Mastering the Art of French Cooking 掌握烹饪法国菜的艺术 英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Has it really been 40 years since Julia Child rescued Americans from dreary casseroles? This reissue, clad in a handsome red jacket, is what a cookbook should be: packed with sumptuous recipes, detailed instructions, and precise line drawings. Some of the instructions look daunting, but as Child herself says in the introduction, 'If you can read, you can cook.
This is the classic cookbook, in its entirety—all 524 recipes.
"Anyone can cook in the French manner anywhere," wrote Mesdames Beck, Bertholle, and Child, "with the right instruction." And here is the book that, for more than forty years, has been teaching Americans how.
Mastering the Art of French Cooking is for both seasoned cooks and beginners who love good food and long to reproduce at home the savory delights of the classic cuisine, from the historic Gallic masterpieces to the seemingly artless perfection of a dish of spring-green peas. This beautiful book, with more than 100 instructive illustrations, is revolutionary in its approach because:
--it leads the cook infallibly from the buying and handling of raw ingredients, through each essential step of a recipe, to the final creation of a delicate confection;
--it breaks down the classic cuisine into a logical sequence of themes and variations rather than presenting an endless and diffuse catalogue of recipes; the focus is on key recipes that form the backbone of French cookery and lend themselves to an infinite number of elaborations—bound to increase anyone's culinary repertoire-it adapts classical techniques, wherever possible, to modern American conveniences;
--it shows Americans how to buy products, from any supermarket in the United States, that reproduce the exact taste and texture of the French ingredients, for example, equivalent meat cuts, the right beans for a cassoulet, or the appropriate fish and seafood for a bouillabaisse;
--it offers suggestions for just the right accompaniment to each dish, including proper wines.
Since there has never been a book as instructive and as workable as Mastering the Art of French Cooking, the techniques learned here can be applied to recipes in all other French cookbooks, making them infinitely more usable. In compiling the secrets of famous cordons bleus, the authors have produced a magnificent volume that is sure to find the place of honor in every kitchen in America.
Julia Child was born in Pasadena, California. She was graduated from Smith College and worked for the OSS during World War II in Ceylon and China, where she met Paul Child. After they married they lived in Paris, where she studied at the Cordon Bleu and taught cooking with Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle, with whom she wrote the first volume of Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961). In 1963, Boston's WGBH launched The French Chef television series, which made her a national celebrity, earning her the Peabody Award in 1965 and an Emmy in 1966. Several public television shows and numerous cookbooks followed. She died in 2004.
Julia Child(1912-2004)是美国著名厨师,作家及电视节目主持人.她通过她的第一本烹饪书《掌握烹饪法国菜的艺术》,和随后她的电视节目(其中最有名的为1963年首播的《法国厨师》)把法式烹饪介绍给美国大众.
Mastering the Art of French Cooking 掌握烹饪法国菜的艺术 英文原版 [精装] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
很好的书,慢慢看,京东是个不错的买书地!下次还来哦,呵呵,谢谢啊很次在京东买的书都很满意的非常棒! 高尚的人有许多值得我们领略的思想和品格,我们如果有一本好书,而且认真去领略他的思想,就想是在了解高尚人的思想,学习高尚人的品格,所以读好书和高尚的人谈话是差不多的,目的都是更加完善自我 儿时的我,在“锄禾日当午,汗滴何下土”的诗歌声中长大,每次端起书,看着那毫无生命的方块字,我总是大喊没意思。读书是我最头疼的事了。 渐渐长大了,我感到了知识的缺乏,每次作文,我都不知从何说起。爸爸、妈妈为我不喜欢读书而烦恼,常常买许多书让我阅读。直到有一天,那天晚上,我们家里开展成语比赛,该我说成语,妈妈说意思,我翻开成语词典,说道:“金蝉脱壳(ké)。”刚一说完,爸爸、妈妈都哄堂大笑,我感到奇怪,不知道他们笑什么,妈妈看我一脸的惊诧,说:“自己看看拼音,到底读什么。”“噢!是‘金蝉脱壳(qiào)’!”我恍然大悟。爸爸严肃的对我说:“以后要注意多读书,那才能积累知识呀!”于是,我便暗暗下决心,一定要多读书,懂得好多好多的知识。 从那以后,我真的喜欢上了读书,因为书给我带来了无穷的乐趣。当读到安徒生的童话集——卖火柴的小女孩时,我曾为卖火柴的小女孩的命运做过祈祷;当我看到狼牙山五壮士时,我为狼牙山五壮士的悲壮流过眼泪;当我读到三国演义时,我为诸葛亮的雄才大略钦佩不已。我深深地陶醉在书的海洋中, 曾经在一本书上看到这样一段话“读书能医愚,读书能治穷,读书能疗病,读书能砺志,读书能致远,读书能练达,读书能聪慧,读书能知道怎样交友,怎样识人,怎样说话,怎样做事,怎样活着才身心健康,读书能明白什么样地人生称得上完美无憾。”是啊!读书得好处无穷无尽。 现在,当我捧起钢铁识怎样炼成的,深深融入到里面时,我感到自己是多么的幸福,因为我拥有健康的身体,保尔虽然残废,但他那种不向命运低头,坚强的毅志和顽强的精神,深深地把我折服,让我佩服。我对今后的学习、生活充满了希望。我更爱读书了。 读三国演义水浒传可以让我们对中国名著有所了解;看十万个为什么可以使我们的知识更加丰富;读作文大全可以提高我们的作文水平;就是看一些漫画、搞笑之类的,也可以让我们更加幽默,更加富有想象力。 读书给了我知识,读书给了我乐趣,读书更给了我力量。 我读书!读书让我知道了什么是酸?什么是甜?什么是苦?什么是辣?读书让我知道了怎么为人处事?读书给我的最大东西是:知识。它丰富了我的大脑,增长了我的见识。 你能说读书不快乐吗?买了那么多年的书,京东没有让我失望过哦,就算有问题,联系客服也是很好解决的, 客服态度也不错,呵呵,赞一个。希望网站做大做强。
法国料理,即法国莱,是西餐中最知名的菜系,讲究凭借其对材料的认知及灵活运用,创造出许多脍炙人口的佳肴美食,这就是法国菜引以自豪的地方。 法国菜精益求精,将以往的古典菜肴推向新菜烹调法,并相互借鉴运用,调制的方式讲究风味、天然性、技巧性、装饰和颜色的配合。法国料理的精神在于突出食物的原味,所以当法国师傅在做料理时,他所加进的任何调味料、配菜,甚至于搭配的酒,都只有一个目的:把主要食材的原味给衬托出来。
Mastering the Art of French Cooking 掌握烹饪法国菜的艺术 英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载