Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp (I Can Read, Level 1)[丹尼和恐龙去露营] 英文原版 [平装] [3-7岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
评分丹尼和恐龙很不错 这种分级阅读小巧好带 继续买
评分很好的故事,恐龙是孩子的大爱,这个系列的书又是很棒的,Danny goes to the museum where his wish comes true - a friendly dinosaur comes to life and spends the day playing with him. As the dinosaur says, after one hundred million years, it's good to play outside! The two have a monstrously good time eating ice cream, going to a ball game, and playing hide-and-seek with Danny's friends. When the day comes to an end, the dinosaur must return to the museum, even though Danny wants to keep him as a pet. After all, the museum needs him, and, Danny realizes, the dinosaur probably wouldn't fit in his house!很好的故事,恐龙是孩子的大爱,这个系列的书又是很棒的,Danny goes to the museum where his wish comes true - a friendly dinosaur comes to life and spends the day playing with him. As the dinosaur says, after one hundred million years, it's good to play outside! The two have a monstrously good time eating ice cream, going to a ball game, and playing hide-and-seek with Danny's friends. When the day comes to an end, the dinosaur must return to the museum, even though Danny wants to keep him as a pet. After all, the museum needs him, and, Danny realizes, the dinosaur probably wouldn't fit in his house!很好的故事,恐龙是孩子的大爱,这个系列的书又是很棒的,Danny goes to the museum where his wish comes true - a friendly dinosaur comes to life and spends the day playing with him. As the dinosaur says, after one hundred million years, it's good to play outside! The two have a monstrously good time eating ice cream, going to a ball game, and playing hide-and-seek with Danny's friends. When the day comes to an end, the dinosaur must return to the museum, even though Danny wants to keep him as a pet. After all, the museum needs him, and, Danny realizes, the dinosaur probably wouldn't fit in his house!
评分有几本跟着汪的书单屯的,宝宝不喜欢,怎么人家的孩子就喜欢呢,真搞不明白。 众所周知,盖房子需要先打地基。房子盖得越高,地基越要打得深而稳。换句话说,地基坚固而牢靠,房子也会矗立得长久,不怕风吹雨打。反之,如果地基不牢固,那么房子就会摇摇欲坠。 人的生命也需要牢固的地基才能健康持续地发展。这个地基是在人出生之后头几年建筑起来的,影响这个人一生的身心健康。这个地基的名字叫做“安全感”。 理解安全感并不难。就拿最基本的生活起居来说,我们必须知道脚下的土地是结实的,不会松动和坍塌,才敢放心地迈出脚步去走。我们知道街道上熙熙攘攘人来人往,没有战乱没有暴动,我们没有生命危险,于是我们敢到外边去游逛办事。这种安全感是存在于我们大脑里的,平常并不会浮现于意识层面,我们习以为常。 但是如果我们不知道这些最基本的安全系数,如果我们感觉脚下的路松松垮垮、随时可能塌陷,如果我们看到窗外乱七八糟、人们面目狰狞、争斗得你死我活,那我们绝对不敢迈步,不敢出门。 对于儿童来说,什么是安全感呢?就是对世界对人间的基本信任。儿童必须怀有这样的信念:“世界是可靠的,生活是美好的,父母(以及他人)是可信赖的。”才能获得生存的动力、勇气和毅力。 安全感好的儿童内心坚信:“我是可爱的,我是被爱的,我的存在是有价值的,我有能力克服困难解决问题,我相信自己的判断。” 儿童最初的安全感是从哪里来的呢?它来自养育者。养育者(主要是母亲)对孩子需求的反应必须是及时的、可靠的、始终如一的、预料当中的,儿童才能认为这个世界是安全的、可靠的、善良的,同时儿童也在自我规范当中建立起对自己的基本信任。有了这两个基本信任,儿童才能感受到自己的生命是有意义的,自己的存在是有价值的,自己是可爱的、受到保护的,从而建立起生命的意志力。给孩子安全感不仅要给予他们恰当的爱,也要给予孩子恰当的规则,他们才会觉得这个世界是坚实可靠的。 有安全感的孩子意味着:安全感充足,儿童才能发展自己,不会受到外界的左右和干扰,也不会遇见困难轻易放弃努力。一旦确认他在这个世界上生存的意义和价值,儿童就可以继续发展自己,不会再浪费精力和时间去获得安全感。没有安全感的孩子总是感觉到世界是有危险的、父母是不爱自己的,觉得会被父母抛弃。他总是在想办法证明:父母是爱我的,他们会照料我,不会抛弃我。
Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp (I Can Read, Level 1)[丹尼和恐龙去露营] 英文原版 [平装] [3-7岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载