she turned 1. She loved it then, and she still loves it (she is now
Curious George Color Fun 好奇的喬治係列 [精裝] [3歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載