A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian 烏剋蘭拖拉機簡史 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
For years, Nadezhda and Vera, two Ukrainian sisters, raised in England by their refugee parents, have had as little as possible to do with each other - and they have their reasons. But now they find they'd better learn how to get along, because since their mother's death their aging father has been sliding into his second childhood, and an alarming new woman has just entered his life. Valentina, a bosomy young synthetic blonde from the Ukraine, seems to think their father is much richer than he is, and she is keen that he leave this world with as little money to his name as possible.If Nadazhda and Vera don't stop her, no one will. But separating their addled and annoyingly lecherous dad from his new love will prove to be no easy feat - Valentina is a ruthless pro and the two sisters swiftly realize that they are mere amateurs when it comes to ruthlessness. As Hurricane Valentina turns the family house upside down, old secrets come falling out, including the most deeply buried one of them all, from the War, the one that explains much about why Nadazhda and Vera are so different. In the meantime, oblivious to it all, their father carries on with the great work of his dotage, a grand history of the tractor.
評分風趣幽默 文采甚佳 好書一本
評分整體小說脈絡清晰,一步步宛如偵探小說一樣的推進傢族史,期間不斷展現的父親著作的《烏剋蘭拖拉機簡史》,一方麵讓讀者明瞭父親理想主義的見地——“拖拉機必須始終被當做大自然的輔助者來使用,而非大自然的駕馭者。”由此引申齣父親的結論——“絕不要讓技術(青按:其實是他前一段所指“意識形態”)成為你的主人,也絕不要利用它去統馭他人” 這是作者對於書中牽涉到的各種意識形態的觀點,也正是這本書想要對言不由衷的理想主義父親的一個“以子之矛攻子之盾”的迴擊。
評分“拉丁語—英語詞典”雖然不太厚,隻有236頁,但其詞匯量相當大,完全能滿足初學者的需要。“英語—拉丁語詞典”的部分(192頁)能幫助學生造拉丁語句子或進行翻譯工作,而且在一定程度上也起到“同義詞詞典”的作用。比如查英語的good就有拉丁語的bonus, probus, idoneus, aptus;查grand就發現拉丁語有很多同義詞:amplus, illustris, egregius, lautus, magnificus, grandis, sublimis。多查多學這些同義詞和近義詞能豐富詞匯,並且培養拉丁語和英語口纔及優美和準確的錶達方式。
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian 烏剋蘭拖拉機簡史 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載