Chester and Wilson had their own way of doing things, and they did everything together. When they cut their sandwiches, it was always diagonally. When they rode their bikes, they always used hand signals. If Chester was hungry, Wilson was too. They were two of a kind, and that's the way it was - until indomitable Lilly, who had her own way of doing things, moved into the neighborhood.
Kevin Henkes lives in Madison, Wisconsin. His novels include Protecting Marie and Words of Stone. Among his picture books are Owen, a 1994 Caldecott Honor Book; Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse; and Julius, the Baby of the World.
In His Own Words...
"I remember drawing at a very early age. I loved it. And my parents and teachers told me I was good at it -- that made me love it all the more."
"I also loved books, and the ones I was lucky enough to own were reread, looked at over and over, and regarded with great respect. To me great respect' meant that I took them everywhere, and the ones I still own prove it. They're brimming with all the telltale signs of true love: dog-eared pages, fingerprints on my favorite illustrations, my name and address inscribed on both front and back covers in inch-high crayon lettering, and the faint smell of stale peanut butter on the bindings."
"I wondered about authors and illustrators back then -- What did they look like? Where did they live? Did they have families? How old were they? -- but I never imagined that one day I would be one myself."
"I became an author-illustrator when I was nineteen years old. I flew from my home in Racine, Wisconsin, to New York City with my portfolio, hoping to find a publisher. And magically enough Susan Hirschman at Greenwillow Books made my dream come true. My first picture book, All Alone, was published in 1987. Since then I've written and illustrated many picture books and written several novels. I like the variety of trying new ways to fill the pages between two covers. Experimenting with words and paint and ink keeps my job interesting."
"I used to live with my parents and brothers and sister and work at a card table in my bedroom. Now I live with my wife, my son, and my daughter in our own house and work at a drawing table in my own studio. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to be a real author and illustrator. I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"Children will make Chester's Way their own."
——School Library Journal
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彩香的信,信,不管是寄出时,还是收到时,都会让人心里怦怦直跳。即使是现在,每天一听到邮递员的摩托车声,我就会奔出去朝信箱里窥视。当我从一大堆宣传广告中,找到朋友或是什么异想不到的人寄来的信时,实在是叫人开心啊。 在写信的时候,一定会想着对方的。这就是写信的好处。身体还好吧……现在在做什么工作呢……这样马马虎虎的文字,有点失礼吧,已经不是小孩子了……用什么样的信纸呢?……要体谅对方的心情,思前想后,字斟句酌,才能写出一封信来。简直就像是专为一个人写的一部短篇文学作品。所以说,写信的时候,需要有动力。写信的魅力就在于此。读者读了我的绘本,也会给我写来热情洋溢的信。当我反复阅读它们的时候,无论在任何情绪低落的情况下,信中拥有的那种不可思议的动力,都会令我重新振作起来的。真是令我感激不尽啊。 《大胡子的故事》 昨天晚上,我读了一本名叫《吾辈是胡子》的小说。作家是那位文豪,面粉?揉太郎。故事的主人公是一撮稀稀拉拉的胡子,它从不自卑,最后帮助自己懦弱的主人当上了总理。是一部喜剧。哎呀,哈呀,这稀稀拉拉的胡子的台词,实在是太妙了。 “没有胡子的龙,不过是条大四脚蛇而已。” “有胡子的男人,即使秃顶也气派!” “没有胡子的林肯,就不肯选他。” “没有胡子的圣德太子,肯定是假钞。” 每当这种时候,懦弱的大叔就会捋起稀稀拉拉的胡子叫喊:“我不要稀稀拉拉的胡子,我要大胡子!”当上了总理的大叔嘟囔着:“不知大画家西村有没有胡子?”大画家西村 《彩香的邮局》 信,不管是寄出时,还是收到时,都会让人心里怦怦直跳。即使是现在,每天一听到邮递员的摩托车声,我就会奔出去朝信箱里窥视。当我从一大堆宣传广告中,找到朋友或是什么异想不到的人寄来的信时,实在是叫人开心啊。 在写信的时候,一定会想着对方的。这就是写信的好处。身体还好吧……现在在做什么工作呢……这样马马虎虎的文字,有点失礼吧,已经不是小孩子了……用什么样的信纸呢?……要体谅对方的心情,思前想后,字斟句酌,才能写出一封信来。简直就像是专为一个人写的一部短篇文学作品。所以说,写信的时候,需要有动力。写信的魅力就在于此。读者读了我的绘本,也会给我写来热情洋溢的信。当我反复阅读它们的时候,无论在任何情绪低落的情况下,信中拥有的那种不可思议的动力,都会令我重新振作起来的。真是令我感激不尽啊。 《大胡子的故事》 昨天晚上,我读了一本名叫《吾辈是胡子》的小说。作家是那位文豪,面粉?揉太郎。故事的主人公是一撮稀稀拉拉的胡子,它从不自卑,最后帮助自己懦弱的主人当上了总理。是一部喜剧。哎呀,哈呀,这稀稀拉拉的胡子的台词,实在是太妙了。 “没有胡子的龙,不过是条大四脚蛇而已。” “有胡子的男人,即使秃顶也气派!” “没有胡子的林肯,就不肯选他。” “没有胡子的圣德太子,肯定是假钞。” 每当这种时候,懦弱的大叔就会捋起稀稀拉拉的胡子叫喊:“我不要稀稀拉拉的胡子,我要大胡子!”当上了总理的大叔嘟囔着:“不知大画家西村有没有胡子?”大画家西村
Chester and Wilson had their own way of doing things, and they did everything together. When they cut their sandwiches, it was always diagonally. When they rode their bikes, they always used hand signals. If Chester was hungry, Wilson was too. They were two of a kind, and that's the way it was - until indomitable Lilly, who had her own way of doing things, moved into the neighborhood
还有比果子妈更早进行亲子阅读的。怀孕时,子轩妈就把阅读当成胎教方式之一。她每晚都会跟腹中的子轩对话,拍拍肚皮,读15分钟的传统经典文化书籍。儿童教育老师潇童也说: “培养宝宝的阅读兴趣,要从胎教开始。”