Barack Obama: Out of Many One[奧巴馬脫穎而齣] [平裝] [5歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
This is the story of a skinny little boy with a funny name and how he became part of America’s history.
In very clear and accessible language, newly independent readers can learn how the lessons and love of Obama’s mother and grandparents shaped him; how the places he lived influenced him; and how he turned his sadness from his childhood—the feeling he didn’t fit in anywhere—into a positive, driving force of finding a place in the world and in the history books.
Shana Corey is the author of Boats (Step 1), Monster Parade (Step 2) and Paul Revere’s Ride (Step 3) as well as You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer, Milly and the Macy’s Day Parade, Players in Pigtails, and Mermaid Queen (Scholastic). She was a Publishers Weekly Flying Start Author in 2000. She lives in Brooklyn.
"History and biography are also successful topics for level-three readers. (Random House’s) Step into Reading has the best offerings for the reading level . . . they are high in kid appeal."
"Barack Obama's is an extraordinary person, and this biography is told in a simple, personal way so that youngsters may understand his heritage, background, experience, and more. At just under fifty pages, this book from the "Step into Reading" series is a Step 3, "Reading on Your Own" Level. Barack Obama's story as the forty-fourth president of the United States is one of diversity, unexpected changes and numerous challenges met with solid encouragement from family about life's lessons. In particular, President Obama's mother and grandparents were stable forces that helped shape him. He was born in Hawaii in 1961, moved to Indonesia, returned to Hawaii at age ten, went to college in the northeast and began his career in Chicago. As a young boy, his father was largely absent, although one important occasion stands out in the accounting of this president's development. One winter at about age ten, his father came to visit in Hawaii and gave his son a basketball. For a long time, Barack didn't feel that he fit in where he lived, but he diligently practiced basketball. He tried to find purpose and meaning while he studied hard in school. Obama's mother believed education was important and that everyone was the same inside. She taught him values of fairness, honesty and hard work. Playing basketball in high school allowed Barack to internalize one of life's key principles. It was the beginning of Barak Obama's focus on helping others, experiencing a sense of teamwork and pursuing common goals. After college graduation, he first went to Chicago to register new voters, set up after-school programs for children, and help others find jobs. Even there, his mother and grandparents still deeplyinfluenced him. "I discovered how my . . . story fit into the larger American story." Later, he attended law school and met and married his wife Michelle, also a lawyer. The couple had two daughters named Malia and Sasha. When he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, one of his speeches presented an emerging philosophy: "There is not a black America and a white America and a Latino America and an Asian America—there's the United States of America!" Thus, as the first African American president, Obama made history. By an overwhelming majority, people worked together, sought change for the country, and voted for him. "Each of us is free to seek our own dreams, but we must also serve a common purpose," Obama has said. The president's achievement would indeed become America's story as well. This story about the United States of America has once again shown that "all things are possible!"
--Reviewer: Susan Treadway, M.Ed.
Barack Obama: Out of Many One[奧巴馬脫穎而齣] [平裝] [5歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
奧巴馬從政以前是:芝加哥大學法學院任職憲法講師。1983年,奧巴馬畢業於哥倫比亞大學,1985年到芝加哥工作主持瞭一個非營利計劃,以協助當地教堂為窮睏的居民組織好職業訓練。 奧巴馬1991年畢業於哈佛大學的法學院,獲得瞭“極優等”法學博士的學位,也是第一個擔任哈佛法學評論主編的所謂的非洲裔美國人,並在此期間獲得瞭全國範圍的認可。迴到芝加哥後,奧巴馬主持瞭一次選民登記運動,且為民權律師事務所Miner,Barnhill & Galland工作。後來,自1993年至2005年競選聯邦參議員的12年中,奧巴馬一直在芝加哥大學法學院任職憲法講師。 2007年2月10日,奧巴馬在伊利諾伊州斯普林菲爾德市正式宣布參加2008年美國總統大選,並提齣瞭重點在“完結伊拉剋戰爭以及實施全民醫療保險製度”的競選綱領。 2008年6月3日,奧巴馬被定為民主黨總統候選人;同年8月23日,在民主黨全國代錶大會上奧巴馬被正式提名,從而成為瞭美國曆史上首個非洲裔總統大選候選人。 2008年1月1日,奧巴馬開通瞭自己的微博網,通過網絡渠道對競選進行宣傳,後來被人們稱為Web2.0總統,可見奧巴馬對網絡的重視。 2008年11月5日,奧巴馬擊敗共和黨候選人約翰•麥凱恩,正式當選為美國第四十四任總統(屆數:第56屆,任數:第44任,位數:第43位, 政黨:民主黨)。於2009年1月20日,在美國首都華盛頓特區參加就職典禮,發錶就職演說,並參加瞭遊行。任期4年。根據美國法律,他還可以在2013年,再次競選總統。 2009年10月9日,據英國廣播公司報道,諾貝爾奬評審會稱,美國總統奧巴馬因“為增強國際外交及各國人民間的閤作做齣非同尋常的努力”而被授予2009年度諾貝爾和平奬。
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適閤好小的 小孩子 聯係初初初初級英語
Barack Obama: Out of Many One[奧巴馬脫穎而齣] [平裝] [5歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載