When Marty Preston comes across a young beagle in the hills behind his home, it's love at first sight -- and also big trouble. It turns out the dog, which Marty names Shiloh, belongs to Judd Travers, who drinks too much and has a gun -- and abuses his dogs. So when Shiloh runs away from Judd to Marty, Marty just has to hide him and protect him from Judd. But Marty's secret becomes too big for him to keep to himself, and it exposes his entire family to Judd's anger. How far will Marty have to go to make Shiloh his?
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor includes many of her own growing-up experiences in the Alice books. She writes for both children and adults and is the author of more than one hundred and thirty-five books, including the Alice series, which Entertainment Weekly has called "tender" and "wonderful." In 1992 her novel Shiloh won the Newbery Medal. She lives with her husband, Rex, in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Visit Phyllis online at alicemckinley.wordpress.com.
Barry Moser has won numerous accolades for his work, including the prestigious National Book Award for Design and Illustration and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award. He is both an author and an artist, whose illustrations can be seen in books ranging from Voices of Ancient Egypt by Kay Winters to Hummingbird Nest: A Journal of Poems by Kristine O'Connell George. Barry Moser's work is represented in collections throughout the world, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, and the Library of Congress. He lives in western Massachusetts.
"Marty Preston, 11, is a country boy who learns that things are often not what they seem, and that adults are not always "fair" in their dealings with other people. Marty finds a stray dog that seems to be abused and is determined to keep it at all costs. Because his family is very poor, without money to feed another mouth, his parents don't want any pets. Subsequently, there is a lot of conflict over the animal within the family and between Marty and Judd Travers, the dog's owner. Honesty and personal relations are both mixed into the story. Naylor has again written a warm, appealing book. However, readers may have difficulty understanding some of the first-person narration as it is written in rural West Virginian dialect. Marty's father is a postman--usually one of the better paying positions in rural areas--yet the family is extremely poor. There seems to be an inconsistency here. This title is not up to Naylor's usual high quality."
--Kenneth E. Kowen, Atascocita Middle School Library, Humble, TX
Shiloh 塞羅 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
閱讀的重要性是不言而喻的,但對於孩子來說,閱讀又有一定難度。如何能讓天性好動的孩子坐下來專心閱讀呢? 首先是要樹立對書的尊重和親近。 聽書也是一個人的閱讀史中很重要的一頁。固然,很多知識是可以從電視、從交談、從觀察、從生活中的各種渠道獲得,但就深度來說,沒有任何一種形式能夠代替閱讀。讀書的速度是可快可慢的,書的內容也可以自由挑選,這比其他吸收知識的形式多瞭許多思考的空間,主動性更強。讀的時候還可以提問、講解,還可以有目的地查閱,這樣使得一段文字的擴展性非常大。也許它隻是一個引子,由它引發的探討和追問,最後可能把人帶到完全不能想象的地方。 培養孩子對書的興趣,傢長本人就應該有對書的熱愛,一個本身就鄙視閱讀、厭惡閱讀的人,很難想象他的傢裏會有閱讀的氛圍。不愛書的人,他無論怎麼威逼利誘,努力讓孩子看書,都帶有強烈的功利目的——為瞭考試得高分,為瞭寫作文有詞兒,為瞭談話有炫耀的資本。沒有真正體驗到閱讀的樂趣,就不可能愛上閱讀,即使孩子勉強讀瞭,也不可能保持長久的興趣。至於閱讀中的積極思考,那更是誰也強迫不瞭的。發自內心喜歡閱讀,和被迫坐在書桌前閱讀,效果差彆很大。 如何讓孩子發自內心地喜歡閱讀呢?聽書就是必要的一步。 在孩子的識字量還很小,理解力也很有限的時候,讓他讀書肯定讀不進去。他的注意力大部分都放在識字上,沒讀幾個字,情緒還沒有進入到內容中,就已經纍瞭,怎麼可能很有興趣地讀呢?因此過早強迫孩子讀書,隻能把他的胃口搞壞,看到書就煩。 聽書卻可以毫不費力地讓他瞭解書中的世界。在一些比較簡單的地方,讓他自己讀一部分,他會很有成就感。 而且講書的過程,實際上也是一個傳授閱讀方法的過程。你可以把有關的背景知識穿插進去,也可以提齣一些疑問讓孩子思考,還可以邊讀書邊和孩子討論;這些實際上都是很重要的學習方法,孩子耳濡目染慢慢會有所領悟。