By the Shores of Silver Lake在銀湖岸 [平裝] [8-12歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025


By the Shores of Silver Lake在銀湖岸 [平裝] [8-12歲]

Laura Ingalls Wilder(勞拉·英格爾斯·懷爾德) 著,Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 繪


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齣版社: HarperCollins US
叢書名: Little House

By the Shores of Silver Lake在銀湖岸 [平裝] [8-12歲] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025


By the Shores of Silver Lake在銀湖岸 [平裝] [8-12歲] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

By the Shores of Silver Lake在銀湖岸 [平裝] [8-12歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載



適讀人群 :8-12歲
Those who've enjoyed listening to Laura Ingalls Wilder's other audiobooks will welcome this book, the fifth in her Little House series. Once again read by the excellent Cherry Jones, this story details the realities of pioneer life--an existence touching in its simplicity and sobering in its everyday hardships. This production offers listeners hours of thought-provoking family entertainment as they stop to consider the limited winter diet of people on the frontier, along with other realities such as keeping warm and staying well on the empty pre-settlement prairies. Jones's earnest, slightly husky voice enthusiastically captures Laura's eagerness, Pa's playfulness, and Ma's more reserved and refined tones. This production is complemented by violin music, which punctuates the chapters and gives voice to Pa's beloved fiddle.


The adventures of Laura Ingalls and her family continue as they move from their little house on the banks of Plum Creek to the wilderness of the unsettled Dakota Territory. Here Pa works on the new railroad until he finds a homestead claim that is perfect for their new little house. Laura takes her first train ride as she, her sisters, and their mother come out to live with Pa on the shores of Silver Lake. After a lonely winter in the surveyors' house, Pa puts up the first building in what will soon be a brand-new town on the beautiful shores of Silver Lake. The Ingallses' covered-wagon travels are finally over.


Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. She and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. Later, Laura and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There, believing in the importance of knowing where you began in order to appreciate how far you've come, Laura wrote about her childhood growing up on the American frontier. For millions of readers Laura lives on forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books.


Those who've enjoyed listening to Laura Ingalls Wilder's other audiobooks will welcome this book, the fifth in her Little House series. Once again read by the excellent Cherry Jones, this story details the realities of pioneer life--an existence touching in its simplicity and sobering in its everyday hardships. This production offers listeners hours of thought-provoking family entertainment as they stop to consider the limited winter diet of people on the frontier, along with other realities such as keeping warm and staying well on the empty pre-settlement prairies. Jones's earnest, slightly husky voice enthusiastically captures Laura's eagerness, Pa's playfulness, and Ma's more reserved and refined tones. This production is complemented by violin music, which punctuates the chapters and gives voice to Pa's beloved fiddle.


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Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. She and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. Later, Laura and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There, believing in the importance of knowing where you began in order to appreciate how far you've come, Laura wrote about her childhood growing up on the American frontier. For millions of readers, Laura lives on forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books.


英語學習和我們從小學漢語是一緻的。沒有什麼短期的培訓班可以教會孩子一種語言。關鍵隻有兩點,一個是不斷說,一個是不斷讀。羅爾德達爾的這個係列淺顯易懂,讀起來有趣味。是讓孩子養成良好英語閱讀習慣的開端。可以買一套中文翻譯的給孩子參照閱讀。網上還有完整的音頻。這對孩子學英語會很有幫助。 後麵是湊字數的廢話.《草原上的小木屋》主要描寫瞭羅蘭一傢人離開威斯康星大森林,駕著篷車,經曆瞭重重睏難搬傢到堪薩斯大草原居住的故事。羅蘭一傢人,是當時第一代西部拓荒者的縮影。他們一傢人生活在風景如畫的草原上,但也時時存在著威脅和危險。熊熊燃燒的草原大火他們不怕,重建屋子的辛苦他們不怕,被狼群包圍的威脅他們也不怕……他們用智慧和行動勇敢地剋服瞭種種睏難。 一個個小故事,優美而頑強,生動而光彩。我喜歡書中的人物:有一雙巧手、愛唱歌謠的爸爸查爾斯,活潑可愛、喜歡夢想的羅拉,赤裸騎馬的印第安小孩。也喜歡書中關於風景的描寫:散發原始氣息的大草原,宿營地繁星點點的天空。它給我的啓迪比任何一本書都多。 讀完瞭這本書,我深深地感受到羅蘭一傢人堅強的意誌與毅力。他們經曆的是常人不能經曆的,他們在途中受到過傷害,可他們沒有哭泣,也沒有放棄,他們選擇瞭堅強。他們的日子過得雖然艱辛,而那簡陋的小木屋裏卻充滿瞭愛,裝滿幸福。 這告訴我們,不論遇到什麼睏難,心中一定要有愛,隻要有堅定的信念,堅持到底的決心,相信自己能做好這件事,你就一定能成功。 可是我們現在又是怎樣做的呢?我們從小有爺爺奶奶的照顧,爸爸媽媽的嗬護。父母為我們創造瞭優越的條件,住在寬敞明亮的房子裏,營養的飯菜,美麗的衣裳,還有隨時可以吃的零食。我們也看瞭不少書,學瞭鋼琴,舞蹈。但是每當遇到睏難,就容易放棄,我們少瞭一種信念,少瞭一種堅定,少瞭那種永不放棄的精神。 我遇到一些難的奧數題,偶爾做不齣來時就會氣餒,不願深入思考。讀外語,遇到長一點的課文也因為怕睏難而不能堅持。我缺乏的就是書中羅蘭一傢那種勇敢嚮前、剋服睏難的堅強意誌,學習他們那種精神,一定能剋服學習中的睏難,一定能戰勝“懶惰”的我,成為“勤勞”的我。“不經曆風雨,哪能見彩虹”,人要像珍珠貝一樣,把“睏難”磨成最大最美的珍珠。




Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. She and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. Later, Laura and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There, believing in the importance of knowing where you began in order to appreciate how far you've come, Laura wrote about her childhood growing up on the American frontier. For millions of readers, Laura lives on forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books.


拿到書後真的是讓人齣乎意料,外麵是用紙箱包裝,然後裏麵還用塑料泡膜包裹,非常嚴實,收貨那天是下雨天,拆開看後,書籍完全沒有收到下雨的影響,完好無損。書絕對是正版這個不用說瞭,在京東買東西,你完全不用擔心質量問題。高爾基說過:“書,是人類進步的階梯。”開捲者古來就有,有“五柳先生”那“不求甚解”讀法的;也有硃光潛倡導的“字字推敲,咬文嚼字”讀法的;更有王國維所謂的三種讀書境界……但終歸來看,開捲是有益的,因為開捲既是知識之源,又是古人之鑒,更是修養之法。其實讀書有很多好處,就等有心人去慢慢發現.最大的好處你有屬於自己的本領靠自己生存。 讓你的生活過得更充實,學習到不同的東西。感受世界的不同。 不需要有生存的壓力,必競都是有父母的負擔。 雖然現在讀書的壓力很大,但請務必相信你是幸福的。 在我們國傢還有很多孩子連最基本的教育都沒辦法享受的。 所以,你現在不需要總結,隨著年齡的成長,你會明白的,還是有時間多學習一下。








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