The theme is the way in which intellectual traditions are created and trans-mitted... Orientalism is the example Mr. Said uses, and by it he means something precise. The scholar who studies the Orient (and specifically the Muslim Orient), the imaginitive writer who takes it as his subject, and the institutions which have been concerned with teaching it, settling it, ruling it, all have a certain representation or idea of the Orient defined as being other than the Occident, mysterious, unchanging and ultimately inferior.
The noted critic and a Palestinian now teaching at Columbia University,examines the way in which the West observes the Arabs.
Said was an influential cultural critic and author, known best for his book Orientalism (1978), which catapulted him to international academic fame. The book presented his influential ideas on Orientalism, the Western study of Eastern cultures. Said contended that Orientalist scholarship was and continues to be inextricably tied to the imperialist societies that produced it, making much of the work inherently politicized, servile to power, and therefore suspect.
Grounding much of this thesis in his intimate knowledge of colonial literature such as the fiction of Conrad, and in the post-structuralist theory of Foucault, Derrida and others, Said's Orientalism and following works proved influential in literary theory and criticism, and continue to influence several other fields in the humanities. Orientalism affected Middle Eastern studies in particular, transforming the way practitioners of the discipline describe and examine the Middle East. Said came to discuss and vigorously debate the issue of Orientalism with scholars in the fields of history and area studies, many of whom disagreed with his thesis, including most famously Bernard Lewis.
"The theme is the way in which intellectual traditions are created and trans-mitted... Orientalism is the example Mr. Said uses, and by it he means something precise. The scholar who studies the Orient (and specifically the Muslim Orient), the imaginitive writer who takes it as his subject, and the institutions which have been concerned with teaching it, settling it, ruling it, all have a certain representation or idea of the Orient defined as being other than the Occident, mysterious, unchanging and ultimately inferior."
--Albert Hourani, New York Review of Books
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“东方主义”(Orientalism)或译为“东方学”,原是研究东方各国的历史、文学、文化等学科的总称。赛义德认为它是一种西方人藐视东方文化,并任意虚构“东方文化”的一种偏见性的思维方式或认识体系。“Orientalism” 本质性的含义是西方人文化上对东方人控制的一种方式。
萨义德于1978年在他富有争议的名著《东方学》里清晰表达并宣扬了这个观点,以伊斯兰研究为中心分析欧洲的东方学,有学者总结萨义德的观点如下:“萨义德曾以伊斯兰研究为中心分析过欧洲的东方学,他把这种学问视为一种根据东方在欧洲西方经验中的位置而处理、协调东方的方式,在这种方式中,东方成为了欧洲物质文明和文化的内在组成部分,是欧洲自我得以建立的它者。对于欧洲而言,东方既不是欧洲的纯粹虚构或奇想,也不是一种自然的存在,而是一种被人为创造出来的理论和实践体系,蕴含着漫长历史积累下来的物质层面的内容。”批评这种学术传统以及一些现代学者,例如普林斯顿大学的Bernard Lewis教授,和文明冲突论学者,耶鲁大学教授亨廷顿博士。