適讀人群 :8歲及以上 Grades 4-7--Laurence Yep's Newbery Honor book (HarperCollins, 1975) offers insights into the lives of Chinese-Americans in early 20th century California. The story begins as eight-year-old Moon Shadow Lee journeys across the Pacific to join his proud and clever father at the family-owned laundry in San Francisco. The boy recounts their problems with prejudice, as well as the kindness of uncles and cousins. Father and son must leave the protection of the family to move out of Chinatown, but they find refuge with a generous and friendly landlady. Once they have successfully established a repair business, they turn their attention to making a flying machine. Though it's a modern invention, part of their motivation is the elder's belief in his own previous dragon existence. Yep draws heavily on his own heritage, but also includes figures such as Teddy Roosevelt and the Wright Brothers, and historic events such as the San Francisco Earthquake. The result is a heartwarming story set in a familiar time and place, but told from a new perspective. The quiet intensity of B. D. Wong's narration enriches the text as he creates memorable voices for a large cast of characters. Wafting, ethereal music signals the end of each side of the cassette, and the cover art is attractive. The only problem is the lightweight cardboard package, which is not sturdy enough for heavy circulation. That shouldn't deter libraries from purchasing this fine recording which will provide upper elementary and middle school listeners with lessons in history, and a gentle reminder of the value of a loving family and loyal friends.
Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.
But Moon Shadow grows to love and respect his father and to believe in his wonderful dream. And Windrider, with Moon Shadow's help is willing to endure the mockery of the other Chinese, the poverty, the separation from his wife and country'even the great earthquake'to make his dream come true.
1976 Newbery Honor Book
Notable Children's Books of 1971–1975 (ALA)
1976 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award Honor Book for Fiction
1976 Fanfare Honor List (The Horn Book)
"Best of the Best" Children's Books 1966–1978 (SLJ)
Outstanding Children's Books of 1975 (NYT)
1976 Children's Book Award (IRA)
Children's Choices for 1976 (IRA/CBC)
Notable 1975 Children's Trade Books in Social Studies (NCSS/CBC)
1976 Carter G. Woodson Award (NCSS)
1976 Jane Addams Children's Book Award Honor Book
1979 Lewis Carroll Shelf Award
Children's Books of 1975 (Library of Congress)
1979 Books for the Teen Age (NY Public Library)
1995 Phoenix Award (Children's Literature Association)
Laurence Yep is the acclaimed author of more than sixty books for young people and a winner of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award. His illustrious list of novels includes the Newbery Honor Books Dragonwings and Dragon's Gate; The Earth Dragon Awakes: The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, a Texas Bluebonnet Award nominee; and The Dragon's Child: A Story of Angel Island, which he cowrote with his niece, Dr. Kathleen S. Yep, and was named a New York Public Library's "One Hundred Titles for Reading and Sharing" and a Bank Street College of Education Best Children's Book.
Mr. Yep grew up in San Francisco, where he was born. He attended Marquette University, graduated from the University of California at Santa Cruz, and received his PhD from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He lives in Pacific Grove, California, with his wife, the writer Joanne Ryder.
"A Chinese immigrant and his son build a flying machine in an unusual historical novel, unique in its perspective of the Chinese in America and its portrayal of early 20th-century San Francisco, including the Earthquake, from an immigrant's viewpoint."
--School Library Journal
"A fine, sensitive novel written with grace in a way that conveys the Chinese American's cultural heritage."
"A triumph."
--The New York Times
Dragonwings 龍翼 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China to join his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in San Francisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son have never met.
文字很多 是再生紙質的。講述幾代移民的故事。隻能我自己先看瞭。
孩子學英語,不是在學一種道理,也不必長期參加培訓班,而是生活在英語的生活裏。換句話說,傢長、老師要盡量幫助孩子,養成天天用英語的習慣。 我見到很多孩子,很喜歡看書,隻不過原版書是英文寫的,孩子暫時還不能“心領神會”,所以孩子就不愛看。我見到有的傢長給 10 歲左右的孩子買過幾本簡單的原版書,但是孩子沒看幾天就不看瞭,因為閱讀很吃力。孩子閱讀吃力的時候,最需要的是幫助,而不是眼睜睜看著孩子就這麼放棄。障礙不解決,就永遠是障礙。況且,孩子是能把這本書讀下去的。我們可以參考香港小學一些好的教法。 香港特彆重視小學英語課外活動。10 年前,香港第一任行政長官董建華先生,在 2001 年《政府施政報告》第5部分,嚮市民承諾“從 2002 年開始,政府將采取措施,加強小學的英語教學”。怎麼加強呢?有一種做法,就是督促學校在課外開展廣泛的英語閱讀活動。香港教育當局很重視推廣閱讀風氣,他們下發給小學的指導文件裏,反復提到:“英語閱讀能力,是孩子終身必備的學習能力。” 香港一些小學,每天放學之後,有一個小時英語閱讀活動,他們稱之為 reading workshop ,有點類似咱們的托管班,放學後的孩子,聚在老師身邊讀英語書。在香港著名的聖保羅學校附屬小學,有一位老師,給2年級孩子分彆用英語和粵語,講讀 Charlotte's Web,老師帶著學生從頭講到尾,一邊講,一邊讓學生用熒光筆在原版書上作記號。 這位老師不給孩子講語法術語,也沒必要給孩子講語法術語。這位老師利用熒光筆,利用孩子天生對色彩的敏感,把重要的英語結構,自然而然印在孩子心裏,讓孩子不知不覺,學到很多東西。 老師把整整一本書,給孩子認認真真講一遍,從頭到尾,沒有一句遺漏,這很關鍵。如果老師隻是簡單串講一個故事梗概,意義就不大瞭。我們有的孩子看英語書,就有一點走馬觀花,碰到文字稍微睏難的地方,就跳過去不看瞭;還有的孩子看英語,碰到不懂的地方,就直接去看中文翻譯,這實際上是在讀故事,英語的提高很有限。 老師給孩子講讀原版書,不是為瞭講故事。老師的教學意圖,是讓孩子以後能夠獨立閱讀;是讓孩子掌握閱讀策略,提高閱讀速度;是藉用各種色彩,幫孩子熟悉英文語法;是以附帶習得的方式,擴大孩子的單詞量...... 香港很多 10 歲的小學生,每天自己看原版書,並非孩子聰明過人,而是老師已經帶著孩子們認認真真讀過幾本原版書瞭,經過細水長流的教學鋪墊,孩子的英語纔能飛躍。 學英語,不能斷斷續續,孩子需要天天沉潛在英語裏。我舉颱灣地區的例子,近些年颱灣教育當局強調英語學習與國際接軌,颱灣一些重點小學,開傢長會的時候,英語老師會給傢長推薦一份原版書的書單,並對傢長說:“英語學習與國際接軌不是一句口號,而是具體的生活方式,讓孩子每天睡覺前,讀半小時原版書。” 讓英文原版書,成為孩子的好朋友。有閱讀原版書習慣的孩子,學英語所收獲的,不是一朵小花,而是一個春天。