The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平装] [6-8岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
适读人群 :6-8岁 This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.
哈佛大学教育学博士朱莉向您推荐“I Can Read!系列”: 内容简介
An Air of Mystery
Mr. Paris ties balloons outside his toy store every morning. On Fridays, the balloons disappear! What is special about Fridays? And who is taking the balloons?
This sounds like a case for the High-Rise Private Eyes -- Bunny Brown and Jack Jones, ace detectives and very best friends!
Cynthia Rylant was awarded a Newbery Medal for her novel Missing May and a Newbery Honor for A Fine White Dust. She is the author of several popular series for the beginning reader, including the "Henry and Mudge" books. Cynthia Rylant lives with her family in Washington State.
"Bunny Brown, a rabbit, is attempting to paint a portrait of Jack Jones, a raccoon, when the owner of the toy store across the street enlists their help. Mr. Paris is troubled by the repeated theft of the balloons that he keeps tied outside his shop. Private eyes Bunny and Jack diligently follow the trail of clues, which leads them to a school football game. There they find the culprit and tie up loose ends so that everyone is happy and no one gets into trouble. This is a fast-moving introduction to the mystery genre. Emerging readers will be interested in how Bunny and Jack find, interpret, and follow up on clues. They will also get a chuckle from the solution. Karas's acrylic, gouache, and pencil illustrations have a simple, angular quality that suits the book's urban setting. Visible pencil strokes show movement, capturing Bunny's and Jack's exuberant personalities and the plot's swift pace. These characters are not as sweet or as endearing as Rylant's Mr. Putter and Tabby, Henry and Mudge, or Poppleton, but the story is driven more by plot than characters and is a good choice for libraries with a big demand for mysteries."
--School Library Journal
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平装] [6-8岁] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
故事很有趣! 小朋友很喜欢!
彩香的信,信,不管是寄出时,还是收到时,都会让人心里怦怦直跳。即使是现在,每天一听到邮递员的摩托车声,我就会奔出去朝信箱里窥视。当我从一大堆宣传广告中,找到朋友或是什么异想不到的人寄来的信时,实在是叫人开心啊。 在写信的时候,一定会想着对方的。这就是写信的好处。身体还好吧……现在在做什么工作呢……这样马马虎虎的文字,有点失礼吧,已经不是小孩子了……用什么样的信纸呢?……要体谅对方的心情,思前想后,字斟句酌,才能写出一封信来。简直就像是专为一个人写的一部短篇文学作品。所以说,写信的时候,需要有动力。写信的魅力就在于此。读者读了我的绘本,也会给我写来热情洋溢的信。当我反复阅读它们的时候,无论在任何情绪低落的情况下,信中拥有的那种不可思议的动力,都会令我重新振作起来的。真是令我感激不尽啊。 《大胡子的故事》 昨天晚上,我读了一本名叫《吾辈是胡子》的小说。作家是那位文豪,面粉?揉太郎。故事的主人公是一撮稀稀拉拉的胡子,它从不自卑,最后帮助自己懦弱的主人当上了总理。是一部喜剧。哎呀,哈呀,这稀稀拉拉的胡子的台词,实在是太妙了。 “没有胡子的龙,不过是条大四脚蛇而已。” “有胡子的男人,即使秃顶也气派!” “没有胡子的林肯,就不肯选他。” “没有胡子的圣德太子,肯定是假钞。” 每当这种时候,懦弱的大叔就会捋起稀稀拉拉的胡子叫喊:“我不要稀稀拉拉的胡子,我要大胡子!”当上了总理的大叔嘟囔着:“不知大画家西村有没有胡子?”大画家西村 《彩香的邮局》 信,不管是寄出时,还是收到时,都会让人心里怦怦直跳。即使是现在,每天一听到邮递员的摩托车声,我就会奔出去朝信箱里窥视。当我从一大堆宣传广告中,找到朋友或是什么异想不到的人寄来的信时,实在是叫人开心啊。 在写信的时候,一定会想着对方的。这就是写信的好处。身体还好吧……现在在做什么工作呢……这样马马虎虎的文字,有点失礼吧,已经不是小孩子了……用什么样的信纸呢?……要体谅对方的心情,思前想后,字斟句酌,才能写出一封信来。简直就像是专为一个人写的一部短篇文学作品。所以说,写信的时候,需要有动力。写信的魅力就在于此。读者读了我的绘本,也会给我写来热情洋溢的信。当我反复阅读它们的时候,无论在任何情绪低落的情况下,信中拥有的那种不可思议的动力,都会令我重新振作起来的。真是令我感激不尽啊。 《大胡子的故事》 昨天晚上,我读了一本名叫《吾辈是胡子》的小说。作家是那位文豪,面粉?揉太郎。故事的主人公是一撮稀稀拉拉的胡子,它从不自卑,最后帮助自己懦弱的主人当上了总理。是一部喜剧。哎呀,哈呀,这稀稀拉拉的胡子的台词,实在是太妙了。 “没有胡子的龙,不过是条大四脚蛇而已。” “有胡子的男人,即使秃顶也气派!” “没有胡子的林肯,就不肯选他。” “没有胡子的圣德太子,肯定是假钞。” 每当这种时候,懦弱的大叔就会捋起稀稀拉拉的胡子叫喊:“我不要稀稀拉拉的胡子,我要大胡子!”当上了总理的大叔嘟囔着:“不知大画家西村有没有胡子?”大画家西村
Cynthia Rylant was awarded a Newbery Medal for her novel Missing May and a Newbery Honor for A Fine White Dust. She is the author of several popular series for the beginning reader, including the "Henry and Mudge" books. Cynthia Rylant lives with her family in Washington State.
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平装] [6-8岁] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载