Guns: a Visual History 枪之视觉历史 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
This is the ultimate record of guns through the ages. From rifles to sniper guns, machine guns to grenade launchers, a fully loaded guide to over 300 of the most important guns from the last 700 years. Discover revealing features on twenty 'key' guns from history, including the Musket, Gatling Gun and AK-47 assault rifle. Step inside famous gun maker factories, from Colt and Smith & Wesson to Beretta and discover how guns were - and still are - developed and produced. Meet famous gunslingers and legendary sharpshooters from Dick Turpin and Billy the Kid to James Bond, hear their stories and learn about the guns that made them famous. It's the ultimate visual history of guns.
all DK books with beautiful pics, I like it very much.but too expensive..
评分This is the ultimate record of guns through the ages. From rifles to sniper guns, machine guns to grenade launchers, a fully loaded guide to over 300 of the most important guns from the last 700 years. Discover revealing features on twenty 'key' guns from history, including the Musket, Gatling Gun and AK-47 assault rifle. Step inside famous gun maker factories, from Colt and Smith & Wesson to Beretta and discover how guns were - and still are - developed and produced. Meet famous gunslingers and legendary sharpshooters from Dick Turpin and Billy the Kid to James Bond, hear their stories and learn about the guns that made them famous. It's the ultimate visual history of guns.
评分兼具艺术和暴力,有一些设计很特殊。This is the ultimate record of guns through the ages. From rifles to sniper guns, machine guns to grenade launchers, a fully loaded guide to over 300 of the most important guns from the last 700 years. Discover revealing features on twenty 'key' guns from history, including the Musket, Gatling Gun and AK-47 assault rifle. Step inside famous gun maker factories, from Colt and Smith & Wesson to Beretta and discover how guns were - and still are - developed and produced. Meet famous gunslingers and legendary sharpshooters from Dick Turpin and Billy the Kid to James Bond, hear their stories and learn about the guns that made them famous. It's the ultimate visual history of guns. This is the ultimate record of guns through the ages. From rifles to sniper guns, machine guns to grenade launchers, a fully loaded guide to over 300 of the most important guns from the last 700 years. Discover revealing features on twenty 'key' guns from history, including the Musket, Gatling Gun and AK-47 assault rifle. Step inside famous gun maker factories, from Colt and Smith & Wesson to Beretta and discover how guns were - and still are - developed and produced. Meet famous gunslingers and legendary sharpshooters from Dick Turpin and Billy the Kid to James Bond, hear their stories and learn about the guns that made them famous. It's the ultimate visual history of guns. This is the ultimate record of guns through the ages. From rifles to sniper guns, machine guns to grenade launchers, a fully loaded guide to over 300 of the most important guns from the last 700 ye
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评分Guns: a Visual History 枪之视觉历史 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载