Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Welcome to the world of high-powered investment banking. Please check your soul at the door. Meet John and Peter, two young business school graduates, grabbing their chance to become lords of the investment universe, as they run willingly into the open arms of one of Wall Street's giants, DLJ. Frustrated foot soldiers in a designer white-collar army, the two find themselves embedded in the strata of overworked and overlooked lemmings furiously trying to spin straw into gold. It's a high-stakes pressure cooker fueled by 20-hour days, inflated salaries, senseless prospects, outlandish characters, and strip club lap dances. Suddenly, escaping with their sanity seems like the wisest investment of all -- if it's still on the market.
John Rolfe graduated from Virginia Tech, The University of Florida, and Wharton Business School. At Wharton, he was the editor of The Wharton Vulgarian. Following his sentence with DLJ, he spent several years working at a private investment fund. In 2001, he co-founded an equity-oriented money management firm, and today manages the firm from a top secret location deep in Vermont. He lives with his wife and two children, and is currently attempting to learn how to produce maple syrup. Peter Troob graduated from Duke University and Harvard Business School. At Harvard, he was the humor editor for Harbus. After a gross error in judgment caused him to return to the investment banking world at DLJ, he left for the greener pastures of distressed debt investing at a private investment fund. In 2002 he co-founded a debt-oriented money management firm, which he continues to manage today. He lives with his wife and two children outside of New York City, where he can often be seen limping around the neighborhood and complaining about his bad knees.
評分"[SM]和描述的一樣,好評! 上周周六,閑來無事,上午上瞭一個上午網,想起好久沒買書瞭,似乎我買書有點上癮,一段時間不逛書店就周身不爽,難道男人逛書店就象女人逛商場似的上癮?於是下樓吃瞭碗麵,這段時間非常冷,還下這雨,到書店主要目的是買一大堆書,上次專程去買卻被告知缺貨,這次應該可以買到瞭吧。可是到一樓的查詢處問,小姐卻說昨天剛到的一批又賣完瞭!暈!為什麼不多進點貨,於是上京東挑選書。好瞭,廢話不說。好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,一個人重要的是找到自己的腔調,不論說話還是寫字。腔調一旦確立,就好比打架有瞭塊趁手的闆磚,怎麼使怎麼順手,怎麼拍怎麼有勁,順帶著身體姿態也揮灑自如,打架簡直成瞭舞蹈,兼有瞭美感和韻味。要論到寫字,腔調甚至先於主題,它是一個人特有的形式,或者工具;不這麼說,不這麼寫,就會彆扭;工欲善其事,必先利其器,腔調有時候就是“器”,有時候又是“事”,對一篇文章或者一本書來說,器
Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載