The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day (Berenstain bears first time books) 贝贝熊系列 [平装] [3-7岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
This is the story of the Bear family's move to their now-famous tree house in Bear Country. Would Brother Bear like it? Would he find new friends? He wasn't sure until he got there.
Stan and Jan Berenstain were both born in 1923 in Philadelphia. They didn't know each other as children, but met later at school, at the Philadelphia College of Art. They liked each other right away, and found out that the both enjoyed the same kinds of books, plays, music and art. During World War II, Stan was a medical assistant in the Army, and Jan worked in an airplane factory. When the war was over, they got married and began to work together as artists and writers, primarily drawing cartoons for popular magazines. After having their two sons Leo and Michael, the Berenstains decided to write some funny children's books that their children and other children could read and enjoy. Their first published children's book was called
The Big Honey Hunt . It was about a family of bears, who later became known as the "Berenstain Bears".
Over 50 children's books later, Stan and Jan still plan all of their books together -- both write the stories, and both write the pictures. They live outside of Philadelphia in the country.
"The bear family is making a move and brother bear is worried. Assured that he will be able to take his toys and books, but cannot bring his friends, dubious brother bear set out with his family for their new house in a tree. The house needs some fixing up, but Brother has a room of his own and there appear to be many new kids to play with in the neighborhood. A book created to help kids going through the angst of relocation."
--Children's Literature
The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day (Berenstain bears first time books) 贝贝熊系列 [平装] [3-7岁] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
贝贝熊系列的书,很好, 很实用~~~
贝贝熊First time book,以为文字会少一些,买来一看,文字描述也不少,这个对于启蒙阶段的孩子并不合适。个人觉得这套书适合有英文基础的小学生看看,应该还可以。
回国之后,汉斯先在慕尼黑和汉堡念大学,后来成为石版画家,专门为马戏团制作海报;他终于有机会再度拾起画笔,为心爱的动物作画。一九二○年代初期,有一次他参加女友的家宴,意外撞见她的小妹玛格丽特(Margret Elisabeth Waldstein)顺着楼梯栏杆一溜而下。当时两人都不知道,他们的命运巨轮已经悄然开始转动。
The Berenstain Bears 是美国兰登书屋(Random House)出版的一套畅销全球的少儿代表丛书,行销世界许多国家,累计销量超过2.4亿册,销售量及畅销时间均为少儿读物世界之最。他的作品帮助我们回忆起很多童年时光,也给我们的孩子能带来更多乐趣和智慧。
The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day (Berenstain bears first time books) 贝贝熊系列 [平装] [3-7岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载