适读人群 :3-7岁 Publisher Comment* High-spirited read aloud by debut author.
From BooklistThis version of the classic children’s song expands the traditional rhyme by featuring a variety of modes of transportation, not just the “little puffer-bellies.” Beginning with the traditional “down by the station, early in the morning,” readers are introduced to different vehicles on each two-page spread. School buses, tractor trailers, excavators, jumbo jets, sailboats, race cars, fire engines, and rocket boosters are all highlighted with an original four-stanza rhyme. Each rhyme works well with the original cadence that many parents, teachers, librarians, and youngsters are familiar with. For example, “Down by the water / Early in the morning / See the bobbing sailboats all in a row / See the salty skipper pulling up the mainsail. / Flap flap splash splash! Off we go!” Remkiewicz’s lively watercolor illustrations add energy to the rhymes, and storytimes, preschools, and kindergarten classrooms will be requesting this title, as will budding transportation enthusiasts. Preschool-Kindergarten.
Down by the depot, early in the morning See the yellow school buses all in a row See the school bus driver warming up the engine Vroom vroom beep beep! Off we go!
Little fans of trucks and trains and boats and planes will love to sing this action-packed, expanded version of the classic rhyme, paired with Frank Remkiewicz's happy, vibrant illustrations.Reviews"Vetter's debut adds new verses to the familiar favorite. Children who love things that go will be thrilled with the vehicles included here: school bus, tractor-trailer, excavator, jumbo jet, sailboat, racecar, fire engine and rocket. The ending is a good segue to bedtime, as the train returns to the station and several sleepyheads head to bed.
JENNIFER RIGGS VETTER is a former children's book editor who has always loved to read. She lives with her husband and two sons in Oakland, California. This is her first book.
FRANK REMKIEWICZ has illustrated more than sixty books, including Jonathan London's beloved Froggy series, and has even written a few of his own. Frank lives with his wife in Sarasota, Florida.
"Vetter's debut adds new verses to the familiar favorite. Children who love things that go will be thrilled with the vehicles included here: school bus, tractor-trailer, excavator, jumbo jet, sailboat, racecar, fire engine and rocket. The ending is a good segue to bedtime, as the train returns to the station and several sleepyheads head to bed. With only one exception, the new verses scan well and fit the rhythm of the traditional tune. Other than starting and finishing with the train in the station, however, there is little to tie this collection of verses together-there is no narrative flow. Reminiscent of television cartoons, Remkiewicz's watercolors fit the tone and target age group well; his colors are bright, his backgrounds uncluttered and his lines simple. While the size makes this a good choice for group sharing, individual readers will enjoy finding the same two characters (a worm and a chicken) on every spread. For transportation enthusiasts, storytime read-alouds and long car trips, the lack of a story will scarcely be noticed."
--Kirkus Reviews
Down by the Station去火车站 英文原版 [精装] [3-7岁] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
很满意的一次购物。这本书现在我已经买下了,现在我来给它写段评论吧! 先从哪里说起呢?还是先从它的品相说起吧!也就是先从它的外表说起吧!这本书的品相还是很好的,绝对的是全品书。也就是说封面很平很新,没有折角,印刷精致美丽大方,当然就很漂亮啦。要说到品相好,还得说说它的正文啊!每一页上都有字呢!每个字都能看清楚呢!最难能可贵的就是每页都很规整,没有脱页、漏页的现象出现呢!每个字印刷的都很精细呢。好的,现在品相已经评论完了,至此品相这一个环节还是可以打个很高的分呢。 说完了品相,接下来我们该评论些什么内容呢?是书的内容?还是书的包装?还是书的运输?还是书的价格呢? 我觉得还是先从书的内容说起吧!其实,说实话,这本书我也是刚买回来,也就是说我买的是本新书,或者说得更直白些,这本书事实上我还没有认真读,也只是粗略的翻了一下。从目录来看,这本书的选题还是很好的,还是很成功的,换句话说这本书的选题质量不是很坏,不是很失败。一个好的选题就保证了书的大半质量。这本书资料详实,论证扎实,考据精密,且符合学术史的主流趋势,是一本相当不错的书,读来可以让人受教很多。最难能可贵的是,它的选题非常地吸引我,因为我最近确实也在关注类似的选题,希望能在这本书中获得启发,并找到有用的东西,也就是说要自动屏蔽额那些没有用的东西。 现在书的品相和内容我都已经评论完了,接下来我们评价什么呢?评论一下它的包装好吗?好的。这本书的包装还是很好的,它是用那一种很好的膜给包起来了,这个做法宝真的是非常的好和明智。它有效地组织了书不受尘土、细菌特别是水的侵扰,特别是水,被谁淋湿了,即使弄干也会发皱,这多不好啊!现在好了,自从有了这层膜啊,就不会发生这种悲剧的情况了。所以说包装还是很多的。 至此,品相、内容、包装这三项我都已经评论好了,接下来我们评论什么呢?要不评论一下运输?算了还是评论一下价格吧!这本书的价格还是很便宜的,如果要是在一般的实体书店里买,可定不会打折,也就是全价卖出的意思,换句话说,就是享受不到优惠的意思,多不值啊。但是在京东就不同了,什么不同呢?就是可以打折了,也就是说不必花高价以全价购买了。这还是非常优惠的,这本书在京东买要比在其它实体店买便宜十多块呢。 好的,现在价格也说完了,我们还是再来聊聊它的运输吧,我大概是昨天晚上订的,刚一下订单,我就发现它顺利地在5号库,给出库了,然后是拣货,拣货之后打包啊,分拣啊,今天早上就送到学校的营业厅,中午就到学校了,就收到书了,真心很快。 基于以上几点我给这本书一个好评。