Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse莉莉的紫色小皮包 英文原版 [精装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
适读人群 :4岁及以上 The irrepressible mouse heroine of Chester's Way and Julius, the Baby of the World returns for another true-to-life and very funny episode. Lilly loves everything about school, especially her teacher, Mr. Slinger--until he takes away her musical purse because she can't stop playing with it in class. Lilly decides to get revenge with a nasty drawing of "Big Fat Mean Mr. Stealing Teacher!" but when she finds the kind note he put in her purse, she's filled with remorse and has to find a way to make things right again. Children will sympathize with Lilly's impulsive mistake and laugh uproariously at the witty and expressive pictures of the very human mice. Publisher's Weekly called this book "sympathetic and wise." (Ages 4 to 8)
Lilly loves everything about school, especially her cool teacher, Mr. Slinger. But when Lilly brings her purple plastic purse and its treasures to school and can't wait until sharing time, Mr. Slinger confiscates her prized possessions. Lilly's fury leads to revenge and then to remorse and she sets out to make amends. Lilly, the star of Chester's Way and Julius, the Baby of the World, is back. And this time she has her name in the title - something she's wanted all along. If you thought Lilly was funny before, you are in for a treat. So hurry up and start reading. Lilly can't wait for you to find out more about her.
Kevin Henkes lives in Madison, Wisconsin. His novels include Protecting Marie and Words of Stone. Among his picture books are Owen, a 1994 Caldecott Honor Book; Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse; and Julius, the Baby of the World.
In His Own Words...
"I remember drawing at a very early age. I loved it. And my parents and teachers told me I was good at it -- that made me love it all the more."
"I also loved books, and the ones I was lucky enough to own were reread, looked at over and over, and regarded with great respect. To me great respect' meant that I took them everywhere, and the ones I still own prove it. They're brimming with all the telltale signs of true love: dog-eared pages, fingerprints on my favorite illustrations, my name and address inscribed on both front and back covers in inch-high crayon lettering, and the faint smell of stale peanut butter on the bindings."
"I wondered about authors and illustrators back then -- What did they look like? Where did they live? Did they have families? How old were they? -- but I never imagined that one day I would be one myself."
"I became an author-illustrator when I was nineteen years old. I flew from my home in Racine, Wisconsin, to New York City with my portfolio, hoping to find a publisher. And magically enough Susan Hirschman at Greenwillow Books made my dream come true. My first picture book, All Alone, was published in 1987. Since then I've written and illustrated many picture books and written several novels. I like the variety of trying new ways to fill the pages between two covers. Experimenting with words and paint and ink keeps my job interesting."
"I used to live with my parents and brothers and sister and work at a card table in my bedroom. Now I live with my wife, my son, and my daughter in our own house and work at a drawing table in my own studio. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to be a real author and illustrator. I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse莉莉的紫色小皮包 英文原版 [精装] [4岁及以上] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
质量还行吧书很好,送货神速。希望一切顺利还没看完~ 我在网上买的几本书送到了。取书的时候,忽然想起一家小书店,就在我们大院对面的街上,以前我常去,书店的名字毫无记忆,但店里的女老板我很熟,每次需要什么书都先给她打电话说好,晚上散步再去取。我们像朋友一样聊天,她还时常替读者找我签名。可是,自从学会从网上购书后,我再也没去过她那里了,今天忽然想起她,晚上散步到她那里,她要我教她在网上买书,这就是帮她在京东上买了这本书。好了,废话不说。好了,我现在来说说这本书的观感吧,坐得冷板凳,耐得清寂夜,是为学之根本;独处不寂寞,游走自在乐,是为人之良质。潜心学问,风姿初显。喜爱独处,以窥视内心,反观自我;砥砺思想,磨砺意志。学与诗,文与思;青春之神思飞扬与学问之静寂孤独本是一种应该的、美好的平衡。在中国传统文人那里,诗人性情,学者本分,一脉相承久矣。现在讲究“术业有专攻”,分界逐渐明确,诗与学渐离渐远。此脉悬若一线,惜乎。我青年游历治学,晚年回首成书,记忆清新如初,景物历历如昨。挥发诗人情怀,摹写学者本分,意足矣,足已矣。发货真是出乎意料的快,昨天下午订的货,第二天一早就收到了,赞一个,书质量很好,正版。独立包装,每一本有购物清单,让人放心。帮人家买的书,周五买的书,周天就收到了,快递很好也很快,包装很完整,跟同学一起买的两本,我们都很喜欢,谢谢!据悉,京东已经建立华北、华东、华南、西南、华中、东北六大物流中心,同时在全国超过360座城市建立核心城市配送站。是中国最大的综合网络零售商,是中国电子商务领域最受消费者欢迎和最具有影响力的电子商务网站之一,在线销售家电、数码通讯、电脑、家居百货、服装服饰、母婴、图书、食品、在线旅游等12大类数万个品牌百万种优质商品。选择京东。好了,现在给大家介绍两本好书:《电影学院037?电影语言的语法:电影剪辑的奥秘》编辑推荐:全球畅销三十余年并被翻译成数十种语言,被公认为讨论导演、摄影、剪辑等电影影像画面组织技巧方面最详密、实用的经典之作。|从实践出发阐明摄影机位、场面调度、剪辑等电影语言,为“用画面讲故事”奠定基础;百科全书式的工作手册,囊括拍摄中的所有基本设计方案,如对话场面、人物运动,使初学者能够迅速掌握专业方法;近500幅机位图、故事板贯穿全书,帮助读者一目了然地理解电影语言;对大量经典影片的典型段落进行多角度分析,如《西北偏北》、《放大》、《广岛之恋》、《桂河大桥》,深入揭示其中激动人心的奥秘;《致青年电影人的信:电影圈新人的入行锦囊》是中国老一辈电影教育工作者精心挑选的教材,在翻译、审订中投入了巨大的心力,译笔简明、准确、流畅,惠及无数电影人。二、你是否也有错过的挚爱?有些人,没有在一起,也好。如何遇见不要紧,要紧的是,如何告别。《莫失莫忘》并不简单是一本爱情小说,作者将众多社会事件作为故事的时代背景,俨然一部加长版的《倾城之恋》。“莫失莫忘”是贾宝玉那块通灵宝玉上刻的字,代表着一段看似完美实则无终的金玉良缘。叹人间美中不足今方信,纵然是举案齐眉,到底意难平。“相爱时不离不弃,分开后莫失莫忘”,这句话是秋微对感情的信仰,也是她对善缘的执念。才女作家秋微近几年最费心力写的一本小说,写作过程中由于太过投入,以至揪心痛楚到无法继续,直至完成最后一个字,大哭一场,才得以抽离出这份情感,也算是对自己前一段写作生涯的完美告别。
BirdLake Moon 挥别过去、Sun Spoon 太阳和汤匙、AllAlone 一个人也很有趣、BaileyGoes Camping 贝利去野营、
200-100买的,开本不大,精装,文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。 文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。 文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。 文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。 文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。 文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。 文字有点多,囤货的,喜欢这个作者。
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse莉莉的紫色小皮包 英文原版 [精装] [4岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载